2024 Visual Expert News

Visual Expert Web: Alpha Version [Featured]

Introducing the Alpha Version of VE Web - tailored for distributed teams and flexible workflows to work semalessly in today's fast-paced software development environment.

Visual Expert Web: Alpha Version

The VE Web is a web-based interface enabling remote access to Visual Expert's features for code analysis, report generation, and project management without needing the desktop application. It supports collaboration and account management from any location with internet access.

Visual Expert, Web, Code Analysis, Project Management, Cross Platform Compatibility, Software Development

Visual Expert 2024: Now GA with Code Profiling [Featured]

Visual Expert 2024 is now available for download, offering a suite of new features designed to elevate PowerBuilder, Oracle, and SQL Server development.

Visual Expert 2024 GA

Highlights include PowerBuilder code profiling to identify and optimize slow code, customizable code inspection profiles for tailored reviews, and Quick Search for efficient navigation. The new version also supports a seamless migration to PowerBuilder 2022 and higher, comprehensive code inspection reports in JSON and JUnit formats for DevOps integration, along with significant performance updates.

Visual Expert 2024, New Feature, PowerBuilder, Code Profiles, Code Inspection Levels, Code Inspection Settings

How to Set Code Inspection Profiles [Featured]

Code inspection profiles help developers achieve a technical balance between strict quality standards and practical considerations in their development workflow.
Learn how to customize code quality/security profiles and integrate them with your DevOps platform to streamline continuous code inspection.

code profile levels
  • Access Code Inspection Settings
  • Understand Profile Expectations
  • Use a predefined profile
  • Create a Custom Profile
  • Integrate with Automation Servers (Git/Jenkins/other tools supporting command line execution)
  • Review code inspection results in a continuous integration platform
Visual Expert 2024, New Feature, PowerBuilder, Code Profiles, Code Inspection Levels, Code Inspection Settings
Visual Expert Web Installation Guide

Combine Visual Expert and Toad for Oracle

Discover how the combined use of Visual Expert and Toad for Oracle will enable you to achieve unrivalled efficiency in the maintenance and optimization of Oracle PL/SQL code. In-depth analysis of code, performance and dependencies, combined with SQL optimization, enables analysts, developers and DBAs to collaborate seamlessly and increase productivity.

Visual Expert, Oracle PL/SQL, Toad for Oracle, Code Analysis, Performance Optimization
Visual Expert Web Installation Guide

Visual Expert Web Installation Guide

Follow the comprehensive installation guide for the Visual Expert Web. It provides step-by-step instructions to IT administrators and developers on how to install and configure the necessary software components and settings on a Windows server.

Visual Expert, Web, Installation Guide, Project Management, Cross Platform Compatibility, Software Development
Virtual Items in Visual Expert

Virtual Items vs. Real Items in Visual Expert

To provide a comprehensive view of your application's structure, VE creates virtual elements that represent the elements called up by your code but not physically embedded in your project. Check out this tutorial to understand the importance of virtual elements and learn how to identify them.

Visual Expert, Virtual Items, Real Items, Source Code, Code Analysis, Database References, Application Components
Review Duplicate Functions

New Tutorial: Remove Duplicate Functions

Learn how to identify duplicate functions with Visual Expert to improve the efficiency and maintainability of your code. Follow this Step by Step tutorial to learn how to use this tool and optimize the quality and performance of your application.

Visual Expert, Code Cleanup, Code Efficiency, Code Quality, Code Maintenance, Duplicate Functions
Labeling Data Model Diagrams

Add Comments in Code Diagrams

Visual Expert generates diagrams for code visualization. You can customize them and add comments to enrich them and facilitate collaboration between team members.

Visual Expert, Check Comments, Add Comments, Code Diagrams, Code Documentation
Set max storage limit for old code analysis

Update/Manage Hard Drive Space Automatically

This guide explains how to automatically delete old VE code analysis when the data storage reaches a certain limit. Use this option to ensure that you will always have enough space for Visual Expert to complete the analyses you have scheduled or launched manually.

Visual Expert, Settings, HDD Space Management, Set Max Limit, Optimize Disc Space
Quick Search Functionality

New Quick Search Feature

Visual Expert 2024 now features a Quick Search functionality that displays results in the form of a simple list in the treeview. You can easily locate and access the text you are looking for by using the various markers added to the source code view.

Visual Expert 2024, Quick Search Functionality, New Search Feature
Check Code Rules before Migrating to PowerBuilder 2022

Rules for Migrating to PowerBuilder 2022 and higher

Discover the code inspection rules specific to migration to PowerBuilder 2022. These rules complement the PB Migration Wizard, to detect features in your application that may not be supported by the upgrade to PB 2022 and beyond.

Visual Expert 2023, PowerBuilder 2022, PowerBuilder Migration
Check Code Issues before Migrating to PowerBuilder 2022

Streamlining Migration to PowerBuilder 2022

Visual Expert now facilitates the upgrade to PowerBuilder 2022. It takes into account the list of unsupported features published by Appeon and identifies the changes to be made in your application during an in-depth analysis of your code.

Visual Expert 2023, PowerBuilder 2022, PowerBuilder Migration
JUnit Sample Output

Generating Code Inspection Reports in JUnit and JSON formats

Visual Expert can now export code review results in JUnit and JSON formats, enabling developers to view high-level results directly from any DevOps platform supporting this format, without the need to switch back to Visual Expert.

Visual Expert 2024, PowerBuilder, Code Inspection, Code Inspection Reports, Code Inspection Settings
List of Code Profiles [Quality Check Levels]

List of Code Profiles [Quality Check Levels]

Developers can define code inspection thresholds to customize code review results. Changing code review expectations can highly influence analysis results.
Code Inspection Profiles enable developers to fine-tune their approach towards code review based on project requirements. This ensures a balance between code quality and security, and practical considerations.

Visual Expert 2024, New Feature, PowerBuilder, Code Profiles, Code Inspection Levels, Code Inspection Settings