2023 Visual Expert News

Visual Expert 2023 Released [Featured]

Visual Expert 2023 is available with new PowerBuilder Performance Tuning macros to find and fix slow pieces of code.

PB Code Performance Tuning

Other significant enhancements include:

  • Engine migration to .NET 6 for 30% faster code analysis
  • New and improved code inspection rules
  • Enhanced Impact Analysis on DataWindows
  • Finer UI with emphasis on Treeview Pagination
  • Improved support for large Oracle Database with more than 500,000 objects
  • Enriched code structure display for SVN Integration
Visual Expert 2023, New Version, PowerBuilder, Code Performance, Oracle Database

Performance Tuning Macros for PowerBuilder [Featured]

Visual Expert collects performance data of your PowerBuilder applications from multiple workstations/user sessions. Analyzing these traces, you can pinpoint the PowerBuilder objects and methods that need to be optimized in a hierarchy of containers.

With these new Visual Expert macros, PowerBuilder programmers can review code performance metrics from a variety of angles and quickly improve their applications' response times and user experience.

Performance Tuning Macros for PowerBuilder

Visual Expert 2023 features new macros to optimize PowerBuilder code performance:

  • Slowest Code
  • Cumulated Execution Time
  • Most Executed Objects
  • Call Graph Execution Time
Visual Expert 2023, PowerBuilder, Code Performance Optimization, Code Tuning

New Profiling Features for PowerBuilder Performance [Featured]

PowerBuilder offers profiling capabilities to get an overview of the objects that slow down your application.
Visual Expert's profiling functionality goes one step further, allowing you to identify precisely the code that is slowing down your application, right down to the instruction level.

Using PowerBuilder Performance Profiling in Actual Application

You can then visually explore these results in the Tree View, displaying all children and their elements, to better understand the results of the performance analysis and get straight to the code that needs to be optimized.

Visual Expert 2023, PowerBuilder, Code Performance, Improve Application Features
Inspection Profiles - Set Code Quality Expectations

Inspection Profiles - Set Code Quality Expectations

Visual Expert 2023 introduces pre-defined code inspection profiles, which are crucial for PowerBuilder developers dealing with extensive legacy code.
With five inspection levels and the option to create custom profiles, the developers can set expectations for code quality checks in the inspection reports.

Visual Expert 2023, PowerBuilder, Code Quality, Code Inspection Levels, Code Inspection Settings
Improve Specific Features in PowerBuilder App

How to Improve a Slow Feature in PowerBuilder App

Do users complain about a feature in your PowerBuilder application being too slow?

This case study explains how to use the "Call Graph Execution Time" macro to find out what is impacting the performance of a feature, even if it depends on a long chain of function and object calls.

Visual Expert 2023, PowerBuilder, Code Performance, Improve Application Features
Improve the Overall Performance of Your PowerBuilder App

Improve the Overall Performance of Your PowerBuilder App

When dealing with large applications, it is difficult to know where to start and identify the main bottlenecks. Visual Expert helps you prioritize the objects or methods that need to be improved for better response times.

Visual Expert 2023, PowerBuilder, Code Performance, Improve Overall Performance, General Performance
Set up Performance Analysis for PowerBuilder

Set up Performance Analysis for PowerBuilder

Learn how to enable performance tracing and identify the code that needs to be tuned to improve the overall performance of a PowerBuilder application.

Visual Expert 2023, PowerBuilder, Code Performance, Set up, Tutorial
Find the Slowest Code in Your PowerBuilder App

Find the Slowest Code in Your PowerBuilder App

Learn how to use the “Slowest Code (Tree)” macro to find objects and methods with the longest execution time, slowing down your PowerBuilder application.

Visual Expert 2023, PowerBuilder, Code Performance, Find Slowest Code, Remove Bottlenecks
Improve Your PowerBuilder App's User Experience (UX)

Find the objects that consume the most time in production

Learn how to use the "Cumulative Execution Time" macro to find the objects that consume the most time for users while they are using the application.

This macro allows you to review objects that are not on the list of slowest objects, although they end up hurting the user experience due to a very high number of executions.

Visual Expert 2023, PowerBuilder, Code Performance, Improve User Experience
Find the Most Executed Objects in your PowerBuilder App

Find the Most Executed Objects in your PowerBuilder App

Learn how to use the “Most Executed Objects” macro to find objects that are executed very frequently and have a significant impact on the user experience.

You can also compare these objects with the cumulative runtime results and prioritize which objects to address for improving the application’s performance.

Visual Expert 2023, PowerBuilder, Code Performance, Most Executed Objects
VE 2023 Code Inspection - Improved Rules

VE 2023 Code Inspection - Improved Rules

Visual Expert 2023 comes with new and improved code insepction rules to generate a more productive code review report.

Check out the list of improved rules and their criteria to understand Visual Expert's code scanning range.

Visual Expert 2023, PowerBuilder, Oracle, SQL Server, Code Inspection Rules
Support for PowerBuilder 2022

Support for PowerBuilder 2022

Visual Expert 2023 fully supports PowerBuilder 2022.

The PowerBuilder developers can use all Visual Expert features including the latest Performance Tuning macros for code scanning and optimization.

Visual Expert 2023, PowerBuilder 2022, Support & Configuration, Code Optimization, Code Performance
Visual Expert migrated to .Net 6

Visual Expert Migrated to .Net 6

Visual Expert is based on .Net technologies - in particular for its Code Analysis parsers.

Visual Expert 2023 has been migrated to .Net 6, which makes code analysis 30% faster among other benefits.

The libraries used to communicate with the repository have evolved. This enabled an additional 30% improvement when querying the repository.
For instance, when clicking on navigation bar features and displaying information in the treeview.

Visual Expert 2023, PowerBuilder, Oralce, SQL Server, Code Analysis, Code Optimization
Technical Improvements for Database Support

Technical Improvements for Database Support

Visual Expert 2023 has technical improvements to support the latest Oracle and SQL Server databases.

Visual Expert 2023, PowerBuilder, Oracle, SQL Server, Large Database Support, Technical Improvements