This tutorial describes how to create an Oracle project with PL/SQL code stored in folders or files.
You can also check how to connect and configure the Oracle Database Cloud from Visual Expert to analyze your PL/SQL code.
Important: If you're connecting to a database, Visual Expert will analyze all the objects accessible from this connection, including all schemas, tables, procedures, system objects, etc.
In this case, it is highly recommended to filter the DB objects you wish to analyze:
If you click on "More Filters" you get the following options:
Select firstname, lastname from employee
Select firstname, lastname from myschema.employee
This basic example may create an ambiguity:
By default, the Visual Expert code parsers cannot know whether employee and myschema.employee refer to the same table. Unless we remove this ambiguity, Visual Expert will duplicate the table employee.
Please read this article to remove possible ambiguities in your project.