Code Review Report: Now Includes Naming Convention

The code review report generated by Visual Expert now supports naming convention verifications, based on a set of rules pre-defined for each language.

Visual Expert provides a default set of naming conventions for PowerBuilder, Oracle, and SQL Server.
Developers can also define the naming conventions followed in their projects.

How to Check Naming Convention through Code Review Report?

Once you have generated a Code Review Report, the dashboard shows the summary of objects - NOT following the naming convention rules.

check naming conventions in code review report

For instance:
The above report has been created for a PowerBuilder + Oracle application.
Visual Expert identified 1 PB component and 50 Oracle components, listed in the 'Naming Conventions' category, that are NOT following the Naming Standards defined by Visual Expert.

  • Click on ‘Naming Conventions’ in your dashboard to see the list of components that do not comply with the naming rules.

    check naming conventions in code review report 

  • Click on one of the items in the list to see all items that do not comply with the naming conventions inside the selected component.


Visual Expert 2020, Oracle, SQL Server, PowerBuilder, Naming Conventions, Code Review Report