Generate a Code Review Report

Visual Expert automatically generates detailed code review reports for PowerBuilder, Oracle or SQL Server code, based on a set of rules pre-defined for each language.

Code Review Report Sample Document

What is a code review report?

The code review is meant to improve your code under several angles:

  1. Clean up the code to reduce maintenance and deployment costs.
  2. Improve code readability and maintainability.
  3. Fix performance issues to speed up the application in production.
  4. Remove security breaches that could be exploited to hack into your system.

How to create a code review report using Visual Expert?

  1. In the Documentation tab, click on ‘Advanced Settings’ to open the Documentation Center.

    Generate Code Review Report using Visual Expert - Code Review Report Settings

  2. Select the ‘Code Review’ template

    Generate Code Review Report using Visual Expert

  3. Click on ‘Generate Now’ to start generating the code review report.

    Generate Code Review Report using Visual Expert

Customize the Code Review Report

You can choose to narrow the Code Review Report to certain types of items. For instance, Visual Expert can generate a code review documentation for unused & uncommented procedures.

  1. In the same window, click on the ‘Adjust Content’.

    Customize Code Review Report Template

  2. Select the type of elements on the left, and their characteristics on the right.

    Customize Code Review Report Template

Homepage of a sample code review documentation created for a PB + SQL server project:

sample code review documentation created for a PB + SQL server project

Check-out more code review report samples generated by Visual Expert:


Visual Expert 2020, PowerBuilder, Oracle, SQL Server, Code Review Report