Continuous Code Inspection for PowerBuilder

Automatically Inspect your code anytime a new build is released.

Discover and fix problems earlier to reduce maintenance costs and avoid propagating bugs to other developers' works.

Adding a Code Analysis job in your Continuous Integration workflow will:

  1. Implement a consistent and automated way of building and inspecting PowerBuilder projects.
  2. Increase developers’ productivity.
  3. Improve the security and quality of your PowerBuilder applications.

Visual Expert Supports CI/CD Pipeline by:

  • Fetching code from GIT, SVN, TFS, Windows folders, or databases.
  • Scanning code for security vulnerabilities, bugs & quality issues.
  • Generating a Dashboard with high-level indicators, for build acceptance purposes.
  • Generating comprehensive reports that highlight all issues at the instruction level.

Continuous Integration Workflow with Code Inspection by Visual Expert


Continuous Code Inspection for PowerBuilder in CI Workflow

Read the step-by-step tutorial on adding a Visual Expert code inspection job to JENKINS.

Code Inspection Resources


Visual Expert, Oracle, SQL Server, PowerBuilder, Continuous Integration, Code Inspection