Connection to Oracle DB using Different Connection Types

Visual Expert allows you to analyze PL/SQL code directly from your Oracle database. This guide explains how to configure the Visual Expert connection to your Oracle DB using the various Connection Types.

Case 1: Connection Type - Basic

  1. Open Visual Expert, click [New] on the ribbon menu to open the "Create Project" wizard.
    Select [PL/SQL] in the next pop-up.
    Select PL/SQL
  2. Click on [Oracle Database] on the Oracle DB connection page.
    Click on Oracle DB
  3. Click on [Basic] radio button. Enter the required details.
    Select Basic Radio Button
  4. Click on [Open tnsnames.ora] to fetch the Server Name.
    Open tnsnames.ora file
  5. The tnsnames.ora file will open in Notepad, and you'll see the "Server Name" listed there.
    Fetch Server Name
  6. Enter the username and password.
    Click [Test Connection] and wait a few seconds for a "Connection Successful" message.
    Then, click [Next] and follow the wizard.
    Test Basic Connection Type

Case 2: Connection Type – Advanced

  1. Follow the above mentioned steps to arrive at the page below and select the [Advanced] radio button.
    Select Advanced Connection Type
  2. Click on [Open tnsnames.ora] to fetch the "Server Name", "Port", and "Service Name".
    Fetch Server, Port and Service details
  3. The tnsnames.ora file will open in Notepad, and you'll see the required details.
    Note: Enter the HOST details as Server Name.
    Find Advanced Connection Details in Notepad file
  4. Enter the username and password. Click [Test Connection] and wait a few seconds for a "Connection Successful" message. Then, click [Next] and follow the wizard.
    Select Advanced Connection Type

Case 3: Connection Type – ODBC (Open Database Connectivity)

  1. Follow the above mentioned steps to arrive at the page below and select the [ODBC] radio button.
    From the ODBC drivers dropdown, select the appropriate ODBC drivers for Oracle.
    Select ODBC Radio Button
  2. Enter Server Name, User ID and Password.
    Enter Server Credentials
  3. Click on [Test Connection]. Then, click [Next] and follow the wizard to analyze the added source code.
    Select DB Name to proceed

Case 4: Connect using Data Source Name (DSN)

  1. You need to create a Data Source Name. Open the "ODBC Data Sources" on your PC.
    Open ODBC Data Sources
  2. The ODBC Data Source Administrator will open on your screen. Click on [Add].
    Add Oracle DSN Files
  3. Select the appropriate ODBC drivers for Oracle and click on [Finish].
    Select Oracle ODBC Drivers
  4. Enter the Data Source Name, description, TNS Service Name, and User ID. Click on [Test Connection].
    Enter Oracle DSN Credentials
  5. Enter the password to check the connection. Once, tested successfully, click on [OK].
    Oracle ODBC Driver authentication
    Oracle ODBC Driver Connection Successful
  6. You will see that the new Oracle DSN is added to the Data Source Administrator.
    New Oracle DSN Added
  7. Open Visual Expert. Select the [Data Source Name] radio button as the connection type.
    Enter the Data Source Name, User ID and Password. Click on [Test Connection].
    Once connected successfully, proceed with the project creation.
    Oracle DSN Authentication

More from VE Configuration


Visual Expert, Configuration, Oracle Database Connection, ODBC, Data Source Name (DSN), Basic, Advanced,