Difference Between Log Files and VELog in Visual Expert

Log files record events, processes, and messages generated by software applications or operating systems. They are essential for tracking system operations, monitoring activity, and troubleshooting issues. A typical log file includes:

  • Timestamps: When the event occurred.
  • Event Details: Messages categorized as errors, warnings, or informational.
  • Context: Additional details to help developers and administrators analyze application or system behavior over time.

Log Files in Visual Expert

  • General log files capture records of various activities and events in Visual Expert.
  • They document user actions, errors, and critical events to assist with troubleshooting and understanding application behavior.
  • These files are stored in a standard directory for easy monitoring and diagnostics.

Types of Log Files

  1. VEConsole Logs: Capture events and activities within the Visual Expert graphical user interface (GUI), including user interactions, configuration changes, errors, VE version, license number, RAM details, and the time taken for specific actions.
  2. VEEngine Logs: Document processes and actions performed by the core analysis engine of Visual Expert. They include code analysis tasks, inspections, performance metrics, and detected anomalies.
  3. VEService Logs: Track operations of the Visual Expert Background/Windows service. These logs include scheduled tasks, automated processes, service start/stop events, and errors, helping monitor and troubleshoot continuous service operation.

VELog Files in Visual Expert

  • VELog files are exclusive to Visual Expert and focus on the code analysis processes.
  • They provide detailed logs, including analysis steps, identified issues, and performance metrics.
  • These files are invaluable for diagnosing problems related to code analysis and offer crucial insights for support teams.
  • Accessing and analyzing VELog files is included under the premium support plan only.

File Locations

Both log files and VELog files are stored in the same directory on your system:

  • Log Files: C:\ProgramData\Novalys\VisualExpert\Log
  • VELog Files: C:\ProgramData\Novalys\VisualExpert\VELog


Log files provide a general overview of application activities, tracking user actions, errors, and significant events. In contrast, VELog files offer detailed insights into code analysis processes, supporting advanced troubleshooting under premium support.

By understanding these differences, users can better leverage the logging features in Visual Expert to ensure seamless operation and effective problem resolution.


More from Visual Expert Support

Visual Expert, VELog, Log file types, VEConsole logs, VEEngine logs, VEService logs, Code Analysis logs, Troubleshooting, System Monitoring