Find Dynamic Calls to DataWindows

Visual Expert for PowerBuilder allows you to find dynamic calls to DataWindows.
The "Dynamic DW" feature helps to find which DataWindow controls change their DataObject at runtime.

How to Find Dynamic Calls to DataWindows:    

  1. Select “DataWindows” in the Main View. 
  2. Click the “Dynamic DW” macro in the navigation bar.

  3. find dynamic calls to datawindows using Visual Expert Navigation Bar

  4. The result displayed, is divided into two parts:
    1. DataObjects called dynamically 
    2. Methods calling DataObjects dynamically

    3. Dynamically Called DataObjects and Methods Dynamically Calling DataObjects

Analyze DataObjects called dynamically:

  1. Select a DataWindow and click on ‘Impact Analysis’ in the navigation bar: the methods calling this object are listed.

  2. Impact analysis on a DataWindow

  3. Select a method: Its code is displayed and references to the DataObject are highlighted

  4. References to a DataObject in the code of a method displayed in Visual Expert

  5. Mouse over the highlighted reference to display a tooltip which indicates where the DataObject is located.

  6. Tooltip indicating where the DataObject Visual Expert is located

  7. You can also navigate back to the highlighted DataWindow by clicking on its name as shown below:

  8. Return to the highlighted DataWindow by clicking on its name in the Visual Expert source code view

Analyze Methods dynamically calling DataObjects:

  1. Select a method in the treeview: Its code is displayed and references to the DataObject are highlighted.

  2. display references to a DataObject in the code of a method

  3. Mouse over a reference: A tooltip shows some details about the DataObject.

  4. Information about the DataObject


See Also

Visual Expert 2019, Oracle, SQL Server