The generator has been improved to produce the documentation must faster. It now includes a cache system that drastically reduces the number of queries sent to the Visual Expert Repository to collect data about your code, before generating HTML pages. The larger the volume of code, the more important is the acceleration of the documentation generation.
Important note: it is highly recommended to schedule the generation of your documentation.
- Go to [Settings - more settings - scheduler]
- If needed, start the Scheduler process
- Open the [Documentation] tab, select "Automatic" and choose a frequence.
Not only can you schedule the generation to run automatically, on a regular basis, when your machine is not busy; but also the generation processes will resume automatically in the event of an unexpected interruption.
Also, a new setting has been added, to adjust the resources allocated to the generation process:
You can find it in: [Settings - More Settings - Project - Documentation Performances].
By default, the generator will process 6 operations simultaneously. If you wish to speed-up this process, push it to a higher value.