Until now, Visual Expert could analyze DB Code, but this code had to be stored in files:
- Either you already had SQL files containing your stored procedures, triggers, etc.
- Or you had to use a utility - such as DataBaseExtractor (DBE) provided by Visual Expert – to connect to your database and generate SQL files before creating a VE Project and analyzing your DB Code.
Visual Expert 7 now includes a feature that automatically:
- Connects to the database
- Extracts DB objects (Stored Procedure, Triggers, Tables, Views…) on the fly
- Analyzes them with the rest of your code (for example, PowerBuilder code).
The VE7 Project Wizard includes a new section to select the DB Code you wish to analyze:
Step 1: Select your type of code (PL/SQL, PowerBuilder and coming soon T-SQL)
Step 2: Select “Oracle Database” as a location for VE to find your code
Step 3: Enter your connection settings and select your database
Step 4: Select the DB Objects you wish to include in the VE project
Refine your DB Object selection by using multiple filters: DB Owner, DB Object Type (Table, View, Trigger, Procedure, Package, Function, etc.) and DB Object.
Once your selection is defined, follow the Project Wizard until the code analysis is launched.