Visual Expert 7 New Project Wizard

Until now, Visual Expert could analyze DB Code, but this code had to be stored in files:

  • Either you already had SQL files containing your stored procedures, triggers, etc.
  • Or you had to use a utility - such as DataBaseExtractor (DBE) provided by Visual Expert – to connect to your database and generate SQL files before creating a VE Project and analyzing your DB Code.

Visual Expert 7 now includes a feature that automatically:

  1. Connects to the database
  2. Extracts DB objects (Stored Procedure, Triggers, Tables, Views…) on the fly
  3. Analyzes them with the rest of your code (for example, PowerBuilder code).

The VE7 Project Wizard includes a new section to select the DB Code you wish to analyze:

Step 1: Select your type of code (PL/SQL, PowerBuilder and coming soon T-SQL)

Step 2: Select “Oracle Database” as a location for VE to find your code

Step 3: Enter your connection settings and select your database

Step 4: Select the DB Objects you wish to include in the VE project


Refine your DB Object selection by using multiple filters: DB Owner, DB Object Type (Table, View, Trigger, Procedure, Package, Function, etc.) and DB Object.

Once your selection is defined, follow the Project Wizard until the code analysis is launched.

PowerBuilder, Oracle, VE 7, Settings