Getting Started with Visual Expert for Oracle

  1. Check the system requirements to select the proper machine (client or server). 

  2. Client or server?
    The same installation package works for both servers and clients.
    • For a standalone project, install VE on a client PC.
    • If you wish to share your code analysis among several developers, and/or schedule the code analysis on a regular basis, It is highly recommended to install VE on a Server machine.

  3. Installation: Download and install Visual Expert from this page

  4. Code analysis:
    Select your code and start the Analysis.
    Note : If your project is connected to a database, read this article to select the DB objects that Visual Expert should analyze.
  5. Check your Repository
    You need to verify that the repository created automatically during the VE installation can handle your volume of code. If not, we will guide you to create the proper Repository:

    • Do you see the default screen with the number of objects analyzed?

    • Check the status of your code analysis:
      Open Visual Expert and go to [Code analysis - Manage analysis]

      Is the "status" of your code analysis "completed"?

      If the analysis was not properly completed, read this article to create a new Repository that will support your volume of code.

  6. Product key
    Request a free trial key: without a key, you get limited results.
    Read this article to get a product key that will remove this limitation.

  7. Learn More and Get Support

System Requirements

Trial / Small Project

  • Repository Storage:
    SQL Server Local DB*
  • CPU:  4 core min
  • RAM: 4 GB 
  • Hard Drive: 10 GB 
*Installed with Visual Expert


  • Repository Storage:
    SQL Server Developer Edition (Free) or higher.
  • CPU:  4 core min - 3 Ghz or higher
  • RAM: 8 GB 
  • Hard Drive: 100 to 256 GB
  • Fast drive - ideally SSD

Team System (Server)

  • Repository Storage:
    SQL Server Standard Edition or higher.
  • CPU:  8 core min - 3 Ghz or higher
  • RAM: 16 GB 
  • Hard Drive: 512 Go to 1 To
  • Fast drive - ideally SSD

System Requirements

Trial & Basic Editions

  • Repository Storage: SQL Server Local DB*
    The account using SQL Server must have administrator privileges, as Visual Expert creates databases for each VE project.
  • CPU:  4 cores minimum
  • RAM: 4 GB Minimum
  • Hard Drive: 10 GB Minimum
  • OS: Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 11


*Installed with Visual Expert

Professional & Enterprise Editions

Client Configuration

  • Repository Storage:
    SQL Server Edition: Developer (Free), Enterprise, Standard, or Web (Express not supported)
    SQL Server Version: 2012, 2016, 2019, 2022
    The account using SQL Server must have administrator privileges, as Visual Expert creates databases for each VE project.
  • CPU:  4 cores minimum - 3 Ghz or higher
  • RAM: 8 GB Minimum
  • Hard Drive: 100 to 256 GB
  • OS: Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 11

Client/Server Configuration

Client Side

  • CPU:  4 cores minimum
  • RAM: 4 GB Minimum
  • OS: Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 11

Server Side

  • Repository Storage:
    SQL Server: Developer (Free), Enterprise, Standard, or Web (Express not supported)
    SQL Version: 2012, 2016, 2019, 2022
    The account using SQL Server must have administrator privileges, as Visual Expert creates databases for each VE project.
  • OS: Windows Server 2012, 2016, 2019,
RAM Hard Drive CPU
Upto 500K lines of code 16 GB Minimum 512 GB 8 Cores
500K to 5 million lines of code 32 GB Minimum 1 TB 4 Cores with 12 Virtual Cores - 3 GHz or higher
5 to 10 million lines of code 64 GB Minimum 1 TB 4 Cores with 12 Virtual Cores - 3 GHz or higher
More than 10 million lines of code 128 GB Minimum 2 TB 8 Cores with 12 Virtual Cores - 3 GHz or higher

VE Web Server

1. Hardware requirements:

  • Processor: Multi-core processor, minimum 2.5 GHz
  • RAM: 8 GB minimum (16 GB recommended)
  • Hard Drive: 100 to 256 GB
  • CPU:  4 cores minimum - 3 Ghz or higher

Lines of code


Hard Drive


Upto 500K lines of code

16 GB Min

512 GB

8 Cores

500K to 5 million lines of code

32 GB Min

1 TB

4 Cores with 12 Virtual Cores - 3 GHz or higher

5 to 10 million lines of code

64 GB Min

1 TB

4 Cores with 12 Virtual Cores - 3 GHz or higher

More than 10 million lines of code

128 GB Min

2 TB

8 Cores with 12 Virtual Cores - 3 GHz or higher

2. Software environment:

  • Supported operating systems:
    • Windows Server 2016 or later.
    • Windows 10 or later for local (non-server) installations
  • Compatible web browsers:
    • Google Chrome (recent version recommended)
    • Microsoft Edge (Chromium version)
    • Mozilla Firefox (recent version)

3. Software:

  • Repository Storage:
    • SQL Server Edition: Developer (Free), Enterprise, Standard
    • SQL Server Version: 2012, 2016, 2019, 2022

The account using SQL Server must have administrator privileges.

4. Network:

  • Network access for end users via port 80 (HTTP) or 443 (HTTPS).
  • Minimal network latency for database connections.

5. Other prerequisites:

  • Administrator rights required for installation.
  • SSL certificate if site is to be configured as HTTPS.

6. Installation Guideline