Run Impact Analyses in a Treeview for Oracle PL/SQL

  1. First, you need a Visual Expert project up and running.
    If needed, you can find a getting started guide here.
  2. In the treeview, select the item changed.
    For instance, a database column.
  3. In the navigation bar, click on “Impact Analysis”
  4. All the objects using this column are shown in a
    container hierarchy, to help find and edit them.
  5. Select 1 object: its code is displayed,
    and references to the column are highlighted
Check Impact Analysis for Oracle PL/SQL Code Changes

Where is a Column used in my Oracle DB and PL/SQL Code?

A column has changed: what's the impact on my code?

Find all references to a column or table.
Make sure your application never breaks when your Schema evolves.
Check Oracle PL/SQL Code Impact Analysis

Which Oracle Objects are Supported for Impact Analysis?

You can find references to any code item, as long as it belongs to a language supported by Visual Expert: objects, methods, variables, tables, columns, views, procedures, triggers, packages…

Below are some additional examples:

Where is my Function called in Oracle PL/SQL Code?

If I add a parameter to my function: which code should I update?

If the prototype of a Function or Procedure must change,
you can find instantly all the calls to this Function - and update them.
Impact Analysis for Functions Called in Oracle PL/SQL Code

Where is my Variable referenced in Oracle PL/SQL Code?

If my variable changes, which code is affected?

Find all references to a particular variable in your code.
Update your code properly, to avoid negative side effects.

Impact Analysis for Variables in Oracle PL/SQL Code

Where is my Data Deleted in Oracle PL/SQL Code?

Which code is deleting / updating / inserting from a table?

Something went wrong? Data is not removed as expected?
Find all the places in your code that are deleting from this table.

Impact Analysis for Deleted Data in Oracle PL/SQL Code


Visual Expert 2021, Oracle, PL/SQL, Code Analysis, Impact Analysis