Filter Options for SQL Server and Oracle Objects

When analyzing large Oracle and SQL Server databases, filtering DB objects is often required to focus on relevant code.
Visual Expert offers an Include/Exclude option to filter objects by DB owners/Schemas, by Name or by type of objects.

You can then focus on objects of primary interest when analyzing Oracle or SQL Server databases.

How to Include/Exclude Database Objects in Visual Expert?

Your Visual Expert project must connect to a database server to use this feature.
If that’s the case, please follow the steps below:

  • Select 'Manage Source Code' from the Settings tab in the ribbon menu.
    Manage source code location
  • Select your source code location and click on 'Edit'.
    Change the source code to be analyzed
  • Next, you can choose to filter the database objects based on DB Owner, Object Type or Object Name.
    Filter Database Objects by Owner, Type or Name

Option 1: Filter Database Objects by DB Owner

  • By default, system schemas are excluded as VE users rarely need to analyze them along with their custom code.
  • Added the possibility to include or exclude filtered objects.
  • Click on [Add DB Owner] in the 'Selection of the DB Objects' window.
    Add DB Owner Filter
  • The 'Filter Objects by DB Owner' window opens:
    Filter Objects by DB Owner Window
  • Select a DB Owner from the drop-down list. Choose between Include or Exclude to define your main criterion.
    Click [OK] to save the filter.
    Select DB Owner
  • The new 'DB Owner Filter' appears in the list.
    Select DB Owner
  • For databases including lots of schemas, a button allows to clear all DB owner filters currently defined with a single click.
    Clear All DB Owners

Option 2: Filter Database Objects by Type

  • Users can select or deselect the object types from the list as shown below:
    Object Type Filter Options
  • The deselection of the checkboxes will exclude the respective items from the analysis.
    For instance, unchecking the 'Synonym' checkbox will exclude it from the analysis.

Option 3: Filter Database Objects by Name

  • Click on [Add Name Filter] in the 'Selection of the DB Objects' window.
    Add Filter for Oracle & SQL Server objects in your project
  • The 'Filter Objects by Name' window opens:
    Filter Oracle + SQL Server objects by name
  • Choose between Include or Exclude to define your main criterion.
  • Then define your sub-criteria:
    1. Set the type of filter - Contains, Starts With, Ends With, Match Expression
    2. Define the Pattern, the string of characters that will be used to filter the object name
    3. Select the type of Object
  • Click ‘OK’ to save the filter.
    The above combination will display a list of all objects whose name contains "db_".

The new 'Name Filter' appears in the list.

Filter Oracle + SQL Server objects by name

  • To edit a filter, click on the first icon (with pen) to open Filter Objects by Name window and modify the criteria.
    Edit Name Filter for Oracle + SQL Server objects in your project
  • To delete a Name Filter, click on the second icon (with red cross).
    Remove Name Filter for Oracle + SQL Server objects in your project


Visual Expert, Oracle, SQL Server, Filtering Database Objects