Novalys 2006 Worldwide Surveys Results

You'll find here the final results to the following questions:

- How long do companies intend to use PowerBuilder?
- What are the new tools frequently used?
- What development tools are/will be used at the same time as PB ?
- To what extend will PowerBuilder be used for web development?
- ... and lots more!

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The 2006 Worldwide Survey results:

  1. How long will PowerBuilder be used in your company?
  2. In 2006, will you mainly use PowerBuilder to maintain or develop your applications?
  3. How many developers will use PowerBuilder in your company in 2006? (aproximately)
  4. Which PowerBuilder version do you currently use?
  5. In 2006, do you plan to migrate to a more recent PowerBuilder version?
  6. Does your application include stored procedures?
  7. Do you use PowerBuilder to develop your Web Applications?
  8. Do you use PocketBuilder to develop Mobile Applications?
  9. Do you use DataWindow .NET to develop .Net Applications?
  10. Is your application multilingual?
  11. Which other technologies are (or will be) used in your company?
  12. Which improvements are you waiting for the most?
  13. What is your opinion about PowerBuilder?
  14. Respondents comments

1) How long will PowerBuilder be used in your company?

Few users answered that they didn't use PowerBuilder any more: of course, those who answered still use it!

However, 41% of the current users of PowerBuilder don't plan to change their language and 43% think to use it 2 years or more.

2) In 2006, will you mainly use PowerBuilder to maintain or develop your applications?

In 2006, 35% of the developers declare they work only on existing applications against 29% en 2005.

The ratio of developers working only on new developments goes from 12% in 2005 to 7% in 2006.

However, the results of the survey show a certain stability between 2002 and 2006.
Actually 58% of the developers who answered the survey in 2006 work on both existing and new PowerBuilder applications. Compare to 2002, this figure remains noticeably the same (59%).

3) How many developers will use PowerBuilder in your company in 2006?

The number of small teams (1 to 3 developers) went through a 5% decrease between 2005 and 2006 (46% to 41%).

The 2006 survey confirms that PowerBuilder is used for important projects such as departmental projects or company projects, as 50% of the teams employ from 4 to 20 developers.

4) Which PowerBuilder version do you currently use?
5) In 2006, do you plan to migrate to a more recent PowerBuilder version?

PowerBuilder 9 was launched in the first semester of 2003 and is the most used version in 2006 (41%) as in 2005 (40%).

However 49% of the developers plan to migrate to a more recent version of PowerBuilder in 2007, confirming their will to invest in PowerBuilder.

16% still work with PowerBuilder 8 and 18% with versions which are not supported by Sybase any more (PowerBuilder 7 and previous versions)

The percentage of developers using PowerBuilder 10 already reaches 23% in 2006 (against 12% in 2005).

6) Does your application include stored procedures?

The vast majority of PowerBuilder projects use stored procedures (84%).

Logically 54% of the PowerBuilder projects use the Sybase Transact-SQL language.

We can note that Oracle PL/SQL is even used with 28% of the PowerBuilder applications.

7) Do you use PowerBuilder to develop your Web Applications?

For several years, PowerBuilder tends toward improving its features concerning the developments of web applications but without really seducing developers. However, it's worth keeping an eye on it with the launch of PB11.

Actually, only 14% of the respondents use PowerBuilder to develop web applications in 2006 against 20% in 2005.
Still, it is interesting to notice that nearly the half of the PB developers answered they would use it for this kind of development in the future.


8) Do you use PocketBuilder to develop Mobile Applications?

In 2006, only 10% of the respondents use PocketBuilder to develop their applications and 37% among them intend
to use it in the future.


9) Do you use DataWindow.Net to develop .Net Applications?

Only 8% out of the respondents use Datawindow.Net to develop their applications.Net.
However, 47% foresee to use it in the future.
As for the question 7, it will be interesting to compare the answers after the official launch of PB11.


10. Is your application multilingual?

At present 24% of PowerBuilder applications are multilingual, but 19% of the respondents eventually plan to make their applications available in several languages.

11) Which other technologies are (or will be) used in your company?

One more time, Microsoft confirms its leadership in this ranking (41%) and slightly widen the gap with Java (39%) in comparison to 2005.

This question clearly shows us that the firms intend to use at the same time different development tools.

12) Which improvements are you waiting for the most?

The interest for a better integration to .NET is still high (36%) but has been overtaken by the proposition of an improvement of Windows graphical objects (37%). PowerScript improvement collects 35% of answers as well.

The other proposals are also of interest as the answers are quoted by developers at least at 20%.

13) What is your opinion about PowerBuilder?

PowerBuilder is still appreciated by PowerBuilder developers, in spite of a slight decrease of the note given by the respondents:

  • 30% of the users are very satisfied (mark between 9/10 and 10/10) against 33% in 2005 and 44% in 2004.
  • 15% are not satisfied (mark between 0/10 and 6/10) against (12% in 2005 and 15% in 2004)

14) Comments

English - French - German - Spanish

My work involves dealings with the Australian National Electricity Market, and our Marketing team at Macquarie Generation require up to date reliable information 24 * 7. I have been able to provide this over a period of several years thanks to Powerbuilder. I owe my career to this product. Thankyou.
I think Powerbuilder is a excellent product. Even though PB has not made any changes in the last 3 orr 4 years that have help me much, I have been able to continue producing great programs that complete very well against my web based competition. But I think Sybase needs to deliver improvements soon. So I am looking forward to the new PB look & the integration with .NET.
Make sure Appeon stays aligned with the changes made in PowerBuilder.
after 10 years of using PB i have taken my first classes. It's amaizing how much there is to the product. We intend to increase our use of PB because of it's ability to multi-deploy. We can have clientserver apps and web apps from the same development efforts. Clientserver is alive and well out here. Your first question is presuming that PB is obsolete. I've had PB since v2 I have never seen a product progressivly enhanced thru so many industry changes. It's technology has been updated from a simple clientserver development tool to OO and now sophisticated web support. PB is Sybases best kept secret. (there marketing department needs to wake up!)
Its a great product but is not marketed well.
We are fairly comfortable with how Powerbuilder works and meets our needs. Our biggest problem is finding developers in our area. And your market strength, seems to be dwindling, so we have moved to a C++ environment.
For the improvements above, here is my priority: 1) .NET 2) GUI 3) PowerScript 4) XML 5) Web Services 6) NVUO
pb was great for its time, but mergersacquisitions, lack of technical focusclarity, have caused us to go find other options long ago for new apps. doubtful we will ever return to pb, though never say never
The best tool out there, but quickly losing market share.
PB is still the best development environment that I have ever worked with! I now do class ASP and .NET, night and day difference as with the newer technologies it hard to do things in a standardized fashion as there is 1000000's of way to accomplish a task! Think about it ASP ASP.0, Javascript, Ajax, HTML, C#, StoredProcedures, and each of these technologies have a HUGE breadth. It's takes forever to learn the new technologies and by the time you do learn it there is a newer version that is different! Oh I miss the day of setting a transaction object and performing a dw_1.Retrieve()!
Version 9.xx is buggy
PB Datawindow still crushes all other objects for complex reporting. Fast, flexible and easiest build wSQL back end. If PB does not integrate well with Web in future then maybe, maybe, maybe we might look into EclipseBIRT to replace it.
The best web & CS tool
PB is way too far behind on the technology curve as well as the GUI curve. Customer demand has necessitated us migrating to VS2005.
Mixed feelings about PB. On the one hand no one comes close to its RAD capabilities, ease-of-use, and almost bugfree apps that can be created with it. But its inablility to be fully integrated with .NET is a major drawback. Back in the old days, PB kept lockstep with Microsoft technologies. But starting with the the COM revolution it got left behind. So we have been converting to .NET for some time.
Market forces are a greater determinant in our direction of which tools to use than actual functionality. I hate trying to get dot net datagrids to give me the functionality I have had for years with Powerbuilder.
1. PB is sometimes crashing out of sudden especially when it has been running for a while or to click 'Hideshow prototype to see arguments in functions and so on. It causes bigsmall loss of programming changes. This is the major drawback in working wPB. We can's save changes every minute. 2. As we plan to develop web application in near future, we need good reference to look at. How can we get that?
I think you are falling behind in the graphical UI department. It has been requested for years, but you still can't drop a transparent object (static text, group box, etc.) onto a window. So, trying to create a look like gradient windows or any of the fancier looks is very difficult. Please spend some time giving us controls with more functionality.
The Webservice support for .net 2 will be important for our team. PBDOM xml needs to be able to create a xml output other than a file. A blob or string is necessary. FILE IO is a show stopper. We use uNoksoft XML parser and not PBDOM. As far as development goes, our team is growing and Major Application Sections will be written with PB.
I wish Sybase would add resources to the development and marketing of PB.
It would be really nice to have PB objects and components compile to MSIL. More to the point: a true PB.NET"."
We are interested in PowerBuilder's evolution and their marketing plan to sell this product in the future.
I still love the tool - but the marketing hasn't gone so well in Sybase. Our company is large and an enterprise-wide initiative has forced us to replace all existing PB apps with J2EE JAVA applications (browser-based).
Very productive tool, that would be improved by further integration with .Net framework and servers
Sometimes too many GPF's occur during developmentdeployment without any clear indication of the source of the problem. I wish PB was as stable as Visual Studio. It would be good for PB to (not necessarily in order of importance): 1. implement resizing of controls at design-time on an object to which they are attached when the object is resized 2. reflect, at design-time, visual attribute changes on visual custom objects at design time. 3. re-implement the proxy object. 4. have an in-built resource manager for images, sound files, etc. This would take away a lot of frustration when deploying a project and you want to organize resource in different folders. Regards.
Very good tools for what it does. Unfortunately the market is driving us to open source web developement.
PB server as a RAD tool. It can be improved, but if it was perfect Microsoft would buy it.
Powerbuilder serves our clientserver application excellently. It is an excellent rapid applications development and OOP develpment tool. On technology enhancement, additional XML enhancement could serve us well, including WEB Services integration. Note that we are an EAServer user developing those applications in JAVA, but using some components from the PB clientserver interface.
Given a knowledgeable PowerBuilder developer, a clientserver application can be created quicker and with the most features compared to any other clientserver development tool available. The key is to find somebody who has good programming techniques and understands the concept of modularity and object oriented design within their applications.
Although I am only maintaining old applications written in powerbuilder I still believe that it is a very good tool. Currently our department buys already developed applications so we are no longer doing our own development except using the tools provided with the purchased package.
PowerBuilder is the most productive application development tool I have used in my 25 years of programming
I personally enjoy working in Powerbuilder and have for 10 years. However, our company has a very small IT shop and has decided to go .NET. I hope to investigate the possibility of using DataWindow.NET but have not yet done so.
I have been developing apps with PB since version 3.0 and have made a good living using PB. It would be really nice if Sybase would work on getting the platform really stable instead of changing icons on the ide and calling it a new release. Granted Sybase has incorporated a lot of new features and functionality but every contract that I have been on and working with PB the standard answer when something occurs thats just Powerbuilder""
Using it for 8 years, still learning its features.
Best RAD I ever worked with.
Moving off PB and moving to .NET
Unfortunately, PB didn't make it. It will slowly be vanished and replaced by fat on the market" technologies. PB is now a niche, which poses risk to large enterprize developments."
PowerBuilder will be more dead than it is now.
PowerBuilder is the best tool in it's class.
We love PowerBuilder. It has served our organization very well. We are considering expanding our use of the product in other divisions of our company. However, there are two areas that are really hurting us that I'd like to mention: 1. Your lack of marketing for PowerBuilder creates huge problems for us in terms of recruiting as well as our customers' perception of our technology. I'm getting tired of defending Sybase and your products to the community. You need to take responsibility for getting your success stories out there. 2. Since you wrote your own memory manager (after PB7), our customers have struggled mightily in terms of memory consumption. You create an object then destroy it, you don't get your memory back. You introduced PB_POOL_THRESHOLD environment variable for backwards compatibility with your old memory manager but from what we can tell, it doesn't work. You really, really need to fix this. If we destroy an object, we need the capability of getting the memory back immediately. Please, please fix this.
PB is probably the most powerful language out there. It is sad that they are letting Microsoft squash them. We switched to C# for new development mainly because we needed grid tools PB was not providing. But everything takes so much longer!
Our primary goal in 2006 will be to deploy the Russian version of our primary billing application in Russia. PB 10 provided the Unicode support to convert our program from a single language to a multi-linqual application and, at the moment, we have no plans to develop any Web apps using PB (we currently use ASP for all of our web programming).
The company is split into two divisions. These answers are from just my division. The other division has more developers and will be sending you there information.
If only we can convert PB apps and not tie them to EA Server, it will be great.
I wonder what the future of PowerBuilder would be if it was moved to open source. As it is, my current client is migrating away from it :(
Go .NET or bust!
Poor Sybase has never attempted to even market PowerBuilder. What a shame that such a good development tool, hasn't had any marketing in years.
The Marmeting group at Sybase need to seriously market PB10g in a better way than earlier. PB lost its charm after Poersoft sold the company, mainly because of marketing! And eventually the developer community was hit. Bad marketing shopuld not cause harm to Developer Community. Sybase corporation is also hit by this bad marketing in the past.
Needs good marketing. PB would have been no 1 tool, if Microsoft had bought!
PB is not very popular in Quebec.
The development evironment can be unstable if the target is tool large. Also the handling of Window GUI objects can be trouble some to handle. I like the tight" integration with Oracle database"
If it works, and from what I hear it does, I don't understand why they don't push APPEON more. We're almost afraid to touch it, even though it could help us, because lack of marketing translates to lack of confidence. What is up with their MARKETING? Powerbuilder is a great product, but they hide it under a bush.
Final Exe build size reduction or run time library avaialability on th web like Java run time when the user clicks on a PB app. Better integration woth PLSQL (like creating a dw based on a ref cursor (out) etc) Better UNICODE support for multi-lingula apps
Would like to hear more information about the future and what is new with powerbuilder.
Powerbuilder is good programming language and should be marketed more aggressively.
Powerbuilder is great, but I wish that Sybase would aggressively market it, because as a developer it is hard to find work as a PB developer; most companies have never heard of it, and it makes it hard to stay excited about the long term prospects of being a PB developer!
I am the only application developer in my company that still uses Powerbuilder. Microsoft .Net is now the preferred software of choice. I will be maintaining current applications in Powerbuilder only.
Due to the lack of linux support, we plan on moving to the Eiffel development environment.
Deleting ancestor menu items is still a pain in the butt. Why doesn't the PFC ever evolve?
To improve PB's acceptance as a development tool, Sybase needs to try mainstreaming this product. Push universities to use PB to teach Object Oriented Programing concepts.
GUI of developed programs could use updating. Tighter integration with .NET (NOT just DataWindow .NET). More programming like useage--less dependence on objects in design environment. Creation of a variable for a menu associated with a Window to allow manipulation versus manipulation of the ONE created.
We are waiting for PowerBuilder 10.5 to be released. We hope that Sybase will keep the promise to implement Web Service Proxy Client with digital cert.
I really loved Powerbuilder as a development tool, unfortunately as a consultant, my clients, if they even use Powerbuilder, only use it for exisitngmaintaining applications, not new development. To have a more advancing career and not be stuck in maintenance mood, I have needed to focus my skills towards other development tools just as .Net. I would love Powerbuilder to have a strong comeback some day.
Improve stability and reliability
I have earned my bread and butter being a Powerbuilder Developer for 10 years. I am indebted to Powerbuilder. It is such a great user friendly tool.
PowerBuilder is definitely a nice tool to work with DataBasee. But when it comes to the matter of developing Web based applications it lacks a bit compare to giants like Java and .Net. I personally except some more advanced features in powerbuilder as far as Web based applications are concerned.
PB is a strong tool, we hope it continues to survive. .Net support is a non issue for us. Java and PHP support as well as Linux is important.
PB 10 very unstable
Sybase devrait faire plus d’efforts pour supporter PowerBuiler en France. En tant que développeur PowerBuilder nous voulons plus de support en français (informations techniques, forums, formations...), plus de communication autour de PowerBuilder (conférences, informations et même publicités…) pour dynamiser le marché du développement sous PowerBuilder.
I think Powerbuilder will become a no longer used product unless Sybase concentrates on two things: 1. Ability to transparently move an existing Application to the web. 2. Do a better job at Marketing, I never hear much about activities concerning Powerbuilder, at least in Houston. Must a forgotten city.
Falta mejorar la parte de desarrollo web
PB while once an excellent product has fallen so far behind the times it is virtually useless. PB 9.0 is so buggy and crashes so often it is extrememly frustrating to use. All of his can't wait till we migrate all of our apps to .NET.
Powerbuilder is becoming the Legacy tool.
Product advt is required
PB is excellent product for client-server. Still not there to my liking for web apps, and I'm quite concerned that it never will be. (v1.5) is so full of holes and has such a ludicrous amount of overhead (including the temporary files created on the server that don't ever get cleaned up). I had a simple one-page app that took an awful lot of workarounds just to get running. So many, that I abandoned and went back to Cold Fusion.
A very flexible tool with a moderate to easy learning curve for building interesting, detailed and functional Client Server applications and Web Reports.
We have had great success using Appeon to convert our PB applications to run on the Web!
Though PowerBuilder has been and still is the best RAD tool, it's marketing has been very poor. Current trend has been towards maintaining existing applications and moving out to microsoft tools. A better Marketing strategy is a must for PowerBuilder to survive.
Sybase needs to be leading the curve with PowerBuilder in technology NOT following it. They need to make it a strategic advantage to use PowerBuilder over .NET otherwise, why use PowerBuilder since we now have DW .NET.
Will PB 11's C# emitter save PowerBuilder from the clientserver graveyard? That is the question. The ability to easily integrate existing PB code with C# will be a major determining factor for us.
Still an outstanding and productive tool. Too bad it's also one of computing's most misused tools. There is a lot of horrible PowerBuilder code out there.
There's nothing particularly wrong with the product - but I NEVER see any marketing for it....
We use Appeon for PowerBuilder for Web Enablement and new Web Development.
Mgt here is sold on Microsoft .Net so it is a challenge to get them to even upgrade our PB version as we've been stuck on PB7 for yrs.
Need ability to generate nonvisual service objects in .Net ASAP. Don't want to wait for full visual .net implementation.
Love using Powerbuilder, just sad that management does not see how valuable it is. We will still be using it for at least the next 2 years, but after that, who knows?
Please improve client-server functionalities and minimize web integration development
Powerbuilder foundation classes has to be documented and to be made more structured like .net classes. PB also should give us the opportunity to write classes and thereby GUI's will be generated. In a one page all GUI script classes should be displayed. this makes classes to be read in original way.
Web development should be user friendly and should support IIS web deployement with datawindow compatibility.
I've been laid off from (PB) work because my ex-company decided to outsourced software development to India.
There never was anything quite like PowerBuilder a decade ago and there is nothing quite like it even today. Web DataWindow is an excellent technology that needs to further include all native client DW functionality by supporting other events and user defined buttons.
Powerbuilder has been a stable development evironment for years. I would like to use .NET but still use PowerScript to access all the .NET api call.
Sybase takes too long to deliver for the developers. You can spot a PowerBuilder 10.5 Application from the International Space Station. We're leaving PowerBuilder for Microsoft Visual Studio 2005. Sybase has run the product into the ground.
Well, I love working with powerbuilder in the past 4 years, but when I know about .Net, I said to myself, Microsoft will any other competitor in the same intrest, like PB, Flash (with xaml) ... Unless they struggle to keep their market boundry, for my opinion was a succesful move from sybase, but there are may area need evolving ... Thanks and best regards
Great tool to help application building.
Though PB is a powerful tool, Why is n't so popular as other tools?
PB is the best Windows development tool still. But it is not a preferred web development platform.
We missed the web curve ! We are about missing the mobile curve with PKB too... Still waiting for the .NET integration. And many customers are migrating to Java. It's high time that Sybase fought back in PB...
Enjoy working with the product.
Make the license less expensive.
It is behind in the visual presentation for menus, tabs and graphs.
In my opinion, PowerBuilder is still a strong development tool. However, Sybase hurt the product some years ago when it attempted to concentrate on consulting instead of improving the product. I would love to see a stronger push by the company to market it's multi-platform development abilities. In the industry, PowerBuilder is seen as a dying development tool and not a growing one. I don't know if this perspective can be reversed.
Estoy interesado en conocer e interartuar con el desarrolo de aolicaciones en powerbuilder, si me pueden hacr llegar una licencia demo y alguns ejemplos para desarrollarlos y poder visualizar la funcionalidad de la herramienta. Muchas gracias por su colaboracion. Alvaro Montoya C.
Needs an overhaul in several areas. For instance, debugging (data windows especially). Another: Why do PBDs exist? In the presence of source control systems, they have no positive function at all.
PB definetely, great RAD tool to work with, stands tall from a developer prespective (atleast for me), but couldn't impress my clients. everybody knows VB is, when I say PB, soon the question arises, what is PB ? nowadays most of developers are moving out of PB, and hard to find a good PB resource.
We are not getting PB material (like PB Books etc...)
Marketing by Sybase required more.
I love PB and support it for more than 10 years. I also love PFC. That's why I want you to change your mind about PFC open source support. It is not only a script library but also proves the power of PowerBuilder and Datawindow. Thanks.
PowerBuilder needs the following: Rich text edit style for datawindows. Fade and blend effects for all objects datawindow controls. Ability to create polygons in datawindows. If it had the above, I would give it a 10 instead of an 8!
need stronger emphasis on Java support (over .NET) + better graphics and stronger, more consistent internationalisation support (right-to-left, mirroring, fonts, calendar) alongside Unicode
No comments this year ! So far so good !
My life would be miserable without the datawindow :)
PB is a strong tool, wishes more people would use it instead of .net
Hope one day Multilingual ascpect will be within powerbuilder (actualy we use the Translation tool kit, but the tool is not good enough for a big application).
Datawindow (XML) improvements
While I still have a high regard for core (client-server) PB functionality, it has never convinced with its wider offerings. While I am sad to give it up personally, it is losing ground in my company and I think it's best hope is in .NET integration.
On moving from PB 6.5 to 9, mostly it has been a major improvement, but there are some let-downs. When an object goes from invisible to visible, it is now disabled, for example. Also some things are hard to find.
I love PB so much that, I just hate to code with other tools!
During our 5 years of development in Powerbuilder, we have have repeatly come up againest Flaws, issues or restrictions placed on us by Powerbuilder. The IDE has proven to be unstable, and we've suffered countless times from our Application behaving differently when compiled to when its tested from within the IDE.
Goodbye PowerBuilder... you are clinging on for dear life, but your nails are slipping towards the edge. It's been a ride. You won't be missed. FATAL ERROR! Powerbuilder will now close.
I am leaving this company to become consulting independent.
We have now used PB since 1993 and are very pleased. The best tool in the world.
Please focus on the desktop capabilities and forget about all this WEB stuff (except the internetResult object). In my company we use PowerBuilder as a thin client communicationg to a WEB server via the internetResult object, and it works just great.
Lot of bugs ...
I would like know all on integration of PB and Web.
Mostly using Powerbuilder for our older clientserver legacy systems.
The world has become very confusing with all sorts of web technologies. Gotta be web enabled! Why? Whats wrong with standard client server? We have built large bespoke long standing client-server applications that are ever growing. The paranoia about moving to web" can have a very negative impact on an otherwise very viable standard client server application. Moving to EAServer just seems like more complexity of the environment."
Needs money, resources, marketing. Needs money, resources, marketing. Needs money, resources, marketing. Needs money, resources, marketing....
First off, please do not drop support of PowerBuilder, I still believe that it is the best client-server application development environment around. Even .NET does not compare. On that note, I think improvements in it's integration with other tools and also low-level enhancements (like user defined enumerations, and possibly also bit level operations) would be very beneficial. Recently, I had to implement the AES encryption algorythm for a client, and had no choice but to resort to using Visual C++ to implement a DLL for external calling by PB because PB could not run the algorythm fast enough because of the lack of bitwise manipulations in PB. We love the datawindow here, there is nothing better. The .NET datagrid simply does not compare, and any improvements to the control would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Need better graphing, especially ability to choose color order of linesseries. Ability to write to pdf without ghostscript third party tool. Even better, ability to export reports to MS Word.
PowerBuilder is rapidly losing it's appeal. Microsoft .NET is the better tool and priced correctly. Sybase continues to do a poor job in pricing and marketing it's product. In addition, PowerBuilder developers are hard to find, which makes the product less appealing.
From the point of marketing, Sybase didn't bother to market a good product, instead focusing on mobile wireless computing.
Powerbuilder is dying a slow death due to Sybase's failure to market the product. Sybase apparently sees integration with Microsoft as a way to enhance the product, but beta testers do not concur. PowerBuilder 10.5 is weak to say the least, doesn't have significant upgrades, and is like PB10, very little for most customers to choose from. Like General Motors, PowerBuilder's demise is inevitable UNLESS Sybase actually puts some effort into improving the product. While PB still is the best and most enjoyable development tool to use, it definitely needs a major overhaul to get it back to the top or even into contention again.
With Windows Vista just around the corner, PowerBuilder should be planning right now, to prevent a repeat with what happend with Windows XP.
powerbuilder is great..!
There should be a better plan towards the future. The talk abould discontinuation gets very annoying. A decision to stop or to continue makes is a lot easier to plan for the future.
More stability of PB is requestednecessary!
PowerBuilder has great potential but suffers from strange marketing decisions like the ones about distributed componants, added, removed, replaced by another solutions with costs... Sybase should listen more to PB devs, who keeps PB alive and adress old knowns bugs an irregularities in PB.
We need urgently connection from PocketBuilder to MSSQLServer!!! It would also help to have direct connection to EA Server.
Problems with components in EAServer when using database access should be solved. The alternative is bind the object to one CPU ans ocassionally fails.
We are missing a 'indenter' for script: after copiing script fro another script, we need to reindenter the whole script
PB 9.0 build 8565, no es una versión estable se cae continuamente, la integración con SCC, es compleja.
Marketing should be strenghen,I can not say more,powerbuilder marketing is a mess, we hope sybase take the dealership from BlueExpress,and more free trainning should be offered
Long Life to PB!
For a while, I was worried PB was fading away. Now, I use it at work, I contract using it, and I'm writing my own software with it. PB10.5 enhancements are exciting, but PB11 looks to be AWESOME. Anything Sybase can do to allow me to program in PB but distribute it in various ways is appreciated.
It is still the most comprehensive and productive tool for developing CS applications and can be a wonderful tool for developing web applications regardless of which web architecture is employed....what is seriously missing is a push from Sybase regarding marketing and resources.
Starting working with WebDataWindowControl (using ASP.NET and DataWindow.NET 1.5), I was disappointed how many limitation it has: no Filtering, no SaveAs, no most of events and functions, no movingspreading capabilities for columns of Grid style, etc. If .NET compatible version of PB have similar limitations, it won't be that we all are waiting...
Long term utilisation of PowerBuilder really dependant on roadmap for development, and integration with .net to allow reuse of components between our .net applications, plus how long is sybase going to be committed to supporting conventional client-server development on powerbuilder?
I just love PB. It's the best language I've used in all my 30 years of programming.
1)There remains so many bugs in new release. 2)Intellisense should be there in development user interface. 3)Powerbuilder should be able to create .net assembly. 4)Very tight integration with .NET 2.0 is needed.
For PBNI, please add Borlanc C++ builerDelphi interface.
PB has to improve the IDE environment, especially on the autoscripts, which .NET has offer, that will further cut down the development time. Datawindow report painter (design environment) also need to be improved to suppose guidelines.
Less docbooksguidetutorialhelpexampleconsultant on PB's 3 tier application development. PB <--> EAServer. Extreamly less info on PBWF (PowerBuilder Web Framework).
In our country, have problem with book translate to Indonesian language. So, it is make we have a problem for new skill for HOW TO with new PB (for instan ; i donk know develope application wit PB 6 or more becouse i have no reference to guide me for it)
PB is best for Client server based application but not for web based. There are a lot area where PB can be enhanced specially for web based application. So try to look from web point of view. Hopefully we can use PB for web based application development, if PB can provide us good web based solution. Best of luck.
Please not too much using resources
Added in example code : - smart-card - barcode - RFID - RS-232 - UTP etc.
option to formatted report to text file, to export formatted report to excel and lots of other queries
option to formatted report to text file, to export formatted report to excel and lots of other queries
Marketing of PowerBuilder should be developed.
I really like working with PB, but I don't see many companies going for it in present times. I think Sybase should market PB aggressively and improve it to bring back the lost glory, once it had in Client Server applications and also incorporate the multi tier technologies to make it compete against other tools like .NET and J2EE
Please promote more of PB. You should market it well. Ideal target are companies moving towards .Net. Sell and promote the .Net related features of PB
It is good tool for data centric application
Great software and improving. We use it mostly for clientserver applications as it is most powerful in that segment. Plan to use its web features in the near future.
PB10 works differently under different operating systems Example:- disabling fileds, hot keys doesnt work properly under XP. where as PB9 works fine. I observe some features which are useful in earlier versions are not supported by earlier versions, I feel that should not be the way if I am right. It should be robust and versatile too. Thank You Best Regards Gopal
PB was such nice front end GUI tool for rapid application development, but due to lack of support and marketting, PB is now almost out of market or no new prokects are comming in PB, whatever existing projects are there, even companies are thinking of migration to some other technology, at least this is the situation in INDIA.
Market it properly
I have worked on almost all the version of PB and regard it the most user friendly. Sybase definately needs to look at enhancing its capabilities so that it can stand a chance against technologies which are more suited for WEB development.
THis is the the Best tool I ever worked on for the database applications
PowerBuilder is still the best for clientserver and desktop applications and maybe at par with other tools in Web applications. More POWER to the PowerBuilder team...
We really hope that Sybase will make DataWindow available in Java.. Not need to be full Java, .NET way just nice. Doesnt to be full OOP. if Sybase not interested, Sybase probably can lets others developers develop the client's frontend tier . Well, dont mind if undisclosed licence was used. Thanks
PB itself is not enough to respond today's requirement anymore, unfortunatelly.
PowerBuilder,good tools
Provide a flexible things to develope web application instead of complicated.
too late ....
Please bring the Linux version soon. Otherwise u are dead.
Its a great tool to work in
PowerBuilder has no reliable supportive sites or agents in our region - Middle East - Jordan. Alas, it seems that it is not popular in this region.
The PB patches should pass QA before sending them to the programmers
Please work on this .NET integration, in order to prevent many PB developers from switching to .NET
Any plans to bundle EA Server and Data in later versions at about the same price?
Very stable tool. We could able to code all our applications and reports with PB. No drastic change like what happen to VB (to .Net) users.
Technically it's a great product which allows a very speedy delivery. But it's positioned more as a legacy product in the market, and therefore sadly less and less new development is done with PB.
i like pb
PB is a great development environment and Sybase continues to keep improving its feature set. However, it would be nice to see its share of the market grow a bit.
PowerBuilder is ok, IDE is too unstable. Datawindow.NET looks great but doesn't support browsers other than IE very well.
It would be great if the .NET integration was delivered earlier than expected.
We migrated to v9 expecting big things in Web Services and .net integration. PB could not deal with quite simple Web Services and the .net integration was a marketing lie (use Web Services!). That did it for us - we're telling customers to get off it - no future.
I think that Powerbuilders environment (ability to handle many objects - regeneration etc) and difficulty to develop complex code structures (complex OO code structures) is letting it down in the market today. Being able to integrate with other languages such as .NET or Java is great but the complexities of maintaining code in this situation makes it a difficult sell.
After 10 years of using PB intensively I have come across many PB fickle bugs, and some limitations. PB was previously 'the' software to use, however now jobs are becoming limited.
Have used PB since version 4 and absolutely love it.
No support means time to look elsewhere
Powerbuilder releases need to be more stable when integrated with source control software and work tracking software like Serena Tracker and Version Manager. OR A Powerbuilder do not do list" needs to be released with the software if scenarios are known to cause PB to become unstable and crash. PB10 seems to crash several times a day for developers who are devoting all their time to coding within the IDE throughout the day and the loss of their work and train of thought in the last few minutes is frustrating."
We have used PB since 1992 & been developing Web applications since 1997. The only real issue we have is in delivering reports via PDF to the browser. The Ghost method as documented is far too complicated there should be a native saveaspdf function that doesn't require additional software and complex code to get it to work.
light! light! light!
Powerbuilder is excellent, it's only problem is bad marketing.
Large legacy apps keep us aligned with PB. Retraining and re-developing are not practical for us. We hope Sybase keeps supporting and improving PB with an eye to backwards compatibility.
We need more visual improvements in pb. and supports to the earlier versions like PB.6x
PB has lost so much market with .net and Java. PB used to have a stronger precense in the market 4 years ago. Now, we can see that PB is lossing market gradually. Not sure what Sybase is doing regarding this.
we recruit VB progemmers and introduce them to PB. After that, except for financial gains, these programmers don't want to work with VB. Because, PB is very simple yet powerful. For Business Informtion Systems such as Integrated Accounting Packages, ERPs, Warehouse/ Logistics/ CRM/ HRM & Payroll Systems, and any other complex software development project, we think an Object- orientd tool which could be easily learnt, using the simpler language BASIC, is very important. PowerBuilder suits us very well. Infact, we a company which develops both standard products and custom-built application-software find that along with the PowerDesigner tools, PB and Sybase ASA gives so much of flexibility and creative solution development power. Problems we face are, due to lack of marketing, the market is forgetting this company (Sybase) and its tools. Its becoming more and more difficult to convince new customers with these technologies, because, they look for the technologies as well. Further, the developer community also should be trained, may be even free, so that the followers of these technologies can increse in number. Look at the folowing the Free Linux is getting.
Dw is its strength. Keep loading / enhancing this painter.
Limited PowerBuilder resources avalliable in the market.
In my openion, only Marketing is a different between Power Biulder and Microsoft product. PB is better than Microsoft products, but PB is not market in Pakistan/ Asia, it makes difference.
PB is a very RAD and helpful tool. Some internal issues, if removed, will lead it to more stable tool. There is room for enhancements as far as scripting is concerned, integration with other tools and deployment options.
A product which should be ranked foremost for its simple and easy interface and working but with tremendous application processing power. Keep up the good work, people.
It's a rapid development tool but nt able to collect more manpower on it due to popularity of .Net Application
PowerBuilder has lost too much ground to products which are now more widely accepted. It is now viewed by both us and our clients as a legacy product which will be phased out as applications require major enhancements. Very disappointing that Sybase has facilitated this by a lack of marketing and vision of the future.
related to DB you are Strongly,graphic and web should improve
i think pb is best database realated application development tool better then any microsoft product in that field. the only thing that lack its future development is lack of marketing statergy from sybase . i think if it was microsoft powerbuilder then it would have been more popular then any other database realated application development tool.
I wish PB had the OS support(like VB has windows) then it would have been a more popular
Need proper notes. For example to save a blob object we have no proper notes. Support is important.
GrapHIC sql building should be improved to allow more compleX sql queries
I love working in powerbuilder and its scope should be grown furhter.
Please improve the debugger! PB stretches to the newest technologies, but its foundations are unstable. The debugger is unstable and unexpected. Debugging a complex application is a real pain in the ***.
powerbuilder 10 application terminates when ever i close some objects during developemnt. this was observed in the runtime also. iam not able to find out the solution instead of opening it again. Please rectify this problem as early as possible. Please publish a detailed elobrated migration problems. i migrated some of the applications for testing purpose and i faced so many problems which i didnt find in sybase website. i had to find them out and recitfy them. Thanks and Regards Veerendra B
The PowerBuilder Concept is Excellent.. But the implementation is not strong enough. When I say Not strong enough, I mean The Stability of the Debugger, The looks of the IDE - and above all - It's stability. Me and my programmers meet fatal errors and exceptions during design time every day.
Powerbuilder should work on linux and on 64 bit microprocessors. Also, native database driver support for SQL Server 10 should be provided instead of the OLE DB drivers. Powerbuilder is the best IDE and best tool ever seen by me and the market.
If PB 11 could support DotNet Web forms development and if it really works(?) that would put PB back as popular tool for DB app developers.
Solid product.
It will help us if sybase has some sample programming/Code and Help library. One of some problem to developed with Power Builder is we find difficult how to get power builder reference.
You guys are doing a great wrong to powebuilder developers in my organization. PowerBuilder is a very good tool, better than java or .NET, or any other Technology I know, in regards to Rapid Appliacation Developlment. You keep investing in web support and in merging with other technologies such as .NET, but you forget your customer backbone. These do not use PB for web development or for .Net Integration. We need a good competition for Java and other technologies, and not an attidute of if you can't beat them, join them". I believe in PB, and you already have a better tool than any ohter available in the global market. The only thing left to do is to start fighting in the public opinion arena! I am tired of hearing people saying: "powerbuilder is dead". I have been developing in PB for more than 5 years, and I think you should start promoring this tool on the iouter image level. Java is much more popular not because it is better, but because it's people made it famous and a part of the current fassion. In my humble opinion, you should do the same. I am not a maketing person, or a business man. However, I am aware of financial calculations and motives, and if your actions are motivated by such reasons, I don't blame you. One must do what needs to be done in order to survive. Keep doing your best, in hope that PB becomes the Java of tomorrow and not the Cobol of Yesterday... Best Regards, Guy."
Powerbuilder is gooooood :p
I have been using PowerBuilder for more than ten years. Its really a very powerful tool, especially datawindow object. However the trend of world make Java become the first choose. And Sybase also follow the trend and forget the beauty of PB. I have test PB10.5 B1, in which, there still not much improvement.
Can not beat this tool for RAD!
The Code Examples" that come with the PowerBuilder installation is a good tool to learn PowerBuilder. However, if you would also include a sample program that reflects an application (such as a school where you could enroll students in classes, assign grades, etc...) that would demonstrate how to put all of the examples to work in a more realistic environment that it may be a help in persuading developers to use PowerBuilder. I suggest getting some of your best programmers together to create a sophisticated sample application that correctly uses OO methodology, etc.. so that developers new to PowerBuilder can see the benefits of using PowerBuilder."
in future PB more develope with .NET and Database make one application, and sure in future PB more good
i'm using powerbuilder since version 3, it's great product. unfortunatily sybase didn't spend much time to ehnance the GUI of the product since long time. of course there was some improvement since version 6.x but the basic pains that developer face still not solved, some of those pains are: - i'm using version 6.x becuase i found it very diffecult to use and manage the new docking windows interduced in verion 7 and later. - the resizing of labels each time we change some of the properties like font and size is ver annoying. - the picture resising on picture button and picture control also very annoing.
Powerbuilder has to improve the windows graphical objects and menu
Powerbuilder is easy to lern and is for DB Applications the best tool, but powerbuilder hasn't same features that PB Coder need. Some Features: Callbacks (without terrible PBNI), WindowsForms, full .NET support. The Fixes-List shoudt be better, because we find bugs in a Runtime and a Runtime later the bug is corrected and it isnt documentated.
sybase taking too long to catch up. other technologies are stable and available now, 10.5 may introduce new gui enhancements but we are converting to e.g. .net because we can benefit now. we will phase out pb over the next year.
1. EAServer pricing is geared to large corporations. It cannot be cost justified even for small organisation of 5 users after taking into consideration the development/migration costs. 2. There is no other way to PB Web development except through EAServer. 3. MS Is killing PB as far as Web development with Visual Studio. Why not open provide the means of native PB (not DW.NET) access to the Web?
Sybase should improve its marketting efforts for Powerbuilder.It an excellent GUI.
Wonderful but no marketting
powerbuilder works great for what it does, but whenever I want to do something special, I have to jump through all sorts of hoops. If COM/.NET integration were better, then doing the more difficult / powerful stuff would be a lot easier. Its very hard to integrate non-pb components
1) Sybase should market and enhance this great tool like Microsoft does its products. 2) Sybase! Please implement Windows Graphical Objects improvements" as soon as possible both in datawindow and window contols so we can compete with others."
it's sad to say so many company not use powerbuilder anymore. sybase should enhance object structure like menu, windows, etc
Sybase should pay more attention to Indian Subcontiaent. Powerbuilder is Very Good,Developer-friendly & attractive, Only Sybase should give more efforts like Training-Institute,Seminar etc. and soon Powerbuilder will reach the top of the world.
The OleDB driver for MS-SQL has to many bugs. Therefore I can not upgrade to a newer powerbuilder version (I am still using PB6.5). Datawindow graphs on several pages is an importent improvement I am waiting for. The windows version has not been developed much the last years!
go into promoting PB in the education sector to create a pool of talents.
I worked on Visual Basic and Power Builder as front end development tools where PB is 10 times powerful than VB. I request only for good marketing and introduction to developers about new features of PB new versions as well as step towards no need to migrate the PB application to Web based application rather PB should support well as we based tool. Thank You
Personally I'd like to see: New OO features, such as Interfaces, inner / local classes. More use of exceptions for error handling. Nicer GUI fetures (rollover web style buttons)
The PB need be more fast in check SQL statement in PBScript. The object graphic" is ungly and with low resources and low possibilities of customization
Sybase is killing PowerBuilder itself. It's a great delopment tool but with investment could be better.
Powerbuilder are the best language with I work, unhappyly this software no more used.
PowerBuilder use to be the best development tool, in my opinion, but it has been stuck in time, so we have started to develop in .Net and now it´s difficult to go back to PB.
PowerBuilder é a linguagem de programação que melhor otimiza a construção e a manutenção de sistemas em uma grande empresa.
1. Please listen to the Independent Sybase User Group a lot more. 2. Please beef up PB marketing strategy. 3. Penetrate the school market agressively. 4. Lower the cost. 5. Don't let PB die of natural death
My #1 gripe is the how difficult it is to find information about PB.
1. Is a Good tool for developed database aplication 2. Easy for maintenance 3. But not Easy For Design a beautiful Interface Thnk
We are using Macromedia Flex for our web front end and EA Server for our middle tier to develop new web applications. The combination works very well. No HTML to deal with, no .NET or Java to deal with. Just PB code and actionscript. Both are great languages. I wish Sybase would partner with Macromedia to push this new architecture. It sure beats the complexity of AJAX and nothing comes close to the end user experience.
Powerbuilder is a very fine product that is well capable of developing any sort of application. This is the product that I enjoyed most in my development career. Presently I am developing Database Driven Application in DotNet but I still find it very far from near to Powerbuilder style of development as long as Database Driven Application Development is concerned. In my opinion what Powerbuilder Company requires more is Marketing People than any further Technological Development. The marketing People who can sell the product aggresively carving out strategies for pricing, advertisement and other such things.
I feel Sybase is not marketing this product or infact any of its products effectively.
EJB client functionality should be improved a) to support newer jdk versions b) to fix the bugs in the current implementation c) to support newer ejb specification.
I ahve problem in migratin from PB 6.5 to Pb 10. i am unable to receive return values from stored procedure in pb10. Please help
I have been using PB for the last 10 years. It is great.
PowerBuilder is great application development tools.
I have been a PowerBuilder consultant for the last 8 years. I love PowerBuilder. But it's losing market because of .Net technologies and lack of marketing from Sybase.
Very good product, but poor materials(books)not available in the market.
Looking forward to more improvements to Datawindow.NET and tighter integration with .NET framework. Maybe even include as part of Visual Studio .NET 2006 suite?.
I am a keen fans of PB from PB4 to PB10. Good luck to PB and wish it has a more bright future!
We need to have Dynamic Variable name declaration. We must have J2EE auto building for PowerBuilder Applications, so that we can PowerBuilder Appliations anywhere. We need to make to support Script Files inside the applications. so that we can make ERP programs with Powerbuilde. ie. if a customer need to add a functionality, we need to give provision for him to make it over the application. And that script should be a special sort of Script which can be attached with the application and its language shuld be little business man's language. Guess you got what exactly i meant. thanks
Getting harder and harder to find talented Powerbuilder developers.. Considering moving to .Net.. The .Net datawindow is a huge interest. When is version 2.0 due?
There are problems with refreshment of the screen in applications developed in Powerbuilder.There is no solution provider for this. Powersoft would say it is the o/s and o/s would say it is related to Powerbuilder.
Need better integration with .NET support for web services specially .NET ENUM (enumurated data type support in PB 10.5) and more detailed help on the use of .NET web services
Great PB...!
Software needs to be updated. Starting to show it's age. Still quirky at times. Great tool, but it could be made better! Easy web integration.
i need powerbuilder in linux
1.To make difference from .NET and try not rely on .NET 2 T continue support XCOPY features for easy deployment, 3.For database connectivities if can provide standmoudle for XML connectivities will be useful for system development used in internet and rich GUI features
have a nice future!
Is is easy to learn and use PowerBuilder because the GUI & script are user friendly.
Microsoft .NET and Java polarized computers applications' industry. Sybase took a long time to Web enable PB and after that to make a .NET enabled development environment. Well, I think Sybase has the same syndrome as Borland: to decide toward Java or Microsoft. It stayed in the middle going nowhere.
Need an improvisation towards the marketing process for an effective market penetration.
I'm a big fan and a long time pb developer (1997). Keep up the good work! Unfortunately I think we are switching to MS .NET within the year...
hope power builder will lead the market in coming future
We have much work to do on limited budgets.
Great product and keep improving
Being able to develop solutions for LAMP is becoming more important. Any chance PowrBuilder could support that platform.
Marketing Marketing Marketing
Need more integration platform for web based applications, mainly professional level.
Please continue to improve PB. Easy deployment to web will surely make PB a very verastile and indispensable RAD tool.
code once, deploy to any platform
With so many Java projects either costing 3 times as much as 4GL development & many failed projects NOW is the time for PB to step into the lime light again! Marketing is key or many java projects will simply go to .NET because PB isn't in vogue any more.
Sybase does not push PB hard enough and their martketing and developer support is poor compared to MS.
En Latinoamerica deberia existir una mayor fuerza de ventas para proponer a las empresas cambiarse a Powerbuilder.
I have used PowerBuilder from 1998 to 2001. PowerBuilder is a great tool for developing Client-Server app. But it failed in the web-based development era. My suggestion is to develop some integrated tools to develop web base application.
Sybase should go for proper marketing for PB, as PB is far far better than any other MS front end tool.
It's dead.
There needs to be web services and XML capabilities in Desktop PowerBuilder or a Developers' version of PowerBuilder Enterprise. I cannot afford the investment now in Enterprise and I need to develop web services. I want to leverage my investement in PowerBuilder. PowerBuilder needs better marketing. It is a great product. Maybe they could have a joint venture with the Stylist Studio product.
pb is very good platform
Good tool. Need to include a lot of controls like activex natively. Must support Rich text printing as normal datawindow column.
We can not received any suggestions about new technoligies such as xml or web services etc., and when we've problems about EAServer we does not received good answer or good support from expert team in thailand. (We use PowerBuilder V6 (Old Application)and V9, Sybase 12.5, EAServer 5.2.0)
Rapid Development!
i likk pb, but i'm worried i will be stuck with a dead technology
Power Builder Resource very difficult findout. I'm worry about the future of Power Builder. But it never dead. Regards, john
for future we need to develop more applications and web applications with great 4gl environment of powerbuilder as it is no more less than other interested technologies like .net etc.
I am working on pb for the last 2 years and in this timeperiod i have seen that pb is a very good rapid application development tool,basically it helps us to develop the desktop alpplications very fastly but where it lacks is the ablility to create n - tier applications. Because in today's scenario its very important that you should be able to fetch the accurate data from anywhere, anytime and its retreival time should also be very less i.e very less time complexity. and this is possible in web applction development only.
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Don't die with JAVA
very useful improvements with pb 10.5 in visual appearance, well done! good: support other application servers like jboss, geronimo on july 2006 very good: pocketbuilder!!! important to improve: use rtf-report as nested report in composite datawindows in general: be quicker in integration of new technologys, we are always 2 - 4 later as .NET or JAVA-developers, why?! wishes: gantt - control like varchart gantt of nettronic
Possible to lower the price hence attract more people to join powerbuilder ? powerbuilder has a very good datawindow, but most programmers use microsoft products, not just because of the features, but also the price.
Marketing is TOO weak for powerbuilder! I haven't seen any advertising, promotion, introduction, seminars, etc. for powerbuilder this year... yes, there was one, the email from sybase about the launch of PB 10.0, that is! no more! Please, do more marketing on powerbuilder & improve the image!
Go Ahead ...
We use Powerbuilder for small to medium-sized client-server apps with any of several DBMS back-ends. I like its scripting capacities and full set of features. I have been able to make it do many interesting things. It can be glitchy, however, and sometimes its behavior is different when deployed than it is on the developer desktop, which can be very annoying.
Very happy with PB and using since 1996
if datawindow painter has many objects, it does not performs as expected & gives page fault in pbudo9.dll....
Give the .Net and Linux version of PB soon. If not we have to move towards other tools and once moved (by investing on new tools and trainings) we will not be able to come back to PowerBuilder. Both these trends must be addressed fast as well as advertisements in both techno and consumer magazines (like what Microsoft does) should take place.
Its very nice to work with powerbuilder.Easy and programmer friendly software.
should have more presence and a will to market against a less featureless but a powerfull marketing similar product
J2EE without EA Server would be nice, as would a no runtime" executable and some access to bitwise operations."
I have been a PB developer since version 3.0a. I think this tool is fantastic. Some companies are changing because they feel experienced IT people will not be around to maintain. I think the learning curve is minimal, also client server had a bad rap for being a fat client back when client machines were not like desktops today, and with the increase of bandwidth you do not see the refresh issues of the past. I think security is better and developement is must faster.
I hope more support will get for powerbuilder from powersoft and powerbuilder should be the best frienldy languagae for programmer and as well as the user.
Actually the powerbuilder as a Client / Server tool is good. No tool can beat the powerbuilder. But at the web application level, in the software many improvements needs to be done for the current and future needs.
1) It's transacT sql, not transac ! 2) In the future answers" should have "I don't know alternatives) "
I have Q: why some time the PB is Exit by it self .for ex, if you want to save your work some go down the PB . Pls check this error Thank U I want some website name for help us in the PB Pls help us.
Improve the form gui develop,provide more feathure in gui design.
I have been using PowerBuilder since 1997. I have developed applications using several other platforms as well including VB, Java, Developers 9i, .NET (C#) but I am still to come up against a platform, language or development environment that provides that much control and power that PowerBuilder does. I just hope the guys at Sybase market this tool more efficiently so the people in the software development business that are not using PowerBuilder could see what we have seen.
Powerbuilder should improve their objects such as in Visual Basic, customizable bevel width/height for each control. More powertips on objects. More properties on picture button, improvement on flat button plus other object should be flat enabled also. Thanx
PB is better than the best in client/server. It needs to catch up with others in Web development. There is need to grow awarness within corporate world about sybase and Powerbuilder. Advertise more!
Marketing of PowerBuilder is not good. No product can survive without good marketing. Hope you will improve the marketing, or else sell it to Microsoft who can do good marketing
Great product. Totally underated. Gives us a real advantage.
Please make sure that user can work only with keyboard in PowerBuilder IDE . Actually this is very important aspect of IDE and i think this is lacking in PowerBuilder as we have to use mouse very frequently and sometimes its mendatory to use mouse. please try to improve this
The company made a decision several years ago to stop using PowerBuilder for new development. The question we are facing now is how long will it be viable to maintain our existing PB applications.
I would like to have the hability to create WEB applications using power builder full features, like command buttons, ddlb, dddw, dw, tree views, etc... Coding this kind of objects requires a lot of work to be on WEB applications. What the common sense about PB is in the industry is that it will disappear. Basically driven out by cheaper products like Microsoft's. What the management do not see is the capability of creating applications in shorter time using Power Builder. Also Sybase lacks of free seminars, and a better documentations on how to build WEB applications using PowerBuilder. If at least one person in Sybase could come and do a demostration on what it takes to make WEB applications using Power Builder, the future would be better...
I like this Client Server tool very much. I feel and wish that it should get more market share. Sybase should market it on more vast canvas. Microsoft continue its market publicity at every level especially in Asia (Pakistan) but I did not observe such marketing of Sybase. Personally I did not know SYBASE as per Power Builder tool But i know micorosoft as per .Net, So I feel that SYBASE should market its product on long horizons. If everyone knows it, most of them try to use it.
It is definitely the best C/S application development tool.
Hope PowerBuilder to update with new controls, presentations which will attract more people.
when will the next version be released?
We are trying to learn more about PowerBuilder.
Too little too late from Sybase! Moving all new development to C# then will port legacy apps to C#.
Please call me @404 562 8022.
Everything is ok. But marketing is very poor. product support also very poor in india. Kind improve.
I like powerbuilder. The IDE is buggy, always has. I'd prefer dropping PBLs and just use the *.sr* files; more like other main stream products. Callbacks from DLLs would be nice.
Looking forward to more detailed Rich Text capabilities in datawindow objects. Controlling the fonts of words and columns within a computed column. Advancement of the Format property will allow a wider use of merge documents and html exporting in template format. Actually this was one fo the only stops. HTML export from Sybase direct would be nice but that's another animal altogether.
want to know it is better to be using Power Builder or not?
Menu in powerbuilder is seems to be weak. Inorder to achive MDI feature i have to inherit window menu from frame menu. I feel powerbuilder just replaces menu. i don't think it is nice idea.. Other tools(eg. .net) handles menu in nice way
Dommage qu'on n'entende pas assez parler de powerbuilder. Il serait peut être intéressant de développer un partenariat avec de grandes SSII car en tant que développeur, on a tendance à plus entendre parler d'offres DOTNET que de PB. On a le sentiment que PB et ses avantages en tant que langage de développement (je pense notamment aux PFC) n'est pas suffisament connu des décideurs. Quel dommage!
powerbuilder est en regression et est en train de mourir a petit feu...
En espérant que l'intégration à .NET ne conduise pas à la fin de PowerBuilder !
Avoir plus de suivi sur les furures versions
Le PowerBuilder reste l'outil de developpement le plus puissant que j'ai rencontré dans mes développement. Mais ous avons des problème de migration vers une version supériere, si vous pouvez nous aider à imigrer vers la version 10. nous sommes sur windows serveur 2003.
A regret la décision a été prise par la direction d'abandonner PB pour Java
Il faudrait développer plus rapidement les aspects mobilité en tirant profit des DW qui sont vraiment un outil très efficace. La communication autout des developpements via PB pour des applications nomades devrait être renforcée.
Toujours des problèmes sur la gestion native en source contrôle. L'aide syntaxique au développment est toujours à améliorer, sans compter l'inexistance du refactoring.
PowerBuilder nous donne entièrement satisfaction avec une productivité maximum.
environnement beaucoup trop buggé et pénible à utiliser (surtout avec SourceSafe) grosses applications trop lentes composants avec comportement non standard
Je n'ai pas répondu à la question 12, car nous n'attendons rien de PB : nous utilisons la version 6.5, qui satisfait nos besoins. Des petites applis avec peu d'utilisateurs, et qui doivent arriver rapidement sont encore développées en PB, sinon, nous utilisons Java.
L'intégration avec les composants .net est devenue stratégique pour notre entreprise. Si elle ne s'améliore pas nous devrons changer de produit ! Ce que nous ne souhaitons pas, car nous sommes actuellement très satisfait de PB.
Nous utilisons actuellement PB8 (avec librairie utilisateur reposant sur les PFC) pour une application et PB10 pour une autre. Le portage de l'application PB8 vers PB10 a posé problème lors de la compilation et il semble que cela soit très dur de le faire (de nombreuses erreurs et warnings surviennent). Nous espèrons avoir une solution simple à mettre en oeuvre pour le réaliser afin de n'avoir plus qu'un environnement.
J'ai tout de même l'impression que Power builder est en phase de devenir un dinosaure de l'informatique un peu comme COBOL à son époque.
Nous utilisons PB avec les PFC qui offre des composants graphiques basés" relativement interressants. Toutefois cette panoplie d'objets devraient être développée davantage, optimisée et pourquoi etre proposée de base dans PB, sans forcement inclure les PFC. Souvent nous devons faire appel à des fonctions externes, notamment l'API WIN32, pour obtenir certaines fonctionnalités manquantes. Un point noir important pour nous est la gestion des sources sur de gros projets avec plusieurs développeurs, il faut etre tres vigilant! cordialement, stéphane. "
La version 10 semble moins robuste que les précédentes, nous avons beaucoup de mal à trouver un build qui ne fasse pas régression par rapport à notre version 8. Mais néanmoins vos équipes supprt font un excellent boulot pour nous trouvez une solution.
Realease de la version 10 désastreuses
Le choix de powerbuilder n'a pas été retenu pour les developpement N-Tiers. (JAVA, J2EE, JBOSS). Nous maintenons notre parc applicatif en PB8. Et réalisons des adaptations mineures des applications. Nous prevoyons la migration vers PB10 et Oracle 9.
Powerbuilder zerstört unseren Lebenswillen.
vor allem offizielle unterstützung für WINE (Linux) wie bei den anderen (GUPTA etc..)
- completly instable IDE (crashes at lightspeed) - ancient language (no interfaces, no constructors, etc) - incomplety XP-integration - not able to build an Exe" at first time (always has to rebuild some libraries) - no support for refactorings like M
PowerBuild should become more stable, thats the most important point for large projects
Es sollten durchgängig mehr Windows-Standards benutzt werden, wie z. B. die Standard-Windows-Statusleiste, welche mehrere Abschnitte und Icons erlaubt.
Die Arbeit mit grafischen DWs bedarf unbedingt einer Verbesserung!
Gibt ein paar Probleme vor allem beim Print, aber im großen und ganzen zufrieden damit. Hat leider nicht den Stellenwert in der Welt den es haben sollte
Man sollte doch schneller neue features bzw. bugfixes auf Markt bringen!
Sybase versteht absolut nichts von Marketing. PB gibt es meiner meinung nach noch 8 Jahre.
In PB10 sind immer noch sehr viele Fehler enthalten. Abstürze treten jede halbe Stunde auf.
Es fehlen selbst in Powerbuilder 10 windows common controls, die in Windows Standard sind. Die COM-Integration, d.h. der Aufruf von fremden COM-Servern ist mangelhaft. Die Stabilität des Programms ist verbesserungswürdig
PowerBuilder ist ausgezeichnet, die TCPIP-Funktionalität ist jedoch nicht professionell
PowerBuilder ist noch sehr gut, kann aber mit anderen Technologien am Markt nicht mehr mithalten.
Für Datenbank (ClientServer optimal
EA-Server is too expensive, so we have to migrate to microsoft products. Also .Net is very easy instead of EA-Server.... Greetings from BlackForest
Sybase ist ein Nischenanbieter und betreibt kein Marketing für PB.
Wir haben Interessenten - auch bestehende Kunden - die unsere PowerBuilder-Applikation (DokumentenarchivierungGeschäftsprozesse) unter Linux einsetzen möchten. Leider ist es bis jetzt nicht möglich ohne Emulation (VMWare) eine PB-Applikation unter Linux zum Laufen zu bringen. Eine PowerBuilder-Version für Linux wäre sehr willkommen und würde einen riesigen Markt öffnen. mit freundlichen Grüssen CM Informatik AG, Fredy Marugg
Das PB-Konzept ist gut. Die Entwicklungsumgebung könnte mit Features aus Eclipse verbessert werden (Syntaxergänzung, Editierfenster großklein durch Doppelklick, Code Refactoring, ..). Die Stabilität von PB 8, 9 ist schlecht. Das Programm stürtzt mehrmals am Tag ab.
1.Es wäre sinnvoll, wenn die nächste Powerbuilder-Version weniger neue Features, dafür aber auch weniger Bugs hätte. Das Setzen und Löschen von Breakpoints funktioniert eher zufällig - darauf ist leider kein Verlass. 2.Was auch eim Makel ist, ist dass man Objekte, in denen ein Fehler ist nur noch mit Edit-Source öffnen kann um den Fehler zu bereinigen. 3.Wünschenswert wäre auch, dass man bei im Editor geöffneten Objekten auch die Vaterklasse öffnen kann, um in deren Funktionen etwas nachzusehen - momentan muss man dazu immer eine zweite Powerbuilder-Instanz öffnen, das nervt bei PowerBuilder schon immer.
Bevor irgendwelche Neuerungen eingebaut werden, sollte Sybase erst dafür sorgen, daß die bestehende Umgebung wesentlich stabiler läuft. Würde man sämtliche Abstürze in der Entwicklungsumgebung tatsächlich dem sybase support engineer" melden, müßte Sybase hunderte von Leuten einstellen und ausbilden, nur um die Support-Anfragen zu beantworten."
- leider hat PB nach wie vor eine sehr instabile Programmierumgebung - da die Anwendungen immer komplexer werden, halte ich eine Weiterentwicklung des Debuggers für sinnvoll
Leider habe ich nur die 6er Version und scheue die Investition für eine aktuelle Version. Daher mache ich die Dinge die bis 2003 in PB entwickelt wurden jetzt in VB oderund VC. Kunden, die den Quellcode bekommen, wollen üblicherweise auf Microsoft entwickelt haben.
Die Entwicklungsumgebung für PowerBuilder ist die schlechtest, die ich kenne und ich kenne mehr als eine Allgemein mach PB einen sehr verstaubten Eindruck (ich habe 4 Jahre Vollzeit-PB-Erfahrung)
Saludos, programamos poco con Power ya que a veces no podemos trabajar con el evento que permite capturar la tecla deseads ENTER", en la version 6 y 7 son un desastre estamos incursionando en la version 9.0 haber como es, pero los cambios son abismales, si publicarian algunos ejemplos seria bueno, SALUDOS A TODOS"
Saludos, programamos poco con Power ya que a veces no podemos trabajar con el evento que permite capturar la tecla deseads ENTER", en la version 6 y 7 son un desastre estamos incursionando en la version 9.0 haber como es, pero los cambios son abismales, si publicarian algunos ejemplos seria bueno, SALUDOS A TODOS"
es una herramienta flexible.
Pb para Linux ya!!!
definitivamente powerbuilder es una herramienta muy completa , el gran problema de mas de un analista es que conoce solo una parte de las opciones , deberia haber un manual o un libro en donde explique paso a paso cada uno de las maravillosas opciones que tiene esta potente herramienta.
Motivado al Decreto precidencial se obliga a migrar a estardares abierto por ende la utilización del Power Builder sera minima este año y en el venidero
Incluir opcion de Driver Nativo para SQLSERVER(microsoft) en PB10 Y PB10.5
Llevo trabajando con PB desde la version 4 y la verdad me parece una herramienta muy potente para el desarrollo de aplicaciones.
Herramientas de conversion de datos desde los DW a datos planos (txt) que contenga solo la informacion necesario y el formarto deseado
PowerBuilder es una herramienta grandiosa en lo que a manejo de datos y productividad en desarroollo, pero, en lo que respecta a interfaz no te deja muchas alternativas.
COMO HERRAMIENTA STAND ALONE es muy buena, PERO TENEMOS QUE MIGRAR A TECNOLOGIAS WEB... y powerbuilder en este sentido no brinda muchos beneficios, lo mismo con sistemas operativos linux. ES LO QUE ESTAMOS ESpanishERANDO... POWERBUILDER para linux y POWERBUILDER para desarrollos web
Es un gran prodcuto pero aun le falta que la parte de web gràfica (JSpanish) tenga un interface mucho mas àgil i fàcil. Que ha sido siempre su gran punto fuerte. Es decir hace falta un RAD" para la parte gràfica Web."
Ojalá se pudiera mejorar en documentación en línea y soporte al usuario. El éxito para nuestro trabajo seria el que se incluya georeferenciación desde PowerBuilder con datawindows que produzcan mapas. Necesitamos más soporte en Power Builder como herramienta de desarrolloa para la Web, y nos cuesta trabajo hacerlo con otras herramientas (PHP, ASP, JAVA)
Existe poco documentación y manuales en español que permitan sacarle provecho a las herramientas web que proporciona PB.
Mas difusión y soporte en América Latina, sobre todo a nivel educativo para que las universidades preparen a los estudiantes en estas herramientas. Oracle y Microsoft tienen mucho terreno ganado en este sentido.
Lamentablemente tengo aplicaciones desde la versión 4, 6.5 y 7 y me gustaría standarizar el problema es que no tengo una herramiente que me permita migrar de la version 4 a las 7, si existe alguna alternativa me gustaría saberlo.
Especialmente falta mejoras en la presentacion visual.
Sería bueno que envíen mensualmente las nuevas características de cada release que saca PowerBuilder y algunos tips para el desarrollo con PowerBuilder
Aun presenta problemas al manejar grandes cantidades de datos en memoria, degenerando la interfaz gráfica.
Dado que deseamos conocer mas las herramientas de PB10 ó PB10.5, podrian darnos algun link donde podamos descargar una version de prueba de estos productos? En si PB me impacto desde que logre realizar mi primera aplicacion, sus herramientas son muy completas, pero debe integrarse a lo que hoy en dia esta abarcando al desarrollo, aplicacions orientadas a la web.
PB es una buena herramienta, para desarrollo, pero tenemos pocos cursos de certificación en el Marcado.
En líneas generales PowerBuilder es un gran IDE (tanto el lenguaje como su entorno de desarrollo). Nos preocupa la baja introducción de este lenguaje en la comunidad de desarrolladores que puede hacerlo desaparecer en favor de los 2 grandes competidores: J2EE y .NET. Hay grandes esfuerzos por parte de los líderes (Sun y Microsoft) para fidelizar a los desarrolladores sobre sus plataformas. Creo, en lo personal, que Sybase debería plantear una estrategia similar para no perder tanto capital humano y seguir proyectando a PowerBuilder como un lenguaje de última generación y como una herramienta RAD (Rapid Application Development). Exitos. Damián Ríos
que siga desarrollando y si hubieran cursos para capacitacion a precios accesibles
PowerBuilder es una de las herramientas de programación mas completas que he tenido el gusto de utilizar, realmente es muy bueno, aunque espero que cambie mucho mas y salga pronto una versión para Linux
La herramienta es muy robusta, pero nos gustaria que tuviera opciones para poder migrar aplicaciones a WEB mas precisas
felicitaciones por realizar estas encuentas y unir a los desarrolladores de power builder
A PowerBuilder SOLO le falta mejorar un poco el powerScript pero desarrollar mucho su desarollo orientado a Web. Si pudieran desarrollar algo similar al entorno de Visual Studio seria sensacional
Buenos dias, soy Ing. de sistemas y muy autodidacta, me gustaria algunos manuales sobre las nuevas caracteristicas de PB10 y la integracion con el framework, q versiones soporta, etc. Muchas gracias
Es una excelente herramienta de desarrollo y además me gusta porque es amigable y fácilmente diseña y crea nuavas aplicaciones, en lo personal yo imparte clases de PB en la Universidad Evangélica desde hace 4 ciclos y me encanta este programa.
Herramienta Interesante, pero que muchos personas que toman decisiones no lo ven asi (ya que para ellos todo es JAVA). Seria bueno que se brinden licencias para pruebas y estudios y asi poder desarrollar pilotos y vender facilidad y capacidad de la herramienta.
Seguir expandiendo la difusion (Manuales, Foros, etc) de esta herramienta en español.
Powerbuilder me ha demostrado (en los 7 años que llevo programando en el mismo) ser una de las mejores alternativas para el desarrollo de aplicaciones cliente-servidor con acceso a bases de datos relacionales. Sin embargo, aún es muy flojo en cuanto a desarrollo Web, su integración con Java y .NET no me redunda en ningún beneficio, puesto que también desarrollo en esas herramientas, y para colmo de males su posibilidad de correr exclusivamente en un servidor como el EAServer lo hace muy poco atractivo para Web Development. Otra cosa preocupante a mi parecer es que el Powerbuilder 10 (que es la herramienta que adquirí recientemente) es muy inestable, no ha mejorado los objetos que ya tienen problemas en anteriores versiones (ejemplo el objeto menu), aplicaciones funcionando en versión 9 han sido migradas al 10 y los resultados fueron un poco menos que catastróficos, por lo que ahora seguimos desarrollando en el 9. No hay ninguna mejora interesante, dos nuevos controles (esperaba más), pocas mejoras al powerscript, la introducción de soporte unicode fué fatal (lectura y escritura de archivos tiene problemas). En fin; podría seguir largamente.
Realmente Power Builder me parece una excelente herramienta, no pienso cambiarla por otra, si me gustaría tener mas información o manuales acerca de como hacer proyectos web con PowerBuilder.
Para nuestro caso, PB se está orientando mucho a .NET y la tecnología a la que nuestra empresa se proyecta es J2EE.
Muy tarde fue el intento de power para el desarrollo WEB
Me gustaría saber mas acerca de powerbuilder con aplicaciones intranet e internet...Y que el costo de las herramientas para desarrollar en internet sean menos costosas para poder adquirirlos.
Faltan foros o documentacion en español de ejemplos o para consultas
es optimo para aplicaciones medianas.
Power builder es un excelente lenguaje de programación, pero me gustaria tener mas información de las nuevas herramientas para poder tener la forma de graficar en forma dinamica con un poco mas de herramientas para poder ofrecer un poco mas de calidad en estas a los usuarios finales..
Hace falta la posibilidad de desarrollar aplicaciones WEB que funcionen en entornos Libre (Apache, etc.)
los problemas que he encontrado al utilizar dll hechos en c# algunos no se dejan incorporar a powerbuilder por el manejo de punteron que se hace en c#
No existen muchos libros de PowerBuilder actualmente en el mercado, sería conveniente generar más literatura al respecto.
1) Me gustaría saber si estas encuestas están siendo reportadas a Sybase y cual es su opinion al respecto, es decir, cuales son sus planes a futuro sobre PB. 2) Deberían separar PB del desarrollo Web y hacer una nueva herramienta (PowerWeb?) Así el equipo de desarrollo de PB no se distraería y podría mejorar el GUI que tanto falta le hace; hay muchas mejoras que se pueden hacer. Yo tengo una lista de mejoras para PowerBuilder que con gusto se las hago llegar si es su deseo. 3) Están cayendo en el síndrome de la versión 10 en la que el producto se vuelve tan complejo que se hace inestable. Tengan cuidado. 4) PowerBuilder es como el Latín; todo mundo sabe que existió pero nadie, en la práctia, lo usa actualmente. En las encuestas cuando preguntan qué herramientas se están utilizando no se menciona PowerBuilder. Cuando voy con un cliente y le digo utilizo PowerBuilder me mira con recelo y se cuestiona si será conveniente desarrollar su aplicacion en una herramienta que pocos programadores saben usar. En resumen Sybase necesita promover más PowerBuilder. Les hago una pregunta muy sencilla, si Sybase quisiera vender la división de PowerBuilder, ¿habría alguien que se lo compraría? 5) Porque no cambian su numeración y sacan PowerBuilder 2006? Por lo menos aprendan algo de mercadotecnia de Microsoft. 6) Esta encuesta no está bien diseñada. Por ejemplo, no utilizo PocketBuilder para desarrollar aplicaciones móviles porque simple y sencillamente no desarrollo aplicaciones móviles, y no porque utilice otra herramienta que no sea PocketBuilder.
In each new versionpatch allways IDE is very inestable.
Mejorar la exportación a documentos como Excel, es decir que lod DW se puedan migrar a excel tal y como estan diseñados o como se muestran en ejecución
PB. Es uno de los mejores lenguajes de programación que he utilizado. Espero siga mejorando.
Es un exclenete producto lo que le falta es mayor compatibilidad con las nuevas tecnologias
debería sustentarse bajo algun standar para la integración con diferentes tecnologías.
Una herramienta muy practica a la hora de desarrollar aplicaciones. Ademas, provee maneras eficientes en lo relacionado con los reportes
Seria bueno tener mas apoyo o soporte en Latino America ojala en colombia
Me gusta el entorno y considero que mejora con cada versión.
Es una herramienta muy completas, aunque hay algunos problemas que tuve al momento de diseñar reportes para formatos preimpresos, utilizando diferentes impresoras.Las posiciones de cuadre del papel de una a otra no funciona, deberia respetarse, es decir en una funciona bien y en otra no.
Es una potente herramienta de desarrollo para aplicaciones empresariales, sin embargo, nesecita tener mas flexibilidad para trabajar con controles y componentes no propios de PowerBuilder.
esta evaluacion es basada en la version PB 6.5. Seguramente las modificaciones sugeridas lo tiene versiones superiores.
Creo que se necesita mas acoplamiento con bd Libre llamece Mysql, Postgres etc. al igual que con Entorno Linux sin utilizar emuladores. seria excelente
Es muy buen producto y bastante sencillo de desarrollar , yo opino que es tan o mas bueno que los productos de Microsoft
Seria bueno que existiera una pagina para dudas mas amigable que las existentes para compartir experiencias y problemas del aplicativo........
Mas información de sus productos y comparación con otros similares. Mucha gracias.
Como desarrollador encuentro que Power Builder Independiente de la versión es una excelente herramienta de programación, en cuanto a mejoras creo que ya han avanzado enormemente en lo que es entorno web, pocket, lo que espero a futuro es ya generar aplicaciones web para ampliar el area de trabajo.
Lamentablemente aqui en Ecuador la difusión de Power Builder y todo el potencial que tiene a sido muy malo, motivo por el cual casi nadie se atreve a invertir en desarrollo con Power Builder, en lo personal se que es una de las mejores herramientas con las que he podido trabajar, me gustaría pedir que haya centros de capacitación certificados o avalados por Sybase, donde nos ayuden a los programadores a entender los últimos avanses de power builder, ejemplo yo me quede estancado en la versión 8, de lo que he podido leer en los foros han salido muchas mejoras, pero las cuales por desconocimiento no se las a podido aprovechar, teniendo que migrar las aplicaciones a lenguajes como PHP donde se encuentra documentación completa y fácil de entender
Power builder es una herramienta excelente, que se ve opacada por la falta de recursos asignados a su desarrollo y publicidad. J.
PowerBuilder es una herramienta superior a Visual Basic .Net teniendo en cuenta que el desarrollo es mucho mas rapido. Se debe impulsar de manera gratuita o por convenio con las univerisades y promover las alizanzas con los centros de capacitacion. Requieren un mercadeo mas agresivo del producto
En realidad PB es excelente , trabajo ya 9 años y no he tenido mayores inconvenientes . Tengo 4 Sistemas desarrollados, para empresas comerciales, aduanas, seguros y brokers
Sería interesante que se pudiesen exportar las DataWindows tal y como se muestran en pantalla ( con subtotales, campos calculados etc.. ) a Excel.
Soy una persona con 35 años en el medio de desarrollo de aplicaciones, hoy oriento mis aplicaciones a Internet. Usé PowerBuilder antes de que iniciaran con la programación orientada objetos y después use las dos primeras versiones de poo, desafortunadamente me retiré de la empresa donde se desarrollaba con PB y no he vuelto a tener contacto con esta herramienta. Me gustaría reiniciar mis actividades en PB pero la paquetería y la capacitación salen de mis posibilidades financieras, así que si tuvieran ustedes alguna facilidad al respecto me gustaría conocerla. Gracias y saludos. Arturo Romo.
Creo que es hora de retomar el marketing, para conocer que aspectos nuevos y mejoras tienen en productos PowerBuilder y Sybase.
Si bien el leguaje es poderoso para desarrollo transaccional, seria bueno que implementen mas sobre controlar el hardware directamente y mas aun que sea multiplataforma en el caso de linux, por qeu estamso cambiando algunos servidores a este sistema operativo, por lo demas es bueno el producto
En lo personal me molesta el hecho que tengo que utilizar hasta 3 lenguajes de programacion para la creacion de soluciones web, creo que Power Builder es un producto muy bueno en el desarrollo de aplicaciones cliente servidor y se que tambien tiene integracion para aplicaciones WEB, sin embargo la documentacion existente es muy confusa o bien no he encontrado una buena fuente. Para ser un producto de paga creo que el mantenimiento de la documentacion y la divulgacion de la misma no es muy buena, es por eso que lo califico con un 7, como lenguaje me parece excelente, como IDE le doy un 9, me parece sencilla y facil de usar, algo que talvez no sea el unico que lo diga es la ayuda es excelente, talvez piensen que me contradigo con mi comentario acerca de la documentacion, aclaro un archivo de ayuda no es lo mismo que una documentacion en forma que indique las bases con las que hace ciertas cosas un producto.
Aún se comporta inestable.
Es malo que estemos pensando cambiar de lenguaje solo porque no podemos subir con PWB a internet sin comprar el EAServer. En los proyectos chicos que manejamos, es impensable trasladar ese costo a nuestros clientes. Es el motivo por el cual todavia estamos con la version 6.5
agregar frameworks gratuitos para todas las especialidades.
Power builder es una excelente herramienta sin embargo creo que le falta un detalle q lo haria super poderoso y es que faltan objetos para crear grficos y su utilizacion en mapas por ejemplo; asi mismo falta mejorar el acbado de los graficos de barras, lineas, etc
es muy bueno
me hacen falta controles de tipo: Drill Down, Arbol de Graficos, donde los puedo conseguir
Los felicito la encuenta,
PowerBuilder es una excelente herramienta pero está perdiendo mercado por descuido en el marketing... Piensa Sybase mantener a PB en el mercado? o lo va a dejar de lado? al parecer es la segunda opción...
excelente producto, me gustaría contar con algún demo de las nuevas versiones.
Las nuevas versiones de Powerbuilder no estan orientadas hacia aplicativos transaccionales.
Una buena Herramienta
Estamos muy contentos con PB, pero es muy pobre su funcionalidad para Internet. Tambien es muy dificil encontrar bibliografia y gente capacitada. Nos parece que el marketing de Sybase esta funcionando MUY mal.
Faltan objetos para manipular puertos, documentos , videos etc.
Es indispensable mantener los drivers nativos en las nuevas versiones. La interfase ADO es muy restringida.
PowerBuilder es uha herramienta de desarrollo muy amigable, sin embargo, a la hora de buscar información sobre nuevas versiones, me encuentro casi siempre con muchas restricciones, realmente mi deseo es migrar este año a una versión de powerbuilder con sybase(sqlanywhere)
Cuando se utilizan valores numericos y se efectuan pruebas a modo nativo no se distinguen problemas, pero cuando se genera el código de máquina y se ejecuta con este inconveniente el programa se cancela. Debería efectuarse una observacion cuando se están generando el código de máquina. Nosotros estamos utilizando la version 8.0.3
Que bien saber que powerbuilder sigue integrando nuevas caracteristicas como la integracion con .net
PB es una excelente herramienta de desarrollo, pero pienso qie está perdiendo terreno en el mercado, ahora hay menos desarrollos en PB y mas en .NET o Java.
El año pasado fue mi primera experiencia con PowerBuider, me parece una herramienta potente pero creo que le falta para llegar a ser a lo que yo estaba acostumbrado(Delphi), me gustaria que PowerBuilder llegara a tener mas componentes nativos faciles de utilizar y con el minimo de código posible.
otras mejoras que muchos esperamos: 1. Las ventanas MDI deben permitir imagenes. 2. Poder crear los color Backgrounds con degradación. 3. Poder asignar protección con password a los PSreports 4. Incorporar muchas funciones de red (Captura de IP, Estado de conexiones, etc... y que hoy dia solo son posibles con las api functions). 6. Mejorar la estabilidad del producto, ya que es muy fragil en tiempo de desarrollo y se aborta con mucha facilidad.
Sería de mucha ayuda pongan en la internet manuales de Power Builder para desarrollo de sitios Web
Power Builder es una herramienta sensacional, la mayor limitación que he encontrado es cuando hago reportes graficos, solo se puede hacer un orden alfabetico, y no se puede jugar mucho con los colores.
Hagamao que el Power Builder sea una herramienta de desarrollo en plataforma Internet, en forma amigable como lo hace en CS
La verdad q me encantaria ver como power builder se pueda adecuar a las plataformas libres para ver una mejor operancia del desarrollo
Desde que inicie mis labores con esta herramiente, he tenido una expectativa muy alta, tanto por sus bondades, medios y técnicas implementadas. Un punto muy alto es la facilidad y agilidad para desarrollar. Aunque el punto más bajo para mi es Linux, que aun no veo que la versión permite desarrollar aplicaciones que corran en dicha plataforma.
Espero ke mejoren la interfaz IDE, cada vez la hacen mas complicada. tanta ventanita hace muy pesado el trabajo, debe de mantenerse esa para los usuarios ke se han acostumbrado y poderse configurar como era la PB 6, ke es más ligera para trabajar
desaria k se pudiese migrar de la version 6,7 al power builder 10
PB deberia integrarse con UML o Java
trabajoa a gusto con esta herramienta de Power Builder ya que es muy amigable.
Excelente herramienta, pero falta tutorial con ejemplos más prácticos para utilizar otras herramientas que se integran con powerbuilder, sobre todo las herramientas web. O donde puedo obtener esa información
Mejor integración con opciones visuales y gráficas
La Compliacion en .Net
Es excelente deben de darle mayor auge y mas mercadeo.
La herramienta muy buena, pero para quienes trabajamos con ella, es necesario que exista una capacitación a nuestro alcance, yo vivo en Ambato - Ecuador y en nuestra ciudad la capacitacion es nula, pues los responsables Uniplex que esta en Quito, con pesimos para como soporte ademas de excesivamente costosos. Es necesario de suma urgencia que exista otro soporte en el Ecuador solo asi PowerBuilder y los que trabajamos con el, vamos a desarrollarnos.
Mejoras del diseño grafico.
Son muy pocas las personas que utilizamos power builder, puesto de que se desconoce su potencialidad, ahora aqui en huancayo peru, mucho mas, el programa PB, para mi, es un mounstruo, es lo maximo, fijence que no necesita mucho codigo, es mas click, poco codigo, y realmente soluciona infinidad de problemas, estoy probando Skins, Agentes, sinceramente es lo maximo, ahora en cuanto a Web, necesito mas presentacion, mas utilidad o derrepente me falta explorar, agradecere se me informe sobre este capitulo, las integraciones con flash, etc. y si no fuera mucha molestia alguanas aplicaciones sencillas para incrementar mis conocimientos. atentamente sergio j. de la cruz zuñiga programador Av. leoncio prado 1880-chilca huancayo, telefono 064202652-0649600907.
Creo que debería compartirse código y componentes nuevos como ocurre con Java para fomentar el uso de PowerBuilder y asegurar su futuro en mayor medida.
Excelente herramienta para aplicaciones clienteservidor, en contraste con el desarrollo de aplicaciones web.
La versión 9 de PB, creo que es una muy buena versión, pero no puedo decir los mismo de la 10, lo cual me preocupa enormmente pensando en el futuro.
Tener enlaces con paginas web, para ser visualizas los reportes de los proyectos
Deberia haber mas bibliografia disponible y en interntet cursos que traten temas profundos y tecnicas de programacion en varias de las versiones de powerbuilder
Sybase deberia tomar iniciatica en incorporarse al area de software libre, ideal si powerbuilder fuese llevado a ese ambiente o que iniciaran un nuevo pryecto de un nuevo RAD enfocado hacia esa area.
Trabajo con powerBuilder desde la version 4 hace 8 años
deseo manuales para desarrollar poyectos en pb 9.0 gracias
En la pregunta 4, tambien utilizamos el PB8 y el PB9, pero nuestros clientes más antiguos tienen aplicaciones en PB6, por eso no es tán fácil migrar de una aplicación a otra. Ya que en la versión 10.5 se podrá Datawindows Tree view, capacidad de autozise e integracion con .net procuraremos trabajar nuevos proyectos en sus ultimas versiones del programa. La herramienta del Visual Expert 5.6 y Visual Guard son muy buenos para gestionar los proyectos, gracias a la exposición que se dió aquí en Perú. Por favor, me gustaría que me dieran una ayuda sobre la forma de poder enviar y recibir correo desde el PB8, es importante para un proyecto. Gracias.
Seria bueno que enfocarán más los desarrollos de nuevas versiones hacia integración con el Framework de .NET.
No he podido hacer que los procedimientos con parametros que tengo en sql me funcionen desde una aplicación PowerBuilder. En Bogota - Colombia se ofrezcan mas cursos de PowerBuilder por empresas de capacitacón reconocidas.
Hace Falta mayor informacion en español de las actualizaciones
Estoy interesado en Aplicaciones Web con Power Builder. Sin estar utilizando las famosas como java, javascript, xsl, php, asp ,, etc
Estaria muy bien mejorar la exportacion de los datos apartir de los DW's especificamente de los dw'S COMPOSITE. Mejorar el Manejo de las Funciones de Fecha y Hora en el PB. Ampliar la capacidad de SubQuerys permitidos en la DW's.
Bueno, felicitarlos ,ya que sin ustedes nosotros no podriamos estar bien informardos y decirles que toda ayuda es bienvenida si se trata actualizarnos en este mundo global de antemano muchas gracias por todo.
Desarrollador y admirador de PowerBuilder desde hace 10 años, por toda su potencia, estabilidad y versatilidad. Solicito por favor... Desarrollar mejores campañas de publicidad y dar mayor apertura y mayor difusion a las capacidades de PowerBuilder para desarrollo de aplicaciones Web. La gran mayoría de desarrolladores PB que conozco, por mucha experiencia que se tenga, no logra ser suficiente para explotar la herramienta con la tecnología Web. Gracias!
Acceso a más ejemplos de programas y códigos.
es perfecto lo que ofrece esta herramienta , ya que es un avance en aplicacion . nos sentimo honrados al saber que exite tal herramienta y esperemos que sigan saliendo mas novedades
Apertura de drivers para MSSQL Server Express Edition 2005 y apertura de drivers para PocketBuilder a otros manejadores, no limitarlo unicamente a SQL Anywhere. Gracias!
Es indisensable el intercambio de informacion con otras instituciones por medio de la WEB, por tal motivo se hace indispensable mejoras en XML. Saludos.
Que desarrollen productos en español y que se difundan manuales en linea en español.
Deseamos que la empresa desarrollo un power builder pero que sea en español para todos los paises latinos de habla hispana.
Es un lenguaje que permite el desarrollo de aplicaciones rapidamente y con una flexibilidad y escalabilidad tremenda.
Que vengan modelos de programación para una guía mas rápida en el proceso de aprendizaje.
En argentina no obtuve respuesta de la gente de sybase. de ningun tipo, escribi email a marketing al administrador y nunca me respondieron. seria bueno que nos den un poco mas de importancia.
la unica problematica que veo con Sybase es que no se puede encontrar mucha informacion de powerbuilder en español, es decir, manuales o libros de Powerbuilder en español de la versiones o versiones mas recientes que van saliendo para asi poder estar a la vanguardia de los cambios y mejoras de dicha herramienta de desarrollo, otra cosa que veo es que en mi pais El Salvador Powerbuilder esta perdiendo mercado frente a Java y a .NET ya que las licencias de powerbuilder son mucho mas caras que las anteriores.
Deseo que Power Builder Sea mejor que .Net
PowerBuilder es la mejor herramienta y espero mucha mas de lo que ya PowerBuilder tiene y espero tambien ojala una version en español de PowerBuilder
Necesito que herramientas existen para migrar las aplicacines pb a web
mejorar la interface de desarrollo
espero que salgan mas opciones de conexiones a las bases de datos, cliente servidor, scrips
como el pibe todo bien
PowerBuilder 9.0 es una buena herramienta para desarrollar interfaces para usuarios.
Power builder es el Lenguaje de programacion que me ha ayudado a realizar mis aplicaciones mas rapido que cualquier otro. Aparte que es seguro potente y versatil. He ahorrado tiempo de diseño, lineas de codigo y tiempo. El datawindow. net me cayo como del cielo. Yo estaba de pena cuando salio el, pero con el mis deños son mas bonitos y contruyo mis interfaces rapidamente. ademas que la programacion son pocas lineas de codigo.
Power builder me parece una poderosa herramienta, sus debilidades son aun la integracion con la web.
Me parece una de las mejores herramientas de desarrollo, mis expectativas son una integración con .Net y el manejo de Punteros de Memoria
Tiene mucha potencia en el manejo de sus datawindow, pero le falta actualizar la potnecia de porder personalizar sus controles, funciones y demas
PowerBuilder se quedo en el tiempo. Necesitamos un camino facil para hacer aplicaciones WEB. No puedo migrar a la 10 porque no tiene compatibilidad con versiones viejas de windows (w98). Cada vez corre sobre menos sistemas operativos y menos versiones de windows. La promocion de Sybase deja mucho que desear. Sybase Argentina es una verguenza
deseo profundizar en el conocimiento de powerbuilder, jaguar, ec pero no encuentro info en castellano.
Necesitamos saber o conocer si power builder es soportado por linux o cual es su homologo
Power Builder lo he utilizado por varios años y me gustaria saber si en Costa Rica ha representación, y ver si tienen ultimas actualizaciones, esta encuesta le ayuda a programador a obtener buenos beneficios y tener una excelente herramienta.
Solo me resta decir que espero pronto tengan alguna version en español.
me parece una herramienta excelente sobre tod con el eas, y todo lo que tiene que ver con bd web, lastima que no hay documentacion como libros en español de la version 10 ni de EAS. gracias
Pues he trabajado en Power Builder y me parese excelente espero tener mas noticias de este Programa ps me es genial todas sus aplicaciones son exactas, y desde el dia que empese a utilizarlo que fue la versión 5.0 no he dejado de ulilizarla. Agradecere mas información del este programa en incluso si van agregar PowerBuilder.NET. Que bueno ya hacia falta un programa en linea para los programadores. Saludos ....
Cuando Sysbase ayudara con su site en español ? Seria interesante encontrar un chat en linea para intercambiar preguntas y respuesta con diferentes usuarios de la herramienta de desarrollo y base de datos.
deseo saber si pueden ayudar com ejemplo s de tallados para poder saber mas de power builder
seria agradable encontrar más documentación en español de la version 7 en adelante, son un gran aporte los ejemplos y ayudas que se encuentran en internet, pero creo que se necesita más aun.
Facilitar la migración a WEB
Se puede construir aplicaciones web en Power Builder para que se ejecuten sobre el IIS. Personalmente he trabajado con power builder por 10 años y me parece una excelente herramienta para el desarrollo rápido, pero lo que se requiere actualmente es trabajar en aplicaciones web y que el desarrollo también sea rápido.
Estoy empezando... me parece super las herramientas q dispones en PW
falta de cursos de capacitacion auspiciado por sybase para el publico en general
bueno creo q es una herramienta fuerte y mas manejable comparando con visual en tosas su versiones y espero q lo net supere al .net sigan adelante
se necesita que el producto tenga un precio menor para desarrolladores junior ... y una cantidad considerable de funciones para web incorporadas .. asi como la posibilidad de uso mas extendendido de .net con ASP PHP como si fuesen objetos de powerbuilder
se necesita que el producto tenga un precio menor para desarrolladores junior ... y una cantidad considerable de funciones para web incorporadas .. asi como la posibilidad de uso mas extendendido de .net con ASP PHP como si fuesen objetos de powerbuilder
Seria bueno que lanzaran una version en Español...
Seria conveniente contar con DropDownListBox que permitan proporcionar de manera opcional un DataWindow como fuente del listado y por que no, tambien algun otro control que pudiera tomar como fuente un Datawindow, tal y como se hace dentro del mismo Datawindow en el Tab de Edit en el estilo tipo DropDownDW.
Seria bueno hacer un portal, como microsoft lo esta haciendo con visual studio 2005 y dar una certificacion y capacitar gratuitamente en PB 10.00, .NET y 11.00 en un futuro cercano
Me gustaria conocer la forma de conectividad con SQL Server 2005