
pfcapsrv.pbl   >   pfc_w_message   >   open   

Full name
Access public
Extend of
Return value
Prototype event open()

Name Datatype
No Data

Name Datatype
li_bmp Integer
li_index Integer
li_rc Integer
llvi_item ListViewItem

event open;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//	Event:  			open
//	(Arguments:		None)
//	(Returns:  		None)
//	Description:	Open the window with the appropriate information.
//						Call the function to Size and Move controls around to
//						match the window information.
//	Revision History
//	Version
//	5.0		Initial version
//	5.0.02	Move Picture Icon to left past the window border.
//	5.0.03	Code formerly in pfc_preopen event
// 5.0.04	Correct Tab Order and added focus to default button.
//	Copyright © 1996-1997 Sybase, Inc. and its subsidiaries.  All rights reserved.
//	Any distribution of the PowerBuilder Foundation Classes (PFC)
//	source code by other than Sybase, Inc. and its subsidiaries is prohibited.

Integer			li_rc
Integer			li_index
Integer			li_bmp
ListViewItem	llvi_item

//Get the PowerObjectParm.
inv_errorattrib = Message.powerobjectparm

// Allow window to close without the CloseQuery checks being performed.
ib_disableclosequery = True

// Set the titlebar.
This.title = inv_errorattrib.is_title

// Set the Message MLE.
mle_message.Text =  inv_errorattrib.is_text

// As requested, set the Picture Icon.
Choose Case inv_errorattrib.ie_icon
	Case information!
			li_bmp = 1
	Case stopsign!
			li_bmp = 2			
	Case exclamation!
			li_bmp = 3			
	Case question!
			li_bmp = 4
	Case Else
			li_bmp = 0			
End Choose
If li_bmp > 0 Then
	lv_bmp.X = lv_bmp.X - 30
	llvi_item.PictureIndex = li_bmp
	li_Index = lv_bmp.AddItem(llvi_item)
	lv_bmp.SetItem(1, llvi_item)
	llvi_item.ItemX = -100
	llvi_item.ItemY = 5	
	lv_bmp.Visible = False
End If

// As requested, Enable/Disable Print.
cb_print.enabled = inv_errorattrib.ib_print
cb_print.visible = inv_errorattrib.ib_print

// As requested, Enable/Disable User input.
cb_userinput.enabled = inv_errorattrib.ib_userinput
cb_userinput.visible = inv_errorattrib.ib_userinput

// As requested, set the timer.
If inv_errorattrib.ii_timeout > 0 Then 
	// Automatically close this response window after ii_timeout seconds.
End If

// As requested, display/enable the appropriate button(s).
Choose Case inv_errorattrib.ie_buttonstyle
	Case ok!
			//-- An (OK) button has been requested. --
			// Set the text attribute(s).
			cb_1.Text = "OK"
			// Set the default attribute(s).			
			cb_1.Default = True
			// Make button(s) visible or invisible.
			cb_1.Visible = True
			cb_2.Visible = False
			cb_3.Visible = False
	Case okcancel!, yesno!, retrycancel!
			//-- An (OK and Cancel) or (Yes and No) or (Retry and Cancel) --
			//-- buttons have been requested. --
			// Set the text attribute(s).
			If inv_errorattrib.ie_buttonstyle = okcancel! Then
				// An OK and Cancel buttons have been requested. 
				cb_1.Text = "OK"
				cb_2.Text = "Cancel"
			ElseIf inv_errorattrib.ie_buttonstyle = yesno! Then
				// A Yes and No buttons have been requested. 				
				cb_1.Text = "&Yes"
				cb_2.Text = "&No"				
				// A Retry and Cancel buttons have been requested. 		
				cb_1.Text = "Retry"
				cb_2.Text = "Cancel"				
			End If
			// Set the default attribute(s).						
			If inv_errorattrib.ii_default = 2 Then
				cb_2.default = True
				// Default value.
				cb_1.default = True
			End If
			// Make button(s) visible or invisible.
			cb_1.visible = True
			cb_2.visible = True
			cb_3.Visible = False				

	Case yesnocancel!, abortretryignore!
			//-- A (Yes, No, and Cancel) or (Abort, Retry, and Ignore) --
			//-- buttons have been requested. --
			// Set the text attribute(s).			
			If inv_errorattrib.ie_buttonstyle = yesnocancel! Then		
				// A Yes, No, and Cancel buttons have been requested. 						
				cb_1.Text = "&Yes"
				cb_2.Text = "&No"
				cb_3.Text = "Cancel"
				// An Abort, Retry, and Ignore buttons have been requested. 	
				cb_1.Text = "Abort"
				cb_2.Text = "Retry"
				cb_3.Text = "Ignore"				
			End If
			// Set the default attribute(s).							
			If inv_errorattrib.ii_default = 3 Then
				cb_3.default = True
			ElseIf inv_errorattrib.ii_default = 2 Then
				cb_2.default = True
				// Default value.
				cb_1.default = True
			End If			

			// Make button(s) visible or invisible.
			cb_1.visible = True
			cb_2.visible = True
			cb_3.visible = True
End Choose

// Size and Move controls around to	match the window information.
li_rc = of_PaintInitialWindow()

end event

Name Owner
No Data

Name Owner
dragobject.setfocus dragobject
listview.additem listview
listview.setitem listview
systemfunctions.timer systemfunctions
pfc_w_message.of_paintinitialwindow pfc_w_message

Full name

Name Scope
No Data