
pfcapsrv.pbl   >   pfc_w_message   >   of_paintinitialwindow   

Full name pfc_w_message.of_paintinitialwindow
Access protected
Override of integer
Return value integer
Prototype protected function integer of_paintinitialwindow()

Name Datatype
No Data

Name Datatype
li_longestlen Integer
li_msgline Integer
li_msglinecount Integer
li_msglinelength Integer
li_startpoint Integer
li_tabcharlen Integer
li_textlen Integer
li_titlelen Integer
li_widthmidpoint Integer
li_x Integer
li_y Integer
ll_counttabs Long
ll_pos Long
ls_textline String
lw_parent Window
TAB String

protected function integer of_paintinitialwindow ();//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//	Function:  		of_PaintInitialWindow
//	Access:  		protected
//	Arguments:		(none)
//	Returns:  		integer
//						1 if it succeeds and -1 if it fails.
//	Description:	Test for the validity of the SQLspy service.
//	Revision History
//	Version
//	5.0   Initial version
// 5.0.02 Corrected code to determine longest text line.
// 5.0.02 Handle multiple font sizes.
// 5.0.02 Prevent the upper/left window coordinates from opening outside 
// 	the screen.
//	Copyright © 1996-1997 Sybase, Inc. and its subsidiaries.  All rights reserved.
//	Any distribution of the PowerBuilder Foundation Classes (PFC)
//	source code by other than Sybase, Inc. and its subsidiaries is prohibited.

Integer	li_titlelen=0
Integer	li_textlen=0
Integer	li_longestlen=0
Integer	li_startpoint=1

constant Integer SEPARATOR =50
Integer 	li_msglinelength
Integer	li_widthmidpoint
Integer	li_msglinecount
Integer	li_msgline
Integer	li_tabcharlen
Integer	li_x, li_y
Long 		ll_counttabs, ll_pos
String 	ls_textline
Window	lw_parent
Constant String TAB='~t'

// Handle multiple font sizes.

// Get the Message Title Length (li_titlelen).
If Not IsNull(this.Title) Then
	li_titlelen = Len(this.Title)
End If

// Get the number of lines on the Message Text
li_msglinecount = mle_message.LineCount()

// Get the longest Message Text Line Length (li_textlen). 
li_tabcharlen = Len(TAB)
For li_msgline = 1 to li_msglinecount
	// Set the starting position on the next line,
	// loop until the cursor is confirmed on the next line.
	mle_message.SelectText(li_startpoint, 0)	
	Do While mle_message.selectedline() < li_msgline
		mle_message.SelectText(li_startpoint, 0)
	// Get the text on the Current Line.
	ls_textline = mle_message.TextLine()

	// Set the starting point to the end of the current line or start of next line..
	li_startpoint += Len(ls_textline) + 1

	// Determine the number of occurrences of the Tab Character.
	ll_counttabs = 0
	ll_Pos = Pos(ls_textline, TAB)
	Do While ll_Pos > 0
		ll_counttabs ++
		ll_Pos = Pos(ls_textline, TAB, (ll_Pos + li_tabcharlen))

	// Keep only the longest line length.
	li_msglinelength = mle_message.LineLength()+ (ll_counttabs * ii_tabchars)
	If li_msglinelength > li_textlen Then
		li_textlen = li_msglinelength
	End If

// Keep the longest of the Title or Message length.
If li_titlelen > li_textlen Then
	li_longestlen = li_titlelen
	li_longestlen = li_textlen
End If

// If at least one of the RightSide buttons are visible,
// prevent the window from width getting too small.
If (cb_print.Visible Or cb_userinput.Visible) Then
	If li_longestlen < 25 Then
		li_longestlen = 25
	End If
End If

// Depending on the number of BottomSide buttons visible,
// prevent the window width from getting too small.
If cb_1.Visible And cb_2.Visible=False And cb_3.Visible=False Then
	If li_longestlen < 10 Then
		li_longestlen = 10
	End If
ElseIf cb_1.Visible And cb_2.Visible And cb_3.Visible=False Then
	If li_longestlen < 20 Then
		li_longestlen = 20
	End If
	If li_longestlen < 30 Then
		li_longestlen = 30
	End If
End If

// Set the appropriate attributes for the Message MLE.
If li_msglinecount > ii_maxlines Then 
	mle_message.VScrollbar = True
	li_longestlen += 4
End If

// According to the text inside the Message Text, 
// resize the Message control.  (Check for predefined min/max)
If li_msglinecount < 2 Then
	// Prevent BottomSide control from moving up too much.
	li_msglinecount = 2
End If
If li_longestlen > ii_maxlinelen Then
	// Prevent the width from going over the set max.
	li_longestlen = ii_maxlinelen
End If
If li_msglinecount > ii_maxlines Then
	// Prevent the Height from going over the set max.	
	li_msglinecount = ii_maxlines
End If
mle_message.Resize(li_longestlen * ii_charwidth + 50, &
						 li_msglinecount * ii_lineheight)

// Move the Right Hand buttons just to the right of the 
// Message.
cb_print.X = mle_message.X + mle_message.Width + SEPARATOR
cb_userinput.X = mle_message.X + mle_message.Width + SEPARATOR

// Set the width of the window according to the size of
// the Message and the RightSide buttons.
If (cb_print.Visible=False And cb_userinput.Visible=False) Then
	This.Width = mle_message.X + mle_message.Width + SEPARATOR + 30
	This.Width = mle_message.X + mle_message.Width + cb_print.Width + (SEPARATOR *2) + 30
End If

// Move the BottomSide Buttons right under the Message.
cb_1.Y = mle_message.Y + mle_message.Height + SEPARATOR
cb_2.Y = mle_message.Y + mle_message.Height + SEPARATOR
cb_3.Y = mle_message.Y + mle_message.Height + SEPARATOR

// Center the BottomSide Buttton(s).  (if visible, offset some 
//	for the print and userinput buttons.)
If (cb_print.Visible Or cb_userinput.Visible) Then
	li_widthmidpoint = (This.Width - cb_print.Width  ) / 2
	li_widthmidpoint = This.Width / 2
End If
If cb_1.Visible And cb_2.Visible=False And cb_3.Visible=False Then
	cb_1.x = li_widthmidpoint - (cb_1.Width / 2)
ElseIf cb_1.Visible And cb_2.Visible And cb_3.Visible=False Then
	cb_1.x = li_widthmidpoint - (cb_1.Width +20)
	cb_2.x = li_widthmidpoint +20
	cb_1.x = li_widthmidpoint - ((cb_1.Width +20) + (cb_1.width/2))
	cb_2.x = li_widthmidpoint - (cb_2.width/2)
	cb_3.x = li_widthmidpoint + (cb_3.width/2 +20)
End If

// Move, Resize, Hide the UserInput controls.
gb_userinput.Move (mle_message.X, &
						 mle_message.Y + mle_message.Height + cb_1.Height + SEPARATOR)
gb_userinput.Width = mle_message.Width						 
gb_userinput.Visible = False						 
st_userinput.Move (mle_message.X, &
						 gb_userinput.Y + gb_userinput.Height + SEPARATOR)
st_userinput.Visible = False						 
mle_userinput.Move(mle_message.X, &
						 st_userinput.Y + st_userinput.Height + 5)
mle_userinput.Width = mle_message.Width
mle_userinput.Visible = False

// Adjust the Height of the window to hide the User Input space.
This.Height = cb_1.Y + cb_1.Height + 100 + SEPARATOR

// Center the window on the Parent window.
lw_parent = ParentWindow()
If IsValid (lw_parent) Then
	li_x = lw_parent.x + lw_parent.width/2  - This.width/2 - 100
	If li_x < 0 Then li_x = 0
	li_y = lw_parent.y + lw_parent.height/2 - This.height/2 - 100
	If li_y < 0 Then li_y = 0	
	This.Move(li_x, li_y)
End If

Return 1
end function

Name Owner
pfc_w_message.open pfc_w_message

Name Owner
window.move window
window.parentwindow window
windowobject.move windowobject
windowobject.resize windowobject
multilineedit.linecount multilineedit
multilineedit.linelength multilineedit
multilineedit.selectedline multilineedit
multilineedit.selecttext multilineedit
multilineedit.textline multilineedit
systemfunctions.isnull systemfunctions
systemfunctions.isvalid systemfunctions
systemfunctions.len systemfunctions
systemfunctions.pos systemfunctions
systemfunctions.pos systemfunctions
pfc_w_message.of_updatefontsize pfc_w_message

Full name

Name Scope
No Data