
pfcwnsrv.pbl   >   pfc_n_cst_winsrv_statusbar   >   of_open   

Full name pfc_n_cst_winsrv_statusbar.of_open
Access public
Extend of integer
Return value integer
Prototype public function integer of_open(boolean)

Name Datatype
No Data

Name Datatype
lgo_withfocus graphicobject
li_height Integer
li_rc Integer
li_width Integer
ls_dwdefinition string

public function integer of_open (boolean ab_switch);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//	Function:  	of_Open
//	Access:  	public
//	Arguments:	
//	ab_switch	True to open the window. False to close the window.
//	Returns:  	Integer
//	1 if it succeeds.
//	0 no action taken.
// -1 if an error occurs.
//	Description:
//	Opens an instance of w_statusbar window.
//	Sets the desired refresh rate.
//	Makes sure focus stays on the Frame window.
//	Revision History
//	Version
//	5.0   Initial version
// 5.0.03 Added functionality to properly restore focus.
//	Copyright © 1996-1999 Sybase, Inc. and its subsidiaries.  All rights reserved.
//	Any distribution of the PowerBuilder Foundation Classes (PFC)
//	source code by other than Sybase, Inc. and its subsidiaries is prohibited.

Integer 	li_rc 
Integer	li_width, li_height
string 	ls_dwdefinition
graphicobject lgo_withfocus

//Check arguments
If IsNull(ab_switch) Then
	Return -1
End If

// Check window reference.
If IsNull(iw_requestor) Or Not IsValid(iw_requestor) Then
	Return -1
End If

// Create the datawindow object.
li_rc = of_createdwobject(ls_dwdefinition, li_width, li_height)
If li_rc <> 1 Then Return -1

If ab_switch Then
	// Get the current object with focus.
	lgo_withfocus = GetFocus()
	// Open the status bar window.
	li_rc = Open(iw_statusbar, iw_requestor)
	// Restore the focus to the previous object.
	// Set the Refresh rate on the status bar window.
	If IsValid(iw_statusbar) Then
	End If
	Return li_rc
	If IsValid(iw_statusbar) Then
		li_rc = Close(iw_statusbar)
		Return li_rc
	End If
End If

Return 0
end function

Name Owner
pfc_w_frame.pfc_postopen pfc_w_frame

Name Owner
systemfunctions.close systemfunctions
systemfunctions.getfocus systemfunctions
systemfunctions.isnull systemfunctions
systemfunctions.isvalid systemfunctions
systemfunctions.open systemfunctions
pfc_n_cst_winsrv_statusbar.of_createdwobject pfc_n_cst_winsrv_statusbar
pfc_n_cst_winsrv_statusbar.of_restorefocuspoint pfc_n_cst_winsrv_statusbar
pfc_w_statusbar.of_setrefreshrate pfc_w_statusbar

Full name
No Data

Name Scope
No Data