
pfcutil.pbl   >   pfc_u_tab_dwproperty_srv   >   pfc_propertystart   

Full name pfc_u_tab_dwproperty_srv.pfc_propertystart
Access public
Extend of integer
Return value integer
Prototype event integer pfc_propertystart(n_cst_dwpropertyattrib)

Name Datatype
No Data

Name Datatype
la_rc Any
li_cnt Integer
li_rc Integer
li_upper Integer
lnv_propertyattrib n_cst_propertyattrib
lw_parent window

event pfc_propertystart;call super::pfc_propertystart;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//	Event:  pfc_PropertyStart
//	Arguments:  
//	 anv_attrib   The datawindow property attributes.
//	Returns: Integer
//	 1 = successful
// -1 = Error
//	Description:
//	 Start the object, Create the appropriate pages for the service, And call 
//	 the 'Initialize' process for any specific functionality.
//	Revision History
//	Version
//	6.0   Initial version
//	Copyright © 1996-1997 Sybase, Inc. and its subsidiaries.  All rights reserved.
//	Any distribution of the PowerBuilder Foundation Classes (PFC)
//	source code by other than Sybase, Inc. and its subsidiaries is prohibited.

Integer 	li_rc
Any		la_rc
Integer	li_upper
Integer	li_cnt
window	lw_parent
n_cst_propertyattrib lnv_propertyattrib

// Validate.
If IsNull(anv_attrib) or Not IsValid(anv_attrib) Then
	Return -1
End If
If IsNull(anv_attrib.idw_requestor) or Not IsValid(anv_attrib.idw_requestor) Then
	Return -1
End If

// Store the Attributes.
inv_attrib = anv_attrib

// Get the Requestor reference.
idw_requestor = inv_attrib.idw_requestor

// Set the Window title.
If IsValid(lw_parent) Then 
	lw_parent.Title = inv_attrib.is_objectname + ' Properties'
End If

// Create the appropriate page(s) for the service.
li_rc = this.Event pfc_PropertyCreatePages(inv_attrib.is_tabpages)
If li_rc <=0 Then Return -1

// Determine if the Syntax page is desired.
If Len(Trim(is_syntaxtappg)) > 0 Then
	// Create the Syntax page.
	li_upper = Upperbound(iuo_tappage)
	If li_upper > 0 Then
		li_upper ++
		li_rc = OpenTab(iuo_tappage[li_upper], is_syntaxtappg, 0)
		If li_rc <= 0 or IsNull(iuo_tappage[li_upper]) Or Not IsValid(iuo_tappage[li_upper]) Then
			Return -1
		End If
		// Set the Tab Text.
		li_rc = iuo_tappage[li_upper].of_GetPropertyInfo(lnv_propertyattrib)
		iuo_tappage[li_upper].Text = lnv_propertyattrib.is_propertytabtext
		If Len(iuo_tappage[li_upper].Text)=0 Then iuo_tappage[li_upper].Text = is_syntaxtext
	End If
End If

// Loop through all the tab pages.
For li_cnt = 1 to li_upper
	la_rc = iuo_tappage[li_cnt].Dynamic Event pfc_PropertyStart(inv_attrib)

	If ClassName(la_rc) = 'integer' or ClassName(la_rc)='long' Then
		// The pfc_PropertyStart was found, validate the return code.
		If la_rc < 0 Then Return -1
	End If

// Call the 'Initialize process'.
li_rc = this.Event pfc_PropertyInitialize(inv_attrib)
If li_rc <=0 Then Return -1

Return 1
end event

Name Owner pfc_w_dwpropertyservices

Name Owner
tab.opentab tab
systemfunctions.classname systemfunctions
systemfunctions.isnull systemfunctions
systemfunctions.isvalid systemfunctions
systemfunctions.len systemfunctions
systemfunctions.trim systemfunctions
systemfunctions.upperbound systemfunctions
pfc_u_tab.of_getparentwindow pfc_u_tab
pfc_u_tabpg_dwproperty_base.of_getpropertyinfo pfc_u_tabpg_dwproperty_base
pfc_u_tabpg_dwproperty_base.pfc_propertystart pfc_u_tabpg_dwproperty_base
pfc_u_tab_dwproperty_srv.pfc_propertyinitialize pfc_u_tab_dwproperty_srv
pfc_u_tab_dwproperty_srv.pfc_propertycreatepages pfc_u_tab_dwproperty_srv

Full name
No Data

Name Scope
No Data