
pfcmain.pbl   >   pfc_u_calculator   >   of_buttonclicked   

Full name pfc_u_calculator.of_buttonclicked
Access protected
Extend of integer
Return value integer
Prototype protected function integer of_buttonclicked(string)

Name Datatype
No Data

Name Datatype
ldbl_currvalue double
ldbl_value double
li_rc Integer

protected function integer of_buttonclicked (string as_key);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//	Function:  of_ButtonClicked
//	Access:    Protected
//	Arguments:	
//		as_key	The button/key pressed.
//	Returns:  Integer
//		1 if it succeeds
//		-1 if an error occurs.
//		0 if the key is disregarded.
//	Description:  
//		Perform the calculator actions depending on the button/key pressed.
//	Revision History
//	Version
//	6.0   Initial version
//	Copyright © 1996-1997 Sybase, Inc. and its subsidiaries.  All rights reserved.
//	Any distribution of the PowerBuilder Foundation Classes (PFC)
//	source code by other than Sybase, Inc. and its subsidiaries is prohibited.

double ldbl_value
double ldbl_currvalue
Integer	li_rc

// Validate the keystroke.
as_key = Lower(as_key)
	CASE '.', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', &
		  '/', '*', '+', '-', '=', 'c', 'ce'
		Return -1

// Get the current running total.
ldbl_value = idbl_value

// Get the current value.
ldbl_currvalue = Double(is_currvalue)

	CASE 'c'
		// Clear the Current variables.
		is_curroperator = EMPTY
		is_currvalue = EMPTY

		// Clear the Repeat variables.
		is_repeatoperator	= EMPTY
		idbl_repeatvalue = 0		
		// Clear the Running value.
		of_SetValue(0, True)
	CASE 'ce'		
		// Clear the Current Value but not the Current Operator.
		is_currvalue = EMPTY

		// Clear the Repeat Value but not the Repeat Operator.
		idbl_repeatvalue = 0	

		// Determine if this should also Clear the Running value.
		If is_curroperator=EMPTY Then
			// Clear the Running value.
			of_SetValue(0, True)
			// Do not Clear the Running value, only updates the current value.
			of_SetValueOnRequestor ('0')			
		End If
	CASE '.'
		If Pos(is_currvalue, '.')>0 Then
			// Disregard all '.' after one has been entered.
			Return 0
		End If
		is_currvalue += as_key
		of_SetValueOnRequestor (is_currvalue)
	CASE '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9'
		is_currvalue += as_key
		idbl_repeatvalue = Double (is_currvalue)
		of_SetValueOnRequestor (is_currvalue)
	CASE '/', '*', '+', '-', '='
		// Determine if this operator simply replaces the previous operator.
		If of_IsOperator(as_key) And of_IsOperator(is_prevkeystroke) Then
			is_prevkeystroke = as_key
			is_curroperator = as_key
			Return 1
		End If
		// Conclude the previous operation.
		If Len(is_currvalue) > 0 And Len(is_curroperator) > 0 Then
			// Perform a new Math operation.
			If of_PerformMath (ldbl_value, is_curroperator, ldbl_currvalue) < 0 Then
				Return -1
			End If
		ElseIf Len(is_currvalue) > 0 And Len(is_curroperator) = 0 Then
			// There is no Math operation, use the current value as the new value.
			ldbl_value = ldbl_currvalue
		ElseIf as_key = '=' And Len(is_repeatoperator)>0 Then
			// Perform a Repeat Math operation.
			If of_PerformMath (ldbl_value, is_repeatoperator, idbl_repeatvalue) < 0 Then
				Return -1
			End If			
		End If

		// Keep track of the last repeat action.
		If of_IsOperator(as_key) Then
			// The last operator is the new Repeat operator.
			is_repeatoperator = as_key
			// Update the repeat value to the current running value.
			idbl_repeatvalue = ldbl_value
		End If

		// Reset the Current variables.
		is_curroperator = EMPTY					
		is_currvalue = EMPTY
		If of_IsOperator(as_key) Then
			is_curroperator = as_key		
		End If				
		// Set the new value.
		of_SetValue (ldbl_value, True)

// Store the previous keystroke.
is_prevkeystroke = as_key

Return 1
end function

Name Owner
pfc_u_calculator.dw_calculator.key dw_calculator
pfc_u_calculator.dw_calculator.buttonclicked dw_calculator

Name Owner
systemfunctions.double systemfunctions
systemfunctions.len systemfunctions
systemfunctions.lower systemfunctions
systemfunctions.pos systemfunctions
pfc_u_calculator.of_setvalue pfc_u_calculator
pfc_u_calculator.of_performmath pfc_u_calculator
pfc_u_calculator.of_setvalueonrequestor pfc_u_calculator
pfc_u_calculator.of_isoperator pfc_u_calculator

Full name
No Data

Name Scope
No Data