
pfcdwsrv.pbl   >   pfc_w_filtersimple   >   of_buildfilterstring   

Full name pfc_w_filtersimple.of_buildfilterstring
Access public
Override of string
Return value string
Prototype public function string of_buildfilterstring()

Name Datatype
No Data

Name Datatype
li_foundrow integer
li_i integer
li_rcount integer
lnv_string n_cst_string
ls_and_or string
ls_colname string
ls_coltype string
ls_exp_left string
ls_expression string
ls_filter string
ls_oper string
ls_value string

public function string of_buildfilterstring ();//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//	Function:  		of_BuildfilterString
//	Access:    		Public
//	Arguments: 		None
//	Returns:   		String
//						The new filter string.
//						'!' if an error is encountered.
//	Description:  	This function will build a valid datawindow filter string 
//               	from the values entered in the filter selection datawindow.
//	Revision History
//	Version
//	5.0   Initial version
// 5.0.03 Corrected to check/build for all column types.
// 7.0	Added "char" datatype to case statement
//	Copyright © 1996-1997 Sybase, Inc. and its subsidiaries.  All rights reserved.
//	Any distribution of the PowerBuilder Foundation Classes (PFC)
//	source code by other than Sybase, Inc. and its subsidiaries is prohibited.

string	ls_exp_left, ls_oper, ls_value, ls_colname, ls_filter, ls_and_or
string	ls_coltype, ls_expression
integer	li_i, li_rcount, li_foundrow
n_cst_string lnv_string

// Accept the latest changes.
If dw_filter.AcceptText() <> 1 Then Return '!'

// Get the values from the filter datawindow.
li_rcount = dw_filter.RowCount ( )
FOR li_i = 1 to li_rcount

	// Construct the left side of the expression.
	ls_exp_left = dw_filter.GetItemString ( li_i, "colname" ) 
	IF IsNull(ls_exp_left) THEN ls_exp_left = ""
	IF ls_exp_left <> ""  AND  li_i > 1 THEN
		ls_filter = ls_filter + " " + ls_and_or

	// Construct the operator.
	ls_oper = dw_filter.GetItemString ( li_i, "oper" ) 
	IF IsNull(ls_oper) THEN ls_oper = ""

	// Get the value.
	ls_value = dw_filter.GetItemString ( li_i, "colvalue" ) 
	IF IsNull (ls_value) THEN ls_value = ""

	// Construct the "AND" or "OR" for the expression.
	ls_and_or = dw_filter.GetItemString (li_i, "and_or" ) 
	IF IsNull(ls_and_or) THEN ls_and_or = ""
	// Get the column name.
	li_foundrow = idwc_cols.Find ('display_column = "' + ls_exp_left + '"', &
								1, idwc_cols.RowCount ())
	IF li_foundrow > 0 THEN 
		ls_colname = idwc_cols.GetItemString(li_foundrow, "columnname") 
		ls_colname = ls_exp_left

	// Get the column type.
	ls_coltype = Left(inv_filterattrib.idw_dw.Describe ( ls_colname + ".ColType" ), 5)
	// Determine the correct expression.
	Choose Case ls_coltype
		Case "char(", "char"	
			If Pos(ls_value, '~~~"') =0 And Pos(ls_value, "~~~'") =0 Then
				// No special characters found.
				If Pos(ls_value, "'") >0 Then
					// Replace single quotes with special chars single quotes.
					ls_value = lnv_string.of_GlobalReplace(ls_value, "'", "~~~'")				
				End If
			End If
			ls_expression = "'" + ls_value + "'"			
		Case "date"
			ls_expression = "Date('" + ls_value  + "')" 

		Case "datet"				
			ls_expression = "DateTime('" + ls_value + "')" 

		Case "time", "times"		
			ls_expression = "Time('" + ls_value + "')" 
		Case 	Else
			ls_expression = ls_value
	End Choose

	// Build the filter string.
	ls_filter += " " + ls_colname + " " + ls_oper + " " + ls_expression

Return Trim(ls_filter)
end function

Name Owner
pfc_w_filtersimple.pfc_default pfc_w_filtersimple

Name Owner
datawindow.accepttext datawindow
datawindow.describe datawindow
datawindow.getitemstring datawindow
datawindow.rowcount datawindow
datawindowchild.find datawindowchild
datawindowchild.getitemstring datawindowchild
datawindowchild.rowcount datawindowchild
systemfunctions.isnull systemfunctions
systemfunctions.left systemfunctions
systemfunctions.pos systemfunctions
systemfunctions.trim systemfunctions
pfc_n_cst_string.of_globalreplace pfc_n_cst_string

Full name

Name Scope
No Data