
pfcapsrv.pbl   >   pfc_n_cst_inifile   >   of_getkeys   

Full name pfc_n_cst_inifile.of_getkeys
Access public
Extend of integer
Return value integer
Prototype public function integer of_getkeys(string,string,ref string[])

Name Datatype
No Data

Name Datatype
lb_sectionfound boolean
li_file integer
li_keys integer
li_rc integer
ll_equal long
ll_first long
ll_last long
ll_length long
ll_pos long
lnv_string n_cst_string
ls_comment string
ls_key string
ls_keys string[]
ls_line string
ls_section string

public function integer of_getkeys (string as_file, string as_section, ref string as_keys[]);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//	Function:  		of_GetKeys
//	Access:  		public
//	Arguments:	
//	as_ini			The .ini file.
//	as_section		The section name to retrieve keys from
//	as_keys[]		An array of strings passed by reference.  This will store the 
//							key names retrieved from the .INI file
//	Returns:			Integer
//						The number of keys retrieved
//						 0	if there are no keys that exist for section, or section does not exist
//						-1	file error
//						-2	if .INI file has not been specified or does not exist.  
//	Description:  	Retrieves all keys from a specified section.
//	Revision History
//	Version
//	5.0   Initial version
// 5.0.02 Initialize keys array to blanks at start of function
//	Copyright © 1996-1997 Sybase, Inc. and its subsidiaries.  All rights reserved.
//	Any distribution of the PowerBuilder Foundation Classes (PFC)
//	source code by other than Sybase, Inc. and its subsidiaries is prohibited.

boolean	lb_sectionfound
integer	li_file
integer	li_rc
integer	li_keys
long		ll_pos
long		ll_first
long		ll_last
long		ll_equal
long		ll_length
string	ls_line
string	ls_key
string	ls_section
string	ls_comment
string	ls_keys[]
n_cst_string lnv_string

SetPointer (Hourglass!)

// Verify that .INI file name has been specified.
if not FileExists (as_file) then
	return -2
end if

// Open file (check rc).
ll_length = FileLength (as_file)
li_file = FileOpen (as_file, LineMode!)
if li_file = -1 then return -1

// reset the array coming in
as_keys = ls_keys
// Find the correct section name
do while li_rc >= 0 and not lb_sectionfound
	// Read one line from the inifile (check rc).
	li_rc = FileRead (li_file, ls_line)
	if li_rc = -1 then
		return -1
	end if
	// Check if any characters were read.
	if li_rc > 0 then
		// Look for a section header components (the OpenBracket and CloseBracket (if any)).
		ll_first = Pos (ls_line, "[")
		ll_last = Pos (ls_line, "]")
		// Was section header found?		
		if ll_first > 0 and ll_last > 0 then
			// Yes, a section header has been found.
			// Get the name of the section.
			ls_line = lnv_string.of_LeftTrim (ls_line, true, true)
			if Left (ls_line, 1) = "[" then
				ll_pos = Pos (ls_line, "]")
				ls_section = Mid (ls_line, 2, ll_pos - 2)
				// Determine if this is the section being searched for.								
				if Lower(ls_section) = Lower(as_section) then
					// The search for section has been found.
					lb_sectionfound = true
				end if
			end if
		end if
	end if

// Retrieve all keys for section
if lb_sectionfound then
	lb_sectionfound = false
	do while li_rc >= 0 and not lb_sectionfound
		// Read one line from the file (validate the rc).
		li_rc = FileRead (li_file, ls_line)
		if li_rc = -1 then
			return -1
		end if
		// Check if any characters were read.		
		if li_rc > 0 then
			// Check for a "commented" line (skip if found).
			ls_comment = lnv_string.of_LeftTrim (ls_line, true, true)
			if Char (ls_comment) = ";" then Continue
			ll_equal = Pos (ls_line, "=")
			if ll_equal > 0 then
				ls_key = lnv_string.of_Trim (Left (ls_line, ll_equal - 1), true, true)
				if Len (ls_key) > 0 then
					as_keys[li_keys] = ls_key
				end if
				ll_first = Pos (ls_line, "[")
				ll_last = Pos (ls_line, "]")
				if ll_first > 0 and ll_last > 0 then
					ls_line = lnv_string.of_LeftTrim (ls_line, true, true)
					if Left (ls_line, 1) = "[" then
						lb_sectionfound = true
					end if
				end if
			end if
		end if
end if

// Close file and return
FileClose (li_file)
return li_keys
end function

Name Owner
No Data

Name Owner
systemfunctions.char systemfunctions
systemfunctions.fileclose systemfunctions
systemfunctions.fileexists systemfunctions
systemfunctions.filelength systemfunctions
systemfunctions.fileopen systemfunctions
systemfunctions.fileread systemfunctions
systemfunctions.left systemfunctions
systemfunctions.len systemfunctions
systemfunctions.lower systemfunctions
systemfunctions.mid systemfunctions
systemfunctions.pos systemfunctions
systemfunctions.setpointer systemfunctions
pfc_n_cst_string.of_lefttrim pfc_n_cst_string
pfc_n_cst_string.of_trim pfc_n_cst_string

Full name
No Data

Name Scope
No Data