
vg_security.pbl   >   vg_w_select_group   >   open   

Full name
Access public
Extend of
Return value
Prototype event open()

Name Datatype
No Data

Name Datatype
i_h int
i_hh int
i_w int
i_ww int
i_x int
i_y int
le_environnement environment
s_data string

event open;/*_____________________________________________________________________________
Description	:	Initialize the window.
Comment		:	Open this window with openwhithparm function. The list of user's group shoul be passed in message.stringparm and formatted with tabs and newlines.
Arguments	:	Message.StringParm : the list of user's group. The string's value should be tab-delimited data.
Return		:	
Subject		:  PERMISSION
History		:	
					V7.50 - HC - 06/06/2000 - Initial version.

int i_x,i_y,i_ww,i_hh,i_w,i_h
environment le_environnement
string s_data

// import data
s_data = message.stringparm

// center the window
i_w = PixelsToUnits(le_environnement.screenwidth,xPixelsToUnits!)
i_h = PixelsToUnits(le_environnement.screenheight,yPixelsToUnits!)
i_ww = this.width
i_hh = this.height
this.move((i_w - i_ww)/2,(i_h - i_hh)/2)

end event

Name Owner
No Data

Name Owner
window.move window
datawindow.importstring datawindow
systemfunctions.getenvironment systemfunctions
systemfunctions.pixelstounits systemfunctions

Full name

Name Scope
No Data