
pfcwnsrv.pbl   >   pfc_w_toolbars   >   open   

Full name
Access public
Extend of
Return value
Prototype event open()

Name Datatype
No Data

Name Datatype
b_visible boolean
le_alignment toolbaralignment
li_arraysize integer
li_cnt integer
li_framearrayindex integer[]
li_rc integer
li_sheetarrayindex integer[]
li_titlenumber integer
li_toolbarcount integer
ll_row long
lnv_conversion n_cst_conversion
lnv_menu n_cst_menu
ls_name string
lw_frame window
lw_sheet window
s_title string

event open;call super::open;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//	Event:  open
//	Description:
//	Initialize window based on passed-in object
//	Revision History
//	Version
//	5.0   Initial version
//	Copyright © 1996-1999 Sybase, Inc. and its subsidiaries.  All rights reserved.
//	Any distribution of the PowerBuilder Foundation Classes (PFC)
//	source code by other than Sybase, Inc. and its subsidiaries is prohibited.

boolean	b_visible
integer	li_toolbarcount
integer	li_framearrayindex[]
integer	li_sheetarrayindex[]
integer	li_cnt
integer	li_titlenumber
integer	li_arraysize
integer	li_rc
long		ll_row
string		s_title
string		ls_name
toolbaralignment	le_alignment
n_cst_menu			lnv_menu
n_cst_conversion	lnv_conversion
window				lw_frame
window				lw_sheet

ib_disableclosequery = true

gb_position.SetPosition (tobottom!)

iapp_object = GetApplication()
inv_toolbarattrib = message.PowerObjectParm

// Get frame window passed in
lw_frame = inv_toolbarattrib.iw_owner

// Get the active sheet of the MDI frame
if IsValid (lw_frame) then lw_sheet = lw_frame.GetActiveSheet()

// Set the Visible and Enabled attributes of the window
cbx_text.enabled = inv_toolbarattrib.ib_largebuttonsenabled
cbx_tips.enabled = inv_toolbarattrib.ib_tooltipsenabled
if cbx_text.enabled = false and cbx_tips.enabled = false then
	gb_app.enabled = false
end if
gb_position.enabled = inv_toolbarattrib.ib_positionenabled
rb_top.enabled = inv_toolbarattrib.ib_positionenabled
rb_bottom.enabled = inv_toolbarattrib.ib_positionenabled
rb_left.enabled = inv_toolbarattrib.ib_positionenabled
rb_right.enabled = inv_toolbarattrib.ib_positionenabled
rb_floating.enabled = inv_toolbarattrib.ib_positionenabled

// Determine if frame toolbar(s) exists and add to listbox.
// Note:  li_ToolbarCount must match the Position of the new entry on lb_ToolBar.
if IsValid (lw_frame) then
	// Get an array containing all unique ToolbarItemBarIndex(s)
	If lnv_menu.of_GetAllToolbarIndex (lw_frame.MenuID, li_framearrayindex) > 0 Then
		li_arraysize = UpperBound (li_framearrayindex[])
		For li_cnt = 1 to li_arraysize
			li_rc = lw_frame.GetToolbar (li_framearrayindex[li_cnt], b_visible, le_alignment, s_title)
			If li_rc > 0 Then			
				inv_toolbar[li_toolbarcount].iw_owner = lw_frame
				inv_toolbar[li_toolbarcount].i_barindex = li_framearrayindex[li_cnt]
				inv_toolbar[li_toolbarcount].b_visible = b_visible
				inv_toolbar[li_toolbarcount].e_alignment = le_alignment
				inv_toolbar[li_toolbarcount].s_title = s_title
				// Set the Toolbar title
				ls_name = inv_toolbar[li_toolbarcount].s_title
				if Len (ls_name) = 0 then 
					li_titlenumber ++
					ls_name = "Frame Toolbar"
					If li_titlenumber > 1 Then ls_name = ls_name+String (li_titlenumber)
				End If

				ll_row = dw_toolbars.InsertRow (0)
				dw_toolbars.object.toolbarname[ll_row] = ls_name
				dw_toolbars.object.toolbarvisible[ll_row] = lnv_conversion.of_String (inv_toolbar[li_toolbarcount].b_visible, "YN")

				inv_toolbar[li_toolbarcount].s_displayname = ls_name
			End If
	end if
end if

// Determine if sheet toolbar(s) exists and add to listbox.
// Note: li_ToolbarCount must match the Position of the new entry on lb_ToolBar.
if IsValid (lw_sheet) then
	li_titlenumber = 0
	// Get an array containing all unique ToolbarItemBarIndex(s)
	If lnv_menu.of_GetAllToolbarIndex (lw_sheet.MenuID, li_sheetarrayindex) > 0 Then
		li_arraysize = UpperBound (li_sheetarrayindex[])
		For li_cnt = 1 to li_arraysize
			li_rc = lw_sheet.GetToolbar (li_sheetarrayindex[li_cnt], b_visible, le_alignment, s_title)	
			If li_rc > 0 Then
				inv_toolbar[li_toolbarcount].iw_owner = lw_sheet
				inv_toolbar[li_toolbarcount].i_barindex = li_sheetarrayindex[li_cnt]	
				inv_toolbar[li_toolbarcount].b_visible = b_visible
				inv_toolbar[li_toolbarcount].e_alignment = le_alignment
				inv_toolbar[li_toolbarcount].s_title = s_title
				// Set the Toolbar title
				ls_name = inv_toolbar[li_toolbarcount].s_title
				if Len (ls_name) = 0 then 
					li_titlenumber ++
					ls_name = "Sheet Toolbar"
					If li_titlenumber > 1 Then ls_name = ls_name + String (li_titlenumber)
				End If

				ll_row = dw_toolbars.InsertRow (0)
				dw_toolbars.object.toolbarname[ll_row] = ls_name
				dw_toolbars.object.toolbarvisible[ll_row] = lnv_conversion.of_String (inv_toolbar[li_toolbarcount].b_visible, "YN")

				inv_toolbar[li_toolbarcount].s_displayname = ls_name
			End If
	end if	
end if

// If no toolbars exist, disable controls.
if li_toolbarcount = 0 then
	cb_ok.enabled = false
	cbx_text.enabled = false
	cbx_tips.enabled = false
	gb_position.enabled = false
	gb_app.enabled = false
	rb_top.enabled = false
	rb_bottom.enabled = false
	rb_right.enabled = false
	rb_left.enabled = false
	rb_floating.enabled = false
	dw_toolbars.enabled = false
End If

// Set application text and tips settings
cbx_text.checked = iapp_object.toolbartext
cbx_tips.checked = iapp_object.toolbartips

// Set current toolbar to first
if dw_toolbars.RowCount() > 0 then
	dw_toolbars.SetRow (1)
	dw_toolbars.event rowfocuschanged (1)
end if

end event

Name Owner
No Data

Name Owner
window.getactivesheet window
window.gettoolbar window
dragobject.setposition dragobject
datawindow.insertrow datawindow
datawindow.rowcount datawindow
datawindow.setrow datawindow
systemfunctions.getapplication systemfunctions
systemfunctions.isvalid systemfunctions
systemfunctions.len systemfunctions
systemfunctions.string systemfunctions
systemfunctions.upperbound systemfunctions
pfc_n_cst_conversion.of_string pfc_n_cst_conversion
pfc_n_cst_menu.of_getalltoolbarindex pfc_n_cst_menu pfc_w_master
pfc_w_toolbars.dw_toolbars.rowfocuschanged dw_toolbars

Full name

Name Scope
No Data