
pfcutil.pbl   >   pfc_u_tabpg_dwproperty_srvmultitable   >   of_setdata   

Full name pfc_u_tabpg_dwproperty_srvmultitable.of_setdata
Access protected
Extend of integer
Return value integer
Prototype protected function integer of_setdata(string)

Name Datatype
No Data

Name Datatype
ls_filterexp string
ls_sortexp string

protected function integer of_setdata (string as_option);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//	Function:  		of_SetData
//	Access:   		Protected
//	Arguments:		
//		as_option	The option desired, If unknown then a table name.
//	Returns:  		Integer
//	 # of rows in the object.
//	-1 for error.
//	Description:  
//	 Sets the object to hold the desired data.
//	Revision History
//	Version
//	6.0    Initial version
//	Copyright © 1996-1997 Sybase, Inc. and its subsidiaries.  All rights reserved.
//	Any distribution of the PowerBuilder Foundation Classes (PFC)
//	source code by other than Sybase, Inc. and its subsidiaries is prohibited.

string	ls_filterexp
string	ls_sortexp

// Validate arguments.
If Len(Trim(as_option)) = 0 Then Return -1

If as_option = 'pfc_mainrows' Then
	// Set the Filter/Sort as to only row the Main row for each table.
	ls_filterexp = 'pfc_sort = 1'
	ls_sortexp = 'pfc_table A'

	// Set the Filter/Sort to just the table related data.
	ls_filterexp = 'pfc_table = "'+as_option+'"'
	ls_sortexp = 'pfc_sort A'
End If

// Filter and Sort just the table related data.
If ids_data.SetFilter(ls_filterexp) < 0 Then Return -1
If ids_data.Filter() < 0 Then Return -1
If ids_data.SetSort(ls_sortexp) < 0 Then Return -1
If ids_data.Sort() < 0 Then Return -1

Return ids_data.RowCount()
end function

Name Owner
pfc_u_tabpg_dwproperty_srvmultitable.pfc_propertyloadtable pfc_u_tabpg_dwproperty_srvmultitable
pfc_u_tabpg_dwproperty_srvmultitable.pfc_propertyrefreshtable pfc_u_tabpg_dwproperty_srvmultitable
pfc_u_tabpg_dwproperty_srvmultitable.pfc_propertypopulate pfc_u_tabpg_dwproperty_srvmultitable
pfc_u_tabpg_dwproperty_srvmultitable.pfc_propertyapply pfc_u_tabpg_dwproperty_srvmultitable
pfc_u_tabpg_dwproperty_srvmultitable.pfc_propertysyntax pfc_u_tabpg_dwproperty_srvmultitable

Name Owner
datastore.filter datastore
datastore.rowcount datastore
datastore.setfilter datastore
datastore.setsort datastore
datastore.sort datastore
systemfunctions.len systemfunctions
systemfunctions.trim systemfunctions

Full name
No Data

Name Scope
No Data