
pfcutil.pbl   >   pfc_n_cst_debug   >   of_setdwproperty   

Full name pfc_n_cst_debug.of_setdwproperty
Access public
Extend of integer
Return value integer
Prototype public function integer of_setdwproperty(boolean)

Name Datatype
No Data

Name Datatype
ldw_obj u_dw
li_rc integer

public function integer of_setdwproperty (boolean ab_switch);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//	Function:  		of_SetDWProperty
//	Access:  		public
//	Arguments:
//	ab_switch		True - start (create) the service,
//						False - stop (destroy) the service
//	Returns:  		Integer
//						 1 - Successful operation.
//						 0 - No action taken.
//						-1 - An error was encountered.
//	Description:  	Starts or stops the Shared DW Property Service.
//	Revision History
//	Version
//	6.0   Initial version
//	Copyright © 1996-1997 Sybase, Inc. and its subsidiaries.  All rights reserved.
//	Any distribution of the PowerBuilder Foundation Classes (PFC)
//	source code by other than Sybase, Inc. and its subsidiaries is prohibited.

u_dw 		ldw_obj
integer	li_rc

//Check arguments
If IsNull(ab_switch) Then Return -1

ldw_obj = Create u_dw
If IsValid(ldw_obj) Then
	li_rc = ldw_obj.of_SetSharedProperty(ab_switch)
	Destroy ldw_obj
	Return li_rc
End If

Return -1
end function

Name Owner
pfc_n_cst_debug.destructor pfc_n_cst_debug

Name Owner
systemfunctions.isnull systemfunctions
systemfunctions.isvalid systemfunctions
pfc_u_dw.of_SetSharedProperty pfc_u_dw

Full name
No Data

Name Scope
No Data