
pfcmain.pbl   >   pfc_n_ds   >   pfc_pagesetupdlg   

Full name pfc_n_ds.pfc_pagesetupdlg
Access public
Extend of integer
Return value integer
Prototype event integer pfc_pagesetupdlg(ref s_pagesetupattrib)

Name Datatype
No Data

Name Datatype
li_margin integer
li_papersize integer
li_papersource integer
li_units integer
ll_rc long
lnv_platform n_cst_platform
ls_margin string
ls_papersize string
ls_papersource string
ls_portraitorientation string
ls_units string

event pfc_pagesetupdlg;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//	Event:  pfc_pagesetupdlg
//	Arguments:
//	astr_pagesetup:  page setup structure by ref
//	Returns:  integer
//	 1 = success
//	 0 = user cancelled from page setup
//	-1 = error
//	Description:  
//	Opens the page setup dialog for this DataWindow, 
//	and sets the page setup values the user selected for the DW.
//	Revision History
//	Version
//	6.0   Initial version
//	Copyright © 1996-1997 Sybase, Inc. and its subsidiaries.  All rights reserved.
//	Any distribution of the PowerBuilder Foundation Classes (PFC)
//	source code by other than Sybase, Inc. and its subsidiaries is prohibited.

integer	li_margin
integer	li_papersize
integer	li_papersource
integer	li_units
string		ls_margin
string		ls_papersize
string		ls_papersource
string		ls_portraitorientation
string		ls_units
long		ll_rc
n_cst_platform	lnv_platform

// Initialize pagesetup structure with current values of DW
// Margin bottom
ls_margin = this.object.datawindow.print.margin.bottom
if not IsNumber (ls_margin) then
	ls_margin = "0"
end if
li_margin = Integer (ls_margin)
astr_pagesetup.i_marginbottom = li_margin

// Margin left
ls_margin = this.object.datawindow.print.margin.left
if not IsNumber (ls_margin) then
	ls_margin = "0"
end if
li_margin = Integer (ls_margin)
astr_pagesetup.i_marginleft = li_margin

// Margin right
ls_margin = this.object.datawindow.print.margin.right
if not IsNumber (ls_margin) then
	ls_margin = "0"
end if
li_margin = Integer (ls_margin)
astr_pagesetup.i_marginright = li_margin

// Margin top
ls_margin =
if not IsNumber (ls_margin) then
	ls_margin = "0"
end if
li_margin = Integer (ls_margin)
astr_pagesetup.i_margintop = li_margin

// DataWindow units
ls_units = this.object.datawindow.units
if not IsNumber (ls_units) then
	ls_units = "0"
end if
li_units = Integer (ls_units)
if li_units < 2 then
	astr_pagesetup.b_disablemargins = true
end if
astr_pagesetup.i_units = li_units

// Paper Size
ls_papersize = this.object.datawindow.print.paper.size
if not IsNumber (ls_papersize) then
	ls_papersize = "0"
end if
li_papersize = Integer (ls_papersize)
astr_pagesetup.i_papersize = li_papersize

// Paper Source
ls_papersource = this.object.datawindow.print.paper.source
if not IsNumber (ls_papersource) then
	ls_papersource = "0"
end if
li_papersource = Integer (ls_papersource)
astr_pagesetup.i_papersource = li_papersource

// Orientation
ls_portraitorientation = this.object.datawindow.print.orientation
if ls_portraitorientation = "0" then
	SetNull (astr_pagesetup.b_portraitorientation)
elseif ls_portraitorientation = "2" then
	astr_pagesetup.b_portraitorientation = true
end if

// Allow pagesetup structure to have additional values
// set before opening print dialog
this.event pfc_prepagesetupdlg (astr_pagesetup)

// Open page setup dialog
f_setplatform (lnv_platform, true)
ll_rc = lnv_platform.of_PageSetupDlg (astr_pagesetup)
f_setplatform (lnv_platform, false)

// Set page setup values based on users selection
if ll_rc > 0 then
	// Margins
	this.object.datawindow.print.margin.bottom = astr_pagesetup.i_marginbottom
	this.object.datawindow.print.margin.left = astr_pagesetup.i_marginleft
	this.object.datawindow.print.margin.right = astr_pagesetup.i_marginright = astr_pagesetup.i_margintop

	// Paper Size
	this.object.datawindow.print.paper.size = astr_pagesetup.i_papersize

	// Paper Source
	this.object.datawindow.print.paper.source = astr_pagesetup.i_papersource

	// Orientation
	if IsNull (astr_pagesetup.b_portraitorientation) then
		this.object.datawindow.print.orientation = 0
	elseif not astr_pagesetup.b_portraitorientation then
		this.object.datawindow.print.orientation = 1
	elseif astr_pagesetup.b_portraitorientation then
		this.object.datawindow.print.orientation = 2
	end if
end if

return ll_rc

end event

Name Owner
pfc_n_ds.pfc_pagesetup pfc_n_ds

Name Owner
systemfunctions.integer systemfunctions
systemfunctions.isnull systemfunctions
systemfunctions.isnumber systemfunctions
systemfunctions.setnull systemfunctions
pfc_n_cst_platform.of_pagesetupdlg pfc_n_cst_platform
f_setplatform.f_setplatform f_setplatform
pfc_n_ds.pfc_prepagesetupdlg pfc_n_ds

Full name

Name Scope
No Data