
pfcmain.pbl   >   pfc_w_master   >   pfc_save   

Full name pfc_w_master.pfc_save
Access public
Extend of integer
Return value integer
Prototype event integer pfc_save()

Name Datatype
No Data

Name Datatype
li_endtran_rc Integer
li_rc Integer
li_save_rc Integer
lpo_updatearray powerobject[]

event pfc_save;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//	Event:  pfc_save
//	Arguments:  none
//	Returns:  integer
//	 1 = success
//	 0 = No pending changes found 
//	-1 = AcceptText error
//	-2 = UpdatesPending error was encountered
//	-3 = Validation error was encountered
// -9 = The pfc_updateprep process failed
//	-4 = The pfc_preupdate process failed
//	-5 = The pfc_begintran process failed
//	-6 = The pfc_update process failed
//	-7 = The pfc_endtran process failed
//	-8 = The pfc_postsave process failed
//	Description:
//	Performs a save operation on the window.
//	Revision History
//	Version
//	5.0   Initial version
// 5.0.02 Prevent datawindow dberror messages from appearing while the window
// 		PFC_Save is in progress.
// 6.0	Enhanced to allow updates of specific objects.
// 6.0	Enhanced for pfc_updateprep process.
//	Copyright © 1996-1997 Sybase, Inc. and its subsidiaries.  All rights reserved.
//	Any distribution of the PowerBuilder Foundation Classes (PFC)
//	source code by other than Sybase, Inc. and its subsidiaries is prohibited.

Integer		li_rc
Integer		li_save_rc
Integer		li_endtran_rc
powerobject lpo_updatearray[]

// Check if the CloseQuery process is in progress
If Not ib_closestatus Then
	// Determine the objects for which an update will be attempted.
	// For the pfc_save, the order sequence is as follows: 
	//		1) Specified one time sequence (thru pfc_saveobjects event).
	//		2) Specified permananent sequence (thru of_SetUpdateObjects(...)).
	//		3) None was specified, so use default window control array.
	If UpperBound(ipo_tempupdateobjects) > 0 Then
		lpo_updatearray = ipo_tempupdateobjects
	ElseIf UpperBound(ipo_updateobjects) > 0 Then
		lpo_updatearray = ipo_updateobjects
		lpo_updatearray = This.Control		
	End If
	// Perform the Update Checks to determine if there are any updates 
	// pending and if they pass the standard validation
	li_rc = of_UpdateChecks(lpo_updatearray)
	If li_rc <= 0 Then 
		//	 0 = No pending changes found 
		//	-1 = AcceptText error
		//	-2 = UpdatesPending error was encountered
		//	-3 = Validation error was encountered		
		Return li_rc
	End If
End If

// Perform the Update Preparation process.
If This.Event pfc_UpdatePrep(ipo_pendingupdates) <> 1 Then Return -9

// Perform the preupdate process.
If This.Event pfc_PreUpdate() <> 1 Then Return -4

// Begin the transaction.
If This.Event pfc_BeginTran() <> 1 Then Return -5

// Prevent datawindow dberror messages from appearing while PFC_Save 
// updates are in progress. 
ib_savestatus = True

// Update the changed objects.
li_save_rc = This.Event pfc_Update (ipo_pendingupdates) 

// PFC_Save Updates are no longer in progress.
ib_savestatus = False

// Perform the endtransaction process
li_endtran_rc = This.Event pfc_EndTran(li_save_rc) 

// If appropriate, display dberror message.
If li_save_rc<=0 Then This.Event pfc_dberror()

// Check for a successful save before performing any post operation.
If li_save_rc <> 1 Then Return -6

// Check for a successful end transaction before performing any post operation.
If li_endtran_rc <> 1 Then Return -7

// Perform the postupdate process.
If This.Event pfc_PostUpdate(ipo_pendingupdates) <> 1 Then Return -8

Return 1
end event

Name Owner
pfc_w_master.pfc_saveobjects pfc_w_master
pfc_w_master.closequery pfc_w_master

Name Owner
systemfunctions.upperbound systemfunctions
pfc_w_master.of_updatechecks pfc_w_master
pfc_w_master.pfc_preupdate pfc_w_master
pfc_w_master.pfc_update pfc_w_master
pfc_w_master.pfc_postupdate pfc_w_master
pfc_w_master.pfc_begintran pfc_w_master
pfc_w_master.pfc_endtran pfc_w_master
pfc_w_master.pfc_dberror pfc_w_master
pfc_w_master.pfc_updateprep pfc_w_master

Full name
No Data

Name Scope
No Data