
pfcmain.pbl   >   pfc_u_tv   >   of_setdatasource   

Full name pfc_u_tv.of_setdatasource
Access public
Extend of integer
Return value integer
Prototype public function integer of_setdatasource(integer,string,n_tr,string,string,boolean,integer,integer,integer,integer)

Name Datatype
No Data

Name Datatype
lb_First Boolean
li_Cnt Integer
li_NumDS Integer
ls_rc String

public function integer of_setdatasource (integer ai_level, string as_datawindow, n_tr atr_obj, string as_labelcolumn, string as_retrieveargs, boolean ab_recursive, integer ai_pictureindex, integer ai_selpictindex, integer ai_statepictindex, integer ai_overlaypictindex);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//	Function:  of_SetDatasource
//	Access:  public
//	Arguments:
//	ai_Level					The TreeView level to associate the data source with.
//	as_DataWindow			The DataWindow object to be used for the data source.
//	atr_obj						The transaction object for this data source (can be
//									different for each level).
//	as_LabelColumn			The column in the DataWindow object to display. 
//	as_RetrieveArgs			Retrieval arugments for the DataWindow.  These should
//									be separated by commas in the format:
//											:keyword.n.column
//									where column is the name of a column in another level's
//									data source.  If keyword is 'level', n is an absolute level 
//									number.  If keyword is 'parent', n is a number relative to
//									the current level (i.e. :parent.2.c1 would be column c1 in
//									the DataWindow for the level 2 levels above this one.
//	ab_Recursive				True - indicates that this is the last data source for this tree.
//									It will be used recursively for each subsequent level.
//	ai_PictureIndex			The index to the picture array to use for this level.
//	ai_SelPictIndex			The index to the picture array to use for the selected picture for
//									this level.
//	ai_StatePictIndex		The index to the picture array to use for the state picture for
//									this level.
//	ai_OverlayPictIndex	The index to the picture array to use for the overlay picture for
//									this level.
//	Returns:  integer
//	 1 = the data source was added successfully
//	-1 = argument validation error
//	-2 = the DataWindow object did not have any key columns assigned
//	-3 = a previous level had already been marked as recursive (there can be no more)
//	-4 = column label datatype was not a string
//	-5 = The transaction object could not be set
//	Description:	Register a data source for a level of the TreeView.  The data source is a
//						DataWindow object that will be linked to the TreeView level and used
//						to populate.
//	Revision History
//	Version
//	5.0   Initial version
//	5.0.03	Add Check to verify label datatype as string and new return code (-4)
//	6.0.01	Call of_settransobject on datastore rather than settransobject
// 6.0.01	Add code to check rc from settransobject (-5) and if 
//				column label is in datasource (-4)
//	Copyright © 1996-1999 Sybase, Inc. and its subsidiaries.  All rights reserved.
//	Any distribution of the PowerBuilder Foundation Classes (PFC)
//	source code by other than Sybase, Inc. and its subsidiaries is prohibited.

Integer	li_NumDS, li_Cnt
Boolean	lb_First
String	ls_rc

// Check arguments
if IsNull (ai_level) or ai_level <= 0 or &
	Len (as_datawindow) = 0 or IsNull (as_datawindow) or &
	IsNull (atr_obj) or not IsValid (atr_obj) or &
	IsNull (as_labelcolumn) or IsNull (as_retrieveargs) or &
	IsNull (ab_recursive) or IsNull (ai_pictureindex) or IsNull (ai_selpictindex) or &
	IsNull (ai_statepictindex) or IsNull (ai_overlaypictindex) then
	return -1
end if
// Check if recurrsive is being used
li_NumDS = UpperBound(inv_ds)
If li_NumDS > 0 Then
	If inv_ds[li_NumDS].b_Recursive Then
		// If the last one is recursive, there can be no more
		Return -3
	End if
End if

// Set values in the attribute class array
inv_ds[ai_Level].s_DataWindow = as_DataWindow
inv_ds[ai_Level].s_LabelColumn = as_LabelColumn
inv_ds[ai_Level].s_RetrieveArgs = as_RetrieveArgs
inv_ds[ai_Level].b_Recursive = ab_Recursive
inv_ds[ai_Level].i_PictureIndex = ai_PictureIndex
inv_ds[ai_Level].i_SelectedPictureIndex = ai_SelPictIndex
inv_ds[ai_Level].i_StatePictureIndex = ai_StatePictIndex
inv_ds[ai_Level].i_OverlayPictureIndex = ai_OverlayPictIndex

// Create a DataStore to use as the data source
If IsNull(inv_ds[ai_Level].ds_obj) Or Not IsValid(inv_ds[ai_Level].ds_obj) Then
	inv_ds[ai_Level].ds_obj = Create n_ds
End if

// Set parameters for the DataStore
inv_ds[ai_Level].ds_obj.DataObject = as_DataWindow
inv_ds[ai_Level].tr_obj = atr_obj

// make sure transaction object is valid
If inv_ds[ai_Level].ds_obj.of_SetTransObject(atr_obj) <> 1 Then 
	inv_ds[ai_Level].s_DataWindow = ""
	Destroy inv_ds[ai_Level].ds_obj
	Return -5
End if

// label column must be in the datawindow
If inv_ds[ai_Level].ds_obj.Describe(as_LabelColumn + ".Band") = "!" Then 
	inv_ds[ai_Level].s_DataWindow = ""
	Destroy inv_ds[ai_Level].ds_obj
	Return -4
End if

// verify column label datatype as string
ls_rc = inv_ds[ai_Level].ds_obj.describe(as_LabelColumn + ".ColType")
if lower(left(ls_rc,4)) <> "char" then
	inv_ds[ai_Level].s_DataWindow = ""
	Destroy inv_ds[ai_Level].ds_obj
	Return -4
End if

// Add a computed column to the DataWindow object that will
// contain all the keys concatenated together.  This is necessary
// to be able to find a unique row.
If of_CreateKey(inv_ds[ai_Level].ds_obj) = -1 Then
	// No key columns were defined
	inv_ds[ai_Level].s_DataWindow = ""
	Destroy inv_ds[ai_Level].ds_obj
	Return -2
End if

// Determine if this is recursive
If ai_Level < li_NumDS And ab_Recursive Then
	// Remove all below this one because it is recursive
	For li_Cnt = (ai_Level + 1) To li_NumDS
		inv_ds[ai_Level].s_DataWindow = ""
End if

Return 1

end function

Name Owner
pfc_u_tv.of_setdatasource pfc_u_tv
pfc_u_tv.of_setdatasource pfc_u_tv
pfc_u_tv.of_setdatasource pfc_u_tv
pfc_u_tv.of_setdatasource pfc_u_tv
pfc_u_tv.of_setdatasource pfc_u_tv

Name Owner
datastore.describe datastore
systemfunctions.isnull systemfunctions
systemfunctions.isvalid systemfunctions
systemfunctions.left systemfunctions
systemfunctions.len systemfunctions
systemfunctions.lower systemfunctions
systemfunctions.upperbound systemfunctions
pfc_u_tv.of_createkey pfc_u_tv
pfc_n_ds.of_settransobject pfc_n_ds
pfc_n_ds.of_setbase pfc_n_ds
pfc_n_ds.of_setappend pfc_n_ds

Full name
No Data

Name Scope
No Data