
pfcmain.pbl   >   pfc_u_lv   >   of_setdatasource   

Full name pfc_u_lv.of_setdatasource
Access public
Extend of integer
Return value integer
Prototype public function integer of_setdatasource(string,n_tr,string,string,string,string,string,string)

Name Datatype
No Data

Name Datatype
No Data

public function integer of_setdatasource (string as_datawindow, n_tr at_trans, string as_labelcolumn, string as_picturecolumn, string as_statecolumn, string as_overlaycolumn, string as_xposcolumn, string as_yposcolumn);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//	Function:  of_SetDataSource
//	Access:  public
//	Arguments:
//	as_DataWindow			The DataWindow object to be used for the data source.
//	at_Trans					The transaction object for this data source.
//	as_LabelColumn			The column in the DataWindow object to display as the label. 
//	as_PictureColumn		The column in the DataWindow object to use for the picture.
//									The column may be an integer (used as the picture index) or a
//									string (a bmp name which will be used as the picture).  Or a number
//									may be passed in (i.e. "1") which will be used as the picture index
//									for all items.
//	as_StateColumn			The column in the DataWindow object to use for the state picture.
//									The column may be an integer (used as the picture index) or a
//									string (a bmp name which will be used as the picture).  Or a number
//									may be passed in (i.e. "1") which will be used as the state picture
//									index for all items.
//	as_OverlayColumn		The column in the DataWindow object to use for the overlay picture.
//									The column may be an integer (used as the picture index) or a
//									string (a bmp name which will be used as the picture).  Or a number
//									may be passed in (i.e. "1") which will be used as the state picture
//									index for all items.
//	as_XPosColumn			The column in the DataWindow object to use for the x-position
//									of the item (used in large icon and small icon views only).
//	as_YPosColumn			The column in the DataWindow object to use for the x-position
//									of the item (used in large icon and small icon views only).
//	Returns:		Integer
//					1	- the data source was added successfully
//					-1	- there were no key columns defined on the DataWindow
//					-2	- one of the columns provided did not exist
//					-3	- no DataWindow object was provided
//					-4 - the SetTransObject failed
//	Description:	Register a data source for the ListView.  The data source is a
//						DataWindow object that will be linked to the ListView level and used
//						to populate.
//	Revision History
//	Version
//	5.0   Initial version
//	5.0.03	Add deletion of previous columns
//	6.0.01	Call of_settransobject on datastore rather than settransobject
//	Copyright © 1996-1997 Sybase, Inc. and its subsidiaries.  All rights reserved.
//	Any distribution of the PowerBuilder Foundation Classes (PFC)
//	source code by other than Sybase, Inc. and its subsidiaries is prohibited.

If as_DataWindow = "" Then Return -3

// Create a DataStore to use as the data source
If IsNull(ids_Source) Or Not IsValid(ids_Source) Then
	ids_Source = Create n_ds
End if

// Set parameters for the DataStore
ids_Source.DataObject = as_DataWindow
If ids_Source.of_SetTransObject(at_Trans) <> 1 Then Return -4

// Set data source values
is_LabelColumn = as_LabelColumn
If Trim(as_LabelColumn) <> "" And &
	ids_Source.Describe(as_LabelColumn + ".Band") = "!" Then Return -2

is_PictureColumn = as_PictureColumn
If Trim(as_PictureColumn) <> "" And Not IsNumber(as_PictureColumn) And &
	ids_Source.Describe(as_PictureColumn + ".Band") = "!" Then Return -2

is_StateColumn = as_StateColumn
If Trim(as_StateColumn) <> "" And Not IsNumber(as_StateColumn) And &
	ids_Source.Describe(as_StateColumn + ".Band") = "!" Then Return -2

is_OverlayColumn = as_OverlayColumn
If Trim(as_OverlayColumn) <> "" And Not IsNumber(as_OverlayColumn) And &
	ids_Source.Describe(as_OverlayColumn + ".Band") = "!" Then Return -2

is_XPosColumn = as_XPosColumn
If Trim(as_XPosColumn) <> "" And &
	ids_Source.Describe(as_XPosColumn + ".Band") = "!" Then Return -2

is_YPosColumn = as_YPosColumn
If Trim(as_YPosColumn) <> "" And &
	ids_Source.Describe(as_YPosColumn + ".Band") = "!" Then Return -2

// Add a computed column to the DataWindow object that will
// contain all the keys concatenated together.  This is necessary
// to be able to find a unique row.
If of_CreateKey() = -1 Then
	// No key columns were defined
	Return -1
End if

// Delete the columns if already exists and clear column array

// Add a column to the ListView for the Label

Return 1

end function

Name Owner
pfc_u_lv.of_setdatasource pfc_u_lv
pfc_u_lv.of_setdatasource pfc_u_lv
pfc_u_lv.of_setdatasource pfc_u_lv
pfc_u_lv.of_setdatasource pfc_u_lv

Name Owner
datastore.describe datastore
systemfunctions.isnull systemfunctions
systemfunctions.isnumber systemfunctions
systemfunctions.isvalid systemfunctions
systemfunctions.trim systemfunctions
pfc_u_lv.of_addcolumn pfc_u_lv
pfc_u_lv.of_createkey pfc_u_lv
pfc_u_lv.of_deletecolumns pfc_u_lv
pfc_n_ds.of_settransobject pfc_n_ds
pfc_n_ds.of_setbase pfc_n_ds

Full name
No Data

Name Scope
No Data