
pfcmain.pbl   >   pfc_u_calendar   >   of_register   

Full name pfc_u_calendar.of_register
Access public
Extend of integer
Return value integer
Prototype public function integer of_register(string,integer)

Name Datatype
No Data

Name Datatype
li_availableentry integer
li_cnt integer
li_rc integer
li_upperbound integer
ls_coltype string
ls_descexp string
ls_descret string
ls_editstyle string
ls_modexp string
ls_rc string
ls_storemodify string

public function integer of_register (string as_dwcolumn, integer ai_style);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//	Function:  		of_Register
//	Access:  		public
//	Arguments:
//	 as_dwcolumn	Column to register.
//	 ai_style		The columnstyle.
//	Returns:  		Integer
//						1 if the column was added.
//						0 if the column was not added.
//						-1 if an error is encountered.
//	Description: 	
//	 Register the column which should be holding a date field.
//	 Columns need to be of editstyle 'ddlb', 'edit' or 'editmask'.
//		*Note:	For a column to be added it most have a field of type Date.
//		*Note:	Function is only valid when serving a DataWindow control.
//	Revision History
//	Version
//	6.0   Initial version
//	Copyright © 1996-1997 Sybase, Inc. and its subsidiaries.  All rights reserved.
//	Any distribution of the PowerBuilder Foundation Classes (PFC)
//	source code by other than Sybase, Inc. and its subsidiaries is prohibited.
integer 		li_cnt, li_rc
integer		li_availableentry
integer		li_upperbound
string		ls_coltype
string		ls_modexp
string		ls_descexp
string		ls_descret
string		ls_editstyle
string		ls_storemodify=''
string		ls_rc

// Check the required reference.
If IsNull(idw_requestor) or Not IsValid(idw_requestor) Then
	Return -1
End If

// Check arguments
If (IsNull(as_dwcolumn) Or Len(Trim(as_dwcolumn))=0) Or &
	(ai_style < NONE or ai_style >  DDLB_WITHARROW) Or &
	IsNull(idw_requestor) Or Not IsValid(idw_requestor) Then 
	Return -1
End If

// Trim and Convert to lower case.
as_dwcolumn = Trim(Lower(as_dwcolumn))

// Check if the column is already registered.
If of_IsRegistered(as_dwcolumn) Then
	Return 0
End If

// Get the column type.
ls_coltype = idw_requestor.Describe(as_dwcolumn+".coltype")
If of_IsDateType(ls_coltype) Then

	// Get the upperbound of all registered columns.
	li_upperbound = upperbound(is_dwcolumns)
	// Determine if there is an open slot available other than a
	// new entry on the array
	For li_cnt = 1 to li_upperbound
		If IsNull(is_dwcolumns[li_cnt]) or Len(Trim(is_dwcolumns[li_cnt])) = 0 Then
			If li_availableentry = 0 Then
				//Get the first slot found
				li_availableentry = li_cnt
			End If
		End If
	//If an available slot was not found then create a new entry
	If li_availableentry = 0 Then
		li_availableentry = li_upperbound + 1
	End If
	// Add/Initilize the new entry.				
	is_dwcolumns[li_availableentry] = as_dwcolumn
	ii_dwcolumnstyle[li_availableentry] = ai_style
	is_dwcolumnsexp[li_availableentry] = ''
	If ai_style = DDLB Or ai_style = DDLB_WITHARROW Then	

		// Store the Modify expression needed to unregister the column.
		ls_editstyle = idw_requestor.Describe (as_dwcolumn+".Edit.Style")
		CHOOSE CASE Lower(ls_editstyle)
			CASE 'edit'
				ls_descret = idw_requestor.Describe (as_dwcolumn+".Edit.Required")
				If ls_descret = 'yes' or ls_descret = 'no' Then
					ls_storemodify += as_dwcolumn+".Edit.Required=" + ls_descret + " "
					ls_modexp = as_dwcolumn+".DDLB.Required=" + ls_descret + " "
				End If			
				ls_descret = idw_requestor.Describe (as_dwcolumn+".Edit.NilIsNull")				
				If ls_descret = 'yes' or ls_descret = 'no' Then
					ls_storemodify += as_dwcolumn+".Edit.NilIsNull=" + ls_descret + " "				
					ls_modexp += as_dwcolumn+".DDLB.NilIsNull=" + ls_descret + " "
				End If					
			CASE 'editmask'
				ls_descret = idw_requestor.Describe (as_dwcolumn+".EditMask.Mask")
				If ls_descret = '!' or ls_descret = '?' Then
					ls_storemodify += as_dwcolumn+".EditMask.Mask='' "		
					ls_storemodify += as_dwcolumn+".EditMask.Mask='" + ls_descret + "' "				
				End If						
				ls_descret = idw_requestor.Describe (as_dwcolumn+".EditMask.Required")
				If ls_descret = 'yes' or ls_descret = 'no' Then
					ls_storemodify += as_dwcolumn+".EditMask.Required=" + ls_descret + " "				
					ls_modexp = as_dwcolumn+".DDLB.Required=" + ls_descret + " "
				End If			
				ls_descret = idw_requestor.Describe (as_dwcolumn+".EditMask.NilIsNull")				
				If ls_descret = 'yes' or ls_descret = 'no' Then
					ls_storemodify += as_dwcolumn+".EditMask.NilIsNull=" + ls_descret + " "				
					ls_modexp += as_dwcolumn+".DDLB.NilIsNull=" + ls_descret + " "
				End If					
			CASE 'ddlb'
				ls_descret = idw_requestor.Describe (as_dwcolumn+".DDLB.useasborder")	
				If ls_descret = 'yes' or ls_descret = 'no' Then
					ls_storemodify = as_dwcolumn+".DDLB.useasborder=" + ls_descret + " "	
				End If			
			CASE Else
				// Not a valid original edit style.
				Return -1
		// Store the Modify statement that allows unregister.
		is_dwcolumnsexp[li_availableentry] = ls_storemodify		
		// Convert to DDLB.
		ls_modexp += as_dwcolumn+".DDLB.limit=0 " + &
						 as_dwcolumn+".DDLB.AllowEdit=Yes " 
		ls_rc = idw_requestor.Modify (ls_modexp)
		If Len(ls_rc) > 0 Then Return -1

		If ai_style = DDLB_WITHARROW Then		
			ls_modexp =	as_dwcolumn+".DDLB.useasborder=Yes " 
			ls_rc = idw_requestor.Modify (ls_modexp)	
			If Len(ls_rc) > 0 Then Return -1			
		End If
	End If	
	// The column was registered.
	Return 1
End If	

// The column was not registered.
Return 0
end function

Name Owner
pfc_u_calendar.of_register pfc_u_calendar
pfc_u_calendar.of_register pfc_u_calendar
pfc_u_tabpg_dwproperty_srvcalendar.pfc_propertyapply pfc_u_tabpg_dwproperty_srvcalendar

Name Owner
datawindow.describe datawindow
datawindow.modify datawindow
systemfunctions.isnull systemfunctions
systemfunctions.isvalid systemfunctions
systemfunctions.len systemfunctions
systemfunctions.lower systemfunctions
systemfunctions.trim systemfunctions
systemfunctions.upperbound systemfunctions
pfc_u_calendar.of_isregistered pfc_u_calendar
pfc_u_calendar.of_isdatetype pfc_u_calendar

Full name
No Data

Name Scope
No Data