
pfcdwsrv.pbl   >   pfc_n_cst_dssrv_multitable   >   of_update   

Full name pfc_n_cst_dssrv_multitable.of_update
Access public
Extend of integer
Return value integer
Prototype public function integer of_update(boolean,boolean)

Name Datatype
No Data

Name Datatype
lb_is_key boolean
lb_is_updateable boolean
li_i integer
li_keycolidx integer
li_num_cols integer
li_num_keys integer
li_num_tables integer
li_num_updateable integer
li_rc integer
li_tabidx integer
li_updcolidx integer
lnv_originalupdate n_cst_dssrv_multitableattrib
ls_column string
ls_mod_string string

public function integer of_update (boolean ab_accepttext, boolean ab_resetflags);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//	Function:  		of_Update (Format 3)
//	Access:   		Public
//	Arguments:
//  ab_accepttext:	A boolean value specifying whether the DataWindow control
//							should automatically perform an AcceptText prior to 
//							performing the update:
//								TRUE  -- Perform AcceptText
//								FALSE -- Do not perform AcceptText
//  ab_resetflags:	A boolean value specifying whether datawindow should
//							automatically reset the update flags:
//								TRUE  -- Reset the flags
//								FALSE -- Do not reset the flags
//	Returns:  			Integer
//    					 1 if it succeeds
//							-1 if an update error occurs.
//    					-2 if the Modify for Update Characteristics failed
//	Description:  		Update the datawindow for all the registered tables.
//	Revision History
//	Version
//	5.0   Initial version
//	7.0   Local variable datatype changed from os_updcharacteristics to n_cst_dssrv_multitableattrib type
//	7.0   Local variable name changed from lstr_originalupdate to lnv_originalupdate
//	Copyright © 1996-1999 Sybase, Inc. and its subsidiaries.  All rights reserved.
//	Any distribution of the PowerBuilder Foundation Classes (PFC)
//	source code by other than Sybase, Inc. and its subsidiaries is prohibited.

integer	li_num_tables
integer	li_num_cols
integer	li_tabidx
integer	li_updcolidx
integer	li_keycolidx
integer	li_i
integer	li_rc
integer	li_num_updateable
integer	li_num_keys
boolean	lb_is_updateable
boolean	lb_is_key
string	ls_column
string	ls_mod_string
n_cst_dssrv_multitableattrib	lnv_originalupdate

// Verify passed arguments.
IF IsNull (ab_accepttext) THEN Return -1
IF IsNull (ab_resetflags) THEN Return -1

// Get the number of tables involved.
li_num_tables = UpperBound (inv_newupdate) 
IF li_num_tables = 0 THEN Return -2

// First save the original update characteristics for later restoration.
li_rc = of_StoreUpdateSettings ( lnv_originalupdate )
If li_rc < 0 Then Return li_rc

// Get the number of columns on the datawindow.
li_num_cols = Integer (ids_requestor.Describe ( "DataWindow.Column.Count" )) 

// Loop thru each table that is registered, modify the characteristics and update.
FOR li_tabidx = 1 to li_num_tables

	// (start new string) Set the Update Table.
	ls_mod_string = "DataWindow.Table.UpdateTable='" + &
						 inv_newupdate[li_tabidx].s_updatetable +"' "
	// Set the Update Where Option.
	ls_mod_string += "DataWindow.Table.UpdateWhere=" + &
						 String(inv_newupdate[li_tabidx].i_whereoption) +" " 
	// Set the Update Key in Place flag.
	If inv_newupdate[li_tabidx].b_keyupdateinplace THEN
		ls_mod_string += "DataWindow.Table.UpdateKeyInPlace=yes " 
		ls_mod_string += "DataWindow.Table.UpdateKeyInPlace=no " 
	End If
	// Get the number of UpdateColumns and Keys.
	li_num_updateable = UpperBound ( inv_newupdate[li_tabidx].s_updatecolumns )
	li_num_keys = UpperBound ( inv_newupdate[li_tabidx].s_keycolumns )

	// Loop around all columns.
	FOR li_updcolidx = 1 to li_num_cols
		ls_column = ids_requestor.Describe ( "#" + String(li_updcolidx) + ".Name" )

		//Determine if this column should be Updatable.
		lb_is_updateable = FALSE	
		FOR li_i = 1 to li_num_updateable
			IF Lower(ls_column) = Lower(inv_newupdate[li_tabidx].s_updatecolumns[li_i]) THEN 
				lb_is_updateable = TRUE
			END IF 
		// Set the Updatable flag as appropriate.
		IF lb_is_updateable THEN 
			ls_mod_string += ls_column + ".Update=Yes " 
			ls_mod_string += ls_column + ".Update=No " 

		// Determine if this column should be a Key.
		lb_is_key = FALSE		
		FOR li_keycolidx = 1 to li_num_keys
			IF Lower(ls_column) = Lower(inv_newupdate[li_tabidx].s_keycolumns[li_keycolidx]) THEN 
				lb_is_key = TRUE
			END IF 
		// Set the Key flag as appropriate.		
		IF lb_is_key THEN 
			ls_mod_string += ls_column + ".Key=Yes " 
			ls_mod_string += ls_column + ".Key=No " 

	// Modify the datawindow object.
	IF ids_requestor.Modify ( ls_mod_string ) <> "" THEN Return -2

	// Update the DataWindow, Make sure the Flags are Not Reset.
	li_rc = ids_requestor.Update ( ab_accepttext, FALSE ) 
	IF li_rc <> 1 THEN Return li_rc 


// Restore the update characteristics to their original settings.
li_rc = of_RestoreUpdateSettings ( lnv_originalupdate ) 
If li_rc < 0 Then Return li_rc

// All updates have succesfully occurred, Reset the flags if appropriate.
IF ab_resetflags = TRUE THEN ids_requestor.ResetUpdate ( ) 

Return 1
end function

Name Owner
pfc_n_cst_dssrv_multitable.of_update pfc_n_cst_dssrv_multitable
pfc_n_cst_dssrv_multitable.of_update pfc_n_cst_dssrv_multitable
pfc_n_ds.pfc_update pfc_n_ds

Name Owner
datastore.describe datastore
datastore.modify datastore
datastore.resetupdate datastore
datastore.update datastore
systemfunctions.integer systemfunctions
systemfunctions.isnull systemfunctions
systemfunctions.lower systemfunctions
systemfunctions.string systemfunctions
systemfunctions.upperbound systemfunctions
pfc_n_cst_dssrv_multitable.of_restoreupdatesettings pfc_n_cst_dssrv_multitable
pfc_n_cst_dssrv_multitable.of_storeupdatesettings pfc_n_cst_dssrv_multitable

Full name
No Data

Name Scope
No Data