
pfcdwsrv.pbl   >   pfc_n_cst_dwsrv_resize   >   of_register   

Full name pfc_n_cst_dwsrv_resize.of_register
Access protected
Extend of integer
Return value integer
Prototype protected function integer of_register(string,boolean,integer,integer,integer,integer)

Name Datatype
No Data

Name Datatype
lb_movex boolean
lb_movey boolean
lb_scaleheight boolean
lb_scalewidth boolean
li_cnt integer
li_height integer
li_rc integer
li_slot_available integer
li_upperbound integer
li_width integer
li_x integer
li_y integer
ls_describeexp string
ls_describeret string
ls_type string

protected function integer of_register (string as_control, boolean ab_scale, integer ai_movex, integer ai_movey, integer ai_scalewidth, integer ai_scaleheight);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//	Function:  		of_Register
//	Access:  		protected
//	Arguments:		
//	 as_control			The object being registered.
//  ab_scale			If the object should be registered as a Scale type.
//  ai_movex			The percentage to move the object along the x axis.
//  ai_movey			The percentage to move the object along the y axis.
//  ai_scalewidth 	The percentage to scale the object along the x axis.
//  ai_scaleheight	The percentage to scale the object along the y axis.
//	Returns:  		integer
//						1 if it succeeds and -1 if an error occurs.
//	Description:  	
//	Register a control which needs to either be moved or resized when the parent
//	object is resized.  The action taken on this control depends on the four
//	attributes: ai_movex, ai ai_movey, ai_scalewidth, ai_scaleheight.
//	Note:
//	The service object needs to be initialized (of_SetOrigSize()) prior to	
//	any registering (this function) of objects.
//	Revision History
//	Version
//	6.0   Initial version
//	Copyright © 1996-1999 Sybase, Inc. and its subsidiaries.  All rights reserved.
//	Any distribution of the PowerBuilder Foundation Classes (PFC)
//	source code by other than Sybase, Inc. and its subsidiaries is prohibited.

integer			li_rc
integer			li_x, li_y, li_width, li_height
integer			li_upperbound
integer			li_cnt
integer			li_slot_available
boolean			lb_movex=False, lb_movey=False
boolean			lb_scalewidth=False, lb_scaleheight=False
string			ls_describeret, ls_describeexp
string			ls_type

// Validate the reference.
If IsNull(idw_requestor) or Not IsValid(idw_requestor) Then
	Return -1
End If

//Check parameters
If IsNull(as_control) or Len(Trim(as_control))=0 or &
	IsNull(ab_scale) or &
	IsNull(ai_movex) or ai_movex<0 or ai_movex>100 or &
	IsNull(ai_movey) or ai_movey<0 or ai_movey>100 or &
	IsNull(ai_scalewidth) or ai_scalewidth<0 or ai_scalewidth>100 or & 
	IsNull(ai_scaleheight) or ai_scaleheight<0 or ai_scaleheight>100 Then
	Return -1
End If

// Validate the object.
ls_describeret = idw_requestor.Describe(as_control+'.Attributes')
If IsNull(ls_describeret) or ls_describeret='!' or ls_describeret='?' Then
	Return -1
End If

//Translate parameteters.
If ab_scale Then
	ai_movex = 0
	ai_movey = 0
	ai_scalewidth = 0
	ai_scaleheight = 0
End If
lb_movex = (ai_movex > 0)
lb_movey = (ai_movey > 0)
lb_scalewidth = (ai_scalewidth > 0)
lb_scaleheight = (ai_scaleheight > 0)

//Confirm that the user object has already been initialized
If il_parentprevheight=-1 And il_parentprevwidth=-1 Then
	Return -1
End If

//Get the previous Bound
li_upperbound = UpperBound (inv_registered[])

//Determine if there is an open slot available other than a
//new entry on the array
li_slot_available = 0
For li_cnt = 1 to li_upperbound
	If IsNull(inv_registered[li_cnt].s_control) Or &
		Len(Trim(inv_registered[li_cnt].s_control))=0 Then
		If li_slot_available = 0 Then
			//Get the first slot found
			li_slot_available = li_cnt
		End If
		//Check if control has already been registered
		If inv_registered[li_cnt].s_control = as_control Then
			Return -1
		End If
	End If

//If an available slot was not found then create a new entry
If li_slot_available = 0 Then
	li_slot_available = li_upperbound + 1
End If

//Get the current object information/coordinates
li_rc = of_GetObjectInformation (as_control, ls_type, li_x, li_y, li_width, li_height)
If li_rc < 0 then Return -1

//Register the new object

//Register the actual object
inv_registered[li_slot_available].s_control = as_control
inv_registered[li_slot_available].s_typeof = ls_type	

//Set the behavior attributes
inv_registered[li_slot_available].b_movex = lb_movex
inv_registered[li_slot_available].i_movex = ai_movex
inv_registered[li_slot_available].b_movey = lb_movey
inv_registered[li_slot_available].i_movey = ai_movey
inv_registered[li_slot_available].b_scalewidth = lb_scalewidth
inv_registered[li_slot_available].i_scalewidth = ai_scalewidth
inv_registered[li_slot_available].b_scaleheight = lb_scaleheight
inv_registered[li_slot_available].i_scaleheight = ai_scaleheight
inv_registered[li_slot_available].b_scale = ab_scale

//Set the initial position/size attributes
inv_registered[li_slot_available].r_x = li_x
inv_registered[li_slot_available].r_y = li_y
inv_registered[li_slot_available].r_width = li_width
inv_registered[li_slot_available].r_height = li_height

Return 1

end function

Name Owner
pfc_n_cst_dwsrv_resize.of_register pfc_n_cst_dwsrv_resize
pfc_n_cst_dwsrv_resize.of_register pfc_n_cst_dwsrv_resize

Name Owner
datawindow.describe datawindow
systemfunctions.isnull systemfunctions
systemfunctions.isvalid systemfunctions
systemfunctions.len systemfunctions
systemfunctions.trim systemfunctions
systemfunctions.upperbound systemfunctions
pfc_n_cst_dwsrv_resize.of_getobjectinformation pfc_n_cst_dwsrv_resize

Full name
No Data

Name Scope
No Data