
pfcdwsrv.pbl   >   pfc_n_cst_dssrv   >   of_getheadername   

Full name pfc_n_cst_dssrv.of_getheadername
Access public
Extend of string
Return value string
Prototype public function string of_getheadername(string,string)

Name Datatype
No Data

Name Datatype
lnv_string n_cst_string
ls_colhead string

public function string of_getheadername (string as_column, string as_suffix);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//	Function:  of_GetHeaderName (FORMAT 2) 
//	Access:    Public
//	Arguments:
//   as_column   A datawindow columnname
//	  as_suffix   The suffix used on column header text
//	Returns:  String
//	  The formatted column header for the column specified
//	Description:  Extracts a formatted (underscores, carriage return/line
//					  feeds and quotes removed) column header.
//					  If no column header found, then the column name is
//					  formatted (no underscores and Word Capped).
//  *NOTE: Use this format when column header text does NOT
//	  use the default header suffix
//	Revision History
//	Version
//	5.0    Initial version
//	Copyright © 1996-1997 Sybase, Inc. and its subsidiaries.  All rights reserved.
//	Any distribution of the PowerBuilder Foundation Classes (PFC)
//	source code by other than Sybase, Inc. and its subsidiaries is prohibited.
string ls_colhead
n_cst_string	lnv_string

//Try using the column header.
ls_colhead = ids_requestor.Describe ( as_column + as_suffix + ".Text" )
If ls_colhead = "!" Then
	//No valid column header, use column name.
	ls_colhead = as_column
End If	

//Remove undesired characters.
ls_colhead = lnv_string.of_GlobalReplace ( ls_colhead, "~r~n", " " ) 
ls_colhead = lnv_string.of_GlobalReplace ( ls_colhead, "~t", " " ) 
ls_colhead = lnv_string.of_GlobalReplace ( ls_colhead, "~r", " " ) 
ls_colhead = lnv_string.of_GlobalReplace ( ls_colhead, "~n", " " ) 
ls_colhead = lnv_string.of_GlobalReplace ( ls_colhead, "_", " " ) 
ls_colhead = lnv_string.of_GlobalReplace ( ls_colhead, "~"", "" ) 
ls_colhead = lnv_string.of_GlobalReplace ( ls_colhead, "~'", "" ) 
ls_colhead = lnv_string.of_GlobalReplace ( ls_colhead, "~~", "" )

//WordCap string.
ls_colhead = ids_requestor.Describe ( "Evaluate('WordCap(~"" + ls_colhead + "~")',0)" )

Return ls_colhead
end function

Name Owner
pfc_n_cst_dssrv.of_getheadername pfc_n_cst_dssrv

Name Owner
datastore.describe datastore
pfc_n_cst_string.of_globalreplace pfc_n_cst_string

Full name
No Data

Name Scope
No Data