
pfcdwsrv.pbl   >   pfc_n_cst_dwsrv_rowselection   >   of_rowselectext   

Full name pfc_n_cst_dwsrv_rowselection.of_rowselectext
Access protected
Extend of integer
Return value integer
Prototype protected function integer of_rowselectext(long,boolean,boolean)

Name Datatype
No Data

Name Datatype
lb_takenoaction boolean
lb_waitforbuttonup boolean
li_i integer

protected function integer of_rowselectext (long al_row, boolean ab_cntrlpressed, boolean ab_shiftpressed);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//	Function:  	of_RowSelectExt
//	Access:    	Protected
//	Arguments:
//	al_row				The row on which some action is required.
//	ab_cntrlpressed	Flag stating if the CNTRL key is pressed.
//	ab_shiftpressed	Flag stating if the SHIFT key is pressed.
//	Returns:  		Integer
//	Description:  Performs specific Extended select processing on a row.
//	Revision History
//	Version
//	5.0   Initial version
//	Copyright © 1996-1997 Sybase, Inc. and its subsidiaries.  All rights reserved.
//	Any distribution of the PowerBuilder Foundation Classes (PFC)
//	source code by other than Sybase, Inc. and its subsidiaries is prohibited.

integer	li_i
boolean	lb_waitforbuttonup=False
boolean	lb_takenoaction=False

// Check arguments.
If IsNull(al_row) or al_row <0 Then
	Return -1
End If

// @@
// n_cst_conversion lc
// gnv_app.inv_debug.of_Message(	'Row='+string(al_row)+ &
//										'* Ctrl='+lc.of_String(ab_cntrlpressed) + &
//										'* Shift='+lc.of_String(ab_shiftpressed) + &
//										'* lbutton = '+lc.of_String(ib_lbuttonpressed)+ &
//										'* rbutton = '+lc.of_String(ib_rbuttonpressed))

// On the first part of the 'IF' statement:
// 	If the LEFTBUTTON is pressed, the CNTRL key down, and the SHIFT is up - Then
//		according to Win95 the processing will be performed (by this same function)
//		when the Button is released.	
//	On the second part of the 'IF' statement:
// 	If the BUTTON is pressed, the CNTRL key down, and the SHIFT is up - Then
//		according to Win95 the processing will be performed (by this same function)
//		when the Button is released.	
If ((ib_lbuttonpressed or ib_rbuttonpressed) And ab_cntrlpressed And ab_shiftpressed=False) Or &
	(idw_requestor.IsSelected(al_row) And ib_lbuttonpressed And &
	ab_cntrlpressed=False And ab_shiftpressed=False)  Then
	// Wait for the button up to process click.
	lb_waitforbuttonup = True
ElseIf idw_requestor.IsSelected(al_row) And ib_rbuttonpressed And &
	ab_cntrlpressed=False And ab_shiftpressed=False  Then
	// Right Clicking on an already Highlighted row requires a No Action process.
	lb_takenoaction = True
End If

If lb_waitforbuttonup Then
	// Handle processing when the Button is released.
	il_prevclickedrow  = al_row
	ib_prevcntrl = ab_cntrlpressed
	ib_prevshift = ab_shiftpressed
	// gnv_app.inv_debug.of_Message(	'Wait for button up process.')	
	Return 1
End If

// There is no Previous row information.
il_prevclickedrow  = 0
ib_prevcntrl = False
ib_prevshift = False

If lb_takenoaction Then
	// Take the No Action Process.
	// @@
	// gnv_app.inv_debug.of_Message(	'No Action process.')
	Return 1
End If

// Perform now.  This is either:
//		1) Processing that does not wait for the Left Button to be released.
//		or
//		2) Processing which waited for the Left Button to be released.
//			The lbuttonup event then called this function with the following
//			variables: (il_prevclickedrow, il_prevcntrl, il_prevshift)

If ab_cntrlpressed And ab_shiftpressed=False Then
	// Select or De-Select (as appropriate) the current row.
	idw_requestor.SelectRow ( al_row, Not idw_requestor.IsSelected(al_row) ) 

	// Store new Anchor Row.
	il_anchorrow = al_row

ElseIf ab_cntrlpressed Or ab_shiftpressed Then

	/* Note: The valid combinations here are:											*/
	/*					ab_cntrlpressed=True  and ab_shiftpressed=True				*/
	/*					ab_cntrlpressed=False and ab_shiftpressed=True				*/
	/*					ab_cntrlpressed=True  and ab_shiftpressed=False	+++++++	*/	
	/*		+++++++ Because of the "If" prior to this "ElseIf", it is 			*/
	/* 	impossible for ab_cntrlpressed=True and ab_shiftpressed=False.		*/
	If ab_cntrlpressed=False Then
		//Clear all previously selected rows.	
		idw_requestor.SelectRow (0, false)	
	End If
	// If there is no anchor row, then only select the row that was clicked.
	If il_anchorrow	= 0 Then
		idw_requestor.SelectRow ( al_row, TRUE )
		// Prevent flickering.  Improve performance.
		idw_requestor.SetReDraw ( FALSE ) 

		// Select all rows in between anchor row and current row */
		If il_anchorrow > al_row Then
			FOR li_i = il_anchorrow to al_row STEP -1
				idw_requestor.SelectRow ( li_i, TRUE )	
			FOR li_i = il_anchorrow to al_row
				idw_requestor.SelectRow ( li_i, TRUE )	
		END If 

		// Prevent flickering.  Improve performance.
		idw_requestor.SetReDraw ( TRUE ) 
	// Unselect all previous rows (if any) and select the current row.
	of_RowSelectSingle (al_row)

	// Store new Anchor Row.
	il_anchorrow = al_row
End If
// Make the row the current row.
If idw_Requestor.GetRow() <> al_row Then
	idw_Requestor.SetRow ( al_row ) 
End If	
Return 1
end function

Name Owner
pfc_n_cst_dwsrv_rowselection.of_buttonup pfc_n_cst_dwsrv_rowselection
pfc_n_cst_dwsrv_rowselection.of_rowselect pfc_n_cst_dwsrv_rowselection

Name Owner
dragobject.setredraw dragobject
datawindow.getrow datawindow
datawindow.isselected datawindow
datawindow.selectrow datawindow
datawindow.setrow datawindow
systemfunctions.isnull systemfunctions
pfc_n_cst_dwsrv_rowselection.of_rowselectsingle pfc_n_cst_dwsrv_rowselection

Full name
No Data

Name Scope
No Data