
pfcapsrv.pbl   >   pfc_w_selection   >   open   

Full name
Access public
Extend of
Return value
Prototype event open()

Name Datatype
No Data

Name Datatype
ll_height long
ll_rowcount long
ll_width long
ls_errbuffer string
ls_presentation string
ls_syntax string
WHITE string

event open;call super::open;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//	Event:  open
//	Description:  Initialize window based on passed-in object
//	Revision History
//	Version
//	5.0   Initial version
//	Copyright © 1996-1997 Sybase, Inc. and its subsidiaries.  All rights reserved.
//	Any distribution of the PowerBuilder Foundation Classes (PFC)
//	source code by other than Sybase, Inc. and its subsidiaries is prohibited.

constant string	WHITE = "16777215"
long	ll_rowcount
long	ll_width
long	ll_height
string	ls_errbuffer
string	ls_syntax
string	ls_presentation

SetPointer (hourglass!)

ib_disableclosequery = true

inv_selectionattrib = message.powerobjectparm

this.title = inv_selectionattrib.is_title

// Set the dataobject
if Lower (Left (inv_selectionattrib.is_dataobject, 7)) = "release" then
	// If DW syntax was passed
	dw_1.Create (inv_selectionattrib.is_dataobject, ls_errbuffer)
	if Lower (Left (inv_selectionattrib.is_dataobject, 6)) = "select" then
		// If a SQL select was passed
		if IsValid (inv_selectionattrib.itr_object) then
			if inv_selectionattrib.itr_object.of_IsConnected() then
				// Default presentation
				ls_presentation = "DataWindow (color=" + WHITE + ") " + &
					"Column (background.mode=1 border=0 color=0 edit.displayonly='yes' edit.focusrectangle='no' " + &
					"font.face='MS Sans Serif' font.height='-8' font.weight=400 font.pitch=2 font.charset=0) " + &
					"Text (alignment=0 border=0 color=0 background.mode=1 " + &
					"font.face='MS Sans Serif' font.height='-8' font.weight=400 font.pitch=2 font.charset=0) " + &
					"Style (Header_Bottom_Margin=0 Header_Top_Margin=0 Report='yes')"

				// Build syntax from sql and create DW
				ls_syntax = inv_selectionattrib.itr_object.SyntaxFromSQL (inv_selectionattrib.is_dataobject, &
					ls_presentation, ls_errbuffer)
				if Len (ls_syntax) > 0 then
					if dw_1.Create (ls_syntax, ls_errbuffer) = 1 then
						dw_1.SetSort ("#1 A")
					end if
				end if
			end if
		end if
		dw_1.dataobject = inv_selectionattrib.is_dataobject
	end if
end if

dw_1.of_SetBase (true)
dw_1.inv_base.of_Modify ("protect", "1", "column", "*", true)

// Determine whether to set a transaction object for the datawindow
if IsValid (inv_selectionattrib.itr_object) then
	dw_1.of_SetTransObject (inv_selectionattrib.itr_object)
end if

// Retrieve the DataWindow if trans object is supplied
if IsValid (inv_selectionattrib.itr_object) then
	dw_1.Retrieve (inv_selectionattrib.ia_argument[1], inv_selectionattrib.ia_argument[2], &
		inv_selectionattrib.ia_argument[3], inv_selectionattrib.ia_argument[4], &
		inv_selectionattrib.ia_argument[5], inv_selectionattrib.ia_argument[6], &
		inv_selectionattrib.ia_argument[7], inv_selectionattrib.ia_argument[8], &
		inv_selectionattrib.ia_argument[9], inv_selectionattrib.ia_argument[10], &
		inv_selectionattrib.ia_argument[11], inv_selectionattrib.ia_argument[12], &
		inv_selectionattrib.ia_argument[13], inv_selectionattrib.ia_argument[14], &
		inv_selectionattrib.ia_argument[15], inv_selectionattrib.ia_argument[16], &
		inv_selectionattrib.ia_argument[17], inv_selectionattrib.ia_argument[18], &
		inv_selectionattrib.ia_argument[19], inv_selectionattrib.ia_argument[20])
// Populate the DataWindow from the data passed in if supplied
elseif UpperBound (inv_selectionattrib.ipo_data) > 0 then = inv_selectionattrib.ipo_data
end if

ll_rowcount = dw_1.RowCount()
if ll_rowcount > 0 then
	// Register controls for resize window service
	of_SetResize (true)
	inv_resize.of_Register (dw_1, inv_resize.SCALERIGHTBOTTOM) 
	inv_resize.of_Register (cb_ok, inv_resize.FIXEDRIGHTBOTTOM)
	inv_resize.of_Register (cb_cancel, inv_resize.FIXEDRIGHTBOTTOM)

	// Resize DW according to DW object passed in
	ll_width = dw_1.inv_base.of_GetWidth()
	ll_width = Min (ii_dwmaxwidth, ll_width)
	if ll_width = ii_dwmaxwidth then
		dw_1.hscrollbar = true
	end if
	ll_width = Max (ii_dwminwidth, ll_width) 

	ll_height = dw_1.inv_base.of_GetHeight()
	ll_height = Min (ii_dwmaxheight, ll_height)
	ll_height = Max (ii_dwminheight, ll_height)

	Resize (this.width + (ll_width - dw_1.width), this.height + (ll_height - dw_1.height))
	cb_ok.enabled = false
end if

end event

Name Owner
No Data

Name Owner
window.resize window
datawindow.create datawindow
datawindow.rowcount datawindow
datawindow.setsort datawindow
transaction.syntaxfromsql transaction
systemfunctions.isvalid systemfunctions
systemfunctions.left systemfunctions
systemfunctions.len systemfunctions
systemfunctions.lower systemfunctions
systemfunctions.max systemfunctions
systemfunctions.min systemfunctions
systemfunctions.setpointer systemfunctions
systemfunctions.upperbound systemfunctions
pfc_n_cst_dwsrv.of_modify pfc_n_cst_dwsrv
pfc_n_cst_dwsrv.of_getheight pfc_n_cst_dwsrv
pfc_n_cst_dwsrv.of_getwidth pfc_n_cst_dwsrv
pfc_u_dw.of_SetTransObject pfc_u_dw
pfc_u_dw.of_SetBase pfc_u_dw
pfc_w_master.of_setresize pfc_w_master
pfc_n_tr.of_IsConnected pfc_n_tr
pfc_n_cst_resize.of_register pfc_n_cst_resize pfc_w_master

Full name

Name Scope
No Data