
pfcapsrv.pbl   >   pfc_w_find   >   open   

Full name
Access public
Extend of
Return value
Prototype event open()

Name Datatype
No Data

Name Datatype
li_adjust integer
li_count integer
li_i integer
li_origWindowHeight integer
li_windowHeightAdjust integer

event open;call super::open;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//	Event:  open
//	Arguments: none
// Returns:  none
//	Description:  	This event is used to initialize the window using the 
//						passed in nvo-structure.
//	Revision History
//	Version
//	5.0   Initial version
//	6.0	Corrected clipping problems when lower controls not visible
//			Adjust resizing of window to accomodate help button
//	Copyright © 1996-1997 Sybase, Inc. and its subsidiaries.  All rights reserved.
//	Any distribution of the PowerBuilder Foundation Classes (PFC)
//	source code by other than Sybase, Inc. and its subsidiaries is prohibited.
integer 	li_count=0
integer	li_i=0
integer	li_adjust=0
integer	li_windowHeightAdjust
integer	li_origWindowHeight

li_windowHeightAdjust = 50
li_origWindowHeight = this.height

//Make a local copy of attributes.
inv_findattrib = message.powerobjectparm

//Allow window to close without the CloseQuery checks being performed.
ib_disableclosequery = True

// Set the Enabled/Visible attributes for the appropriate controls.

//The Whole Word control.
cbx_wholeword.Visible = inv_findattrib.ib_wholewordvisible
cbx_wholeword.Enabled = inv_findattrib.ib_wholewordenabled

//The Match Case control.
cbx_matchcase.Visible = inv_findattrib.ib_matchcasevisible
cbx_matchcase.Enabled = inv_findattrib.ib_matchcaseenabled

//The lookup controls.
ddlb_findwhere.Visible = inv_findattrib.ib_lookvisible
st_findwhere.Visible = inv_findattrib.ib_lookvisible
ddlb_findwhere.Enabled = inv_findattrib.ib_lookenabled
st_findwhere.Enabled = inv_findattrib.ib_lookenabled

//The direction controls.
ddlb_searchdirection.Visible = inv_findattrib.ib_directionvisible
st_searchdirection.Visible = inv_findattrib.ib_directionvisible
ddlb_searchdirection.Enabled = inv_findattrib.ib_directionenabled
st_searchdirection.Enabled = inv_findattrib.ib_directionenabled

// Initialize controls with the appropriate data.

//Set the lookup values.
If ddlb_findwhere.visible Then
	li_count = upperbound(inv_findattrib.is_lookdata)
	if li_count >0  THEN 
		for li_i=1 TO li_count
	end if
	If inv_findattrib.ii_lookindex > 0 Then
	End If
End If

//Set text to Find What.
sle_findwhat.text = inv_findattrib.is_find

//Set the WholeWord flag.
If cbx_wholeword.Visible Then
	cbx_wholeword.Checked = inv_findattrib.ib_wholeword
End If

//Set the MatchCase flag.
If cbx_matchcase.Visible Then
	cbx_matchcase.Checked = inv_findattrib.ib_matchcase
End If	

//Set the Direction attribute.
If ddlb_searchdirection.visible Then
	If Lower(inv_findattrib.is_direction)= 'up' Then
		ddlb_searchdirection.Text = 'Up'
		ddlb_searchdirection.Text = 'Down'
	End If
End If

// Resize window and Move controls, if appropriate.

//If the lookup controls are not visible, moving of other controls is required.
if ddlb_findwhere.visible = False then
	// calculate Y position to adjust.
	li_adjust = sle_findwhat.y - ddlb_findwhere.y

	// move other controls up.
	cbx_matchcase.y = cbx_matchcase.y - li_adjust
	cbx_wholeword.y = cbx_wholeword.y - li_adjust
	ddlb_searchdirection.y = ddlb_searchdirection.y - li_adjust
	sle_findwhat.y = sle_findwhat.y - li_adjust
	st_searchdirection.y = st_searchdirection.y - li_adjust
	st_searchfor.y = st_searchfor.y - li_adjust

	//Resize the window to match the adjustment
	this.height = this.height - li_windowHeightAdjust
	//Set focus on the appropriate control.
end if

//If the wholeword is not visible, move the matchcase control.
If cbx_wholeword.visible = False and cbx_matchcase.Visible Then
	cbx_matchcase.Y = cbx_wholeword.Y

	// Only resize window height if not previously resized
	if this.height = li_origWindowHeight then
		this.height = this.height - li_windowHeightAdjust
	end if
End If

//If all bottom conrols are not visible, adjust the size of the window.
If ddlb_searchdirection.Visible=False And cbx_wholeword.visible = False And &
	cbx_matchcase.Visible= False Then

	// Only resize window height if not previously resized
	if this.height = li_origWindowHeight then
		this.height = this.height - li_windowHeightAdjust
	end if
End If
end event

Name Owner
No Data

Name Owner
dragobject.setfocus dragobject
dropdownlistbox.additem dropdownlistbox
dropdownlistbox.selectitem dropdownlistbox
systemfunctions.lower systemfunctions
systemfunctions.upperbound systemfunctions pfc_w_master

Full name

Name Scope
No Data