
pfcapsrv.pbl   >   pfc_n_cst_lvsrv_datasource   >   pfc_undodelete   

Full name pfc_n_cst_lvsrv_datasource.pfc_undodelete
Access public
Extend of integer
Return value integer
Prototype event integer pfc_undodelete()

Name Datatype
No Data

Name Datatype
li_cnt integer
li_numbertoundo integer
li_rc integer
ll_cnt long
ll_deleterowid long
ll_emptyhandle long[]
ll_numbertoundo long
ll_row long
ll_rowcount long
ll_undohandle long
llvi_empty listviewitem
llvi_emptyitem listviewitem[]
llvi_undo listviewitem
ls_key string
ls_undokey string

event pfc_UndoDelete;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//	Event:			pfc_UndoDelete
//	Arguments:		None
//	Returns:			integer
//	 					1 = success; last delete was undone
//	 					0 = nothing to undo
//						-1 = error
//	Description:	Restore the last deleted item (items if multiple delete occured)
//						back to the listview
//	Rev. History:	Version
//						6.0   Initial version
//	Copyright © 1996-1999 Sybase, Inc. and its subsidiaries.  All rights reserved.  Any distribution of the 
// PowerBuilder Foundation Classes (PFC) source code by other than Sybase, Inc. and its subsidiaries is prohibited.
integer	li_rc, li_numbertoundo, li_cnt
long		ll_row, ll_rowcount, ll_undohandle, ll_deleterowid
long		ll_emptyhandle[], ll_numbertoundo, ll_cnt
string	ls_key, ls_undokey
listviewitem	llvi_undo
listviewitem	llvi_empty, llvi_emptyitem[]

// Check reference variables
if IsNull(ilv_requestor) or not IsValid(ilv_requestor) then return -1

// Do not undo if undo is not set
if not ib_Undo then return -1

// Check to see if we have an delete to undo
li_numbertoundo = UpperBound(il_UndoDeleteHandle)
if li_numbertoundo < 1 then return 0

for li_cnt = li_numbertoundo to 1 step -1

	ll_undohandle = il_UndoDeleteHandle[li_cnt]
//	ls_undokey = string( ilvi_UndoDeleteItem[ll_cnt].Data )
	llvi_undo = ilvi_UndoDeleteItem[li_cnt]
	// Reset the undo delete variables (here if there are problems so we don't try to undelete the wrong thing)
	il_UndoDeleteHandle[li_cnt] = 0
	ilvi_UndoDeleteItem[li_cnt] = llvi_empty
	// The last row in the DataStore Delete! buffer is the one last deleted.
	ll_row = inv_Attrib.ids_Source.DeletedCount()
	if ll_row < 1 then return -1

	// Compare the keys to see if we really have the right row
	ls_undokey = of_DecodeKey(String(llvi_undo.Data))
	ll_deleterowid = inv_Attrib.ids_Source.GetRowFromRowid(Long(ls_undokey), Delete!)
	if ll_deleterowid > 0 then
		// Move row back to primary buffer
		ll_rowcount = inv_Attrib.ids_Source.RowCount()
		inv_Attrib.ids_Source.RowsMove(ll_deleterowid, ll_deleterowid, Delete!, inv_Attrib.ids_Source, (ll_rowcount + 1), Primary!)
	end if

	// Insert row back under parent.
	llvi_undo.Selected = false
	li_rc = ilv_requestor.InsertItem(ll_undohandle, llvi_undo)
	il_UndoInsertHandle = ll_undohandle
	if li_rc < 0 then return -1

end for

// Reset the undo delete variables for upperbound check
il_UndoDeleteHandle = ll_emptyhandle
ilvi_UndoDeleteItem = llvi_emptyitem
is_UndoType = ""


return 1
end event

Name Owner
pfc_n_cst_lvsrv_datasource.pfc_undo pfc_n_cst_lvsrv_datasource

Name Owner
listview.insertitem listview
datastore.deletedcount datastore
datastore.getrowfromrowid datastore
datastore.rowcount datastore
datastore.rowsmove datastore
systemfunctions.isnull systemfunctions
systemfunctions.isvalid systemfunctions
systemfunctions.long systemfunctions
systemfunctions.string systemfunctions
systemfunctions.upperbound systemfunctions
pfc_n_cst_lvsrv_datasource.of_DecodeKey pfc_n_cst_lvsrv_datasource

Full name
No Data

Name Scope
No Data