
pfcapsrv.pbl   >   pfc_n_cst_luw   >   of_getclassnames   

Full name pfc_n_cst_luw.of_getclassnames
Access protected
Extend of string
Return value string
Prototype protected function string of_getclassnames(powerobject[])

Name Datatype
No Data

Name Datatype
li_i Integer
li_max Integer
li_newupper Integer
li_rc Integer
lpo_tocheck powerobject
ls_classnames string
ls_currentname string
ls_name string
ltr_object n_tr

protected function string of_getclassnames (powerobject apo_control[]);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//	Function:  
//	of_GetClassNames
//	Access:  protected
//	Arguments:
//	apo_control array of controls to get names.
//	Returns:  string
//	 ClassNames of all the objects passed in.
//	 ! = error
//	Description:
//	Get a name for all the objects passed in.
//	Revision History
//	Version
//	6.0   Initial version
//	Copyright © 1996-1997 Sybase, Inc. and its subsidiaries.  All rights reserved.
//	Any distribution of the PowerBuilder Foundation Classes (PFC)
//	source code by other than Sybase, Inc. and its subsidiaries is prohibited.

Integer		li_newupper, li_max, li_i, li_rc
powerobject	lpo_tocheck
string		ls_currentname
string		ls_classnames
string		ls_name
n_tr			ltr_object

If UpperBound(apo_control) = 0 Then Return '!'

// Loop thru all the objects
li_max = UpperBound (apo_control)
For li_i = 1 to li_max
	// Get an object.
	lpo_tocheck = apo_control[li_i]
	// Get the name of the object.
	If IsValid(lpo_tocheck) Then 
		ls_currentname = lpo_tocheck.ClassName()
		If TypeOf(lpo_tocheck) = Transaction! Then
			ltr_object = lpo_tocheck
			ls_name = ltr_object.of_GetName()
			if Len (ls_name) = 0 then
				ls_currentname = ls_name
			end if			
		End If
	ElseIf IsNull(lpo_tocheck) Then 
		ls_currentname = 'NullReference'
		ls_currentname = 'NotValidReference'	
	End If
	// Added it to the list.
	If Len(ls_classnames) > 0 Then ls_classnames += ', '
	ls_classnames += ls_currentname

Return ls_classnames

end function

Name Owner
pfc_n_cst_luw.of_postupdate pfc_n_cst_luw
pfc_n_cst_luw.of_save pfc_n_cst_luw
pfc_n_cst_luw.of_updateprep pfc_n_cst_luw
pfc_n_cst_luw.of_updatespending pfc_n_cst_luw
pfc_n_cst_luw.of_validation pfc_n_cst_luw
pfc_n_cst_luw.of_update pfc_n_cst_luw
pfc_n_cst_luw.of_begintran pfc_n_cst_luw
pfc_n_cst_luw.of_endtran pfc_n_cst_luw
pfc_n_cst_luw.of_accepttext pfc_n_cst_luw

Name Owner
powerobject.classname powerobject
powerobject.typeof powerobject
systemfunctions.isnull systemfunctions
systemfunctions.isvalid systemfunctions
systemfunctions.len systemfunctions
systemfunctions.upperbound systemfunctions
pfc_n_tr.of_GetName pfc_n_tr

Full name
No Data

Name Scope
No Data