
pfcapsrv.pbl   >   pfc_n_cst_mru   >   of_restore   

Full name pfc_n_cst_mru.of_restore
Access public
Extend of integer
Return value integer
Prototype public function integer of_restore(string,window)

Name Datatype
No Data

Name Datatype
li_index Integer
li_itemcount Integer
li_itemnumber Integer
li_menuitemnumber Integer
li_rc Integer
li_registerindex Integer
li_rowcount Integer
lm_menu menu
lnv_menu n_cst_menu
lnv_mruattrib n_cst_mruattrib
ls_menuitem String
ls_menuitemtext String

public function integer of_restore (string as_id, window aw_window);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//	Function:	of_Restore
//	Access:		public
//	Arguments:
//	as_id			id to restore MRU information for
//	aw_window   Window to restore MRU information to
//	Returns:		integer
//	SUCCESS = 1
//	ERROR = -1
//	Description:
//	Restore MRU information to the menu on the window
//	Revision History
//	Version
//	6.0   Initial version
//	Copyright © 1996-1997 Sybase, Inc. and its subsidiaries.  All rights reserved.
//	Any distribution of the PowerBuilder Foundation Classes (PFC)
//	source code by other than Sybase, Inc. and its subsidiaries is prohibited.
Integer		li_index, li_rc, li_rowcount, li_itemnumber
Integer		li_menuitemnumber, li_registerindex, li_itemcount
String		ls_menuitemtext, ls_menuitem
menu			lm_menu
n_cst_menu			lnv_menu
n_cst_mruattrib	lnv_mruattrib

// check arguments
if isnull(aw_window) or not isvalid(aw_window) or &
	isnull(as_id) or (as_id = "") then
	return -1
end if

// Must have a menu on the window (response and child should not have menu)
If aw_window.MenuName = "" Then
	return -1
end if
// Trim and Convert the ID to lower case.
as_id = Trim(Lower(as_id))

// ID must be registered to restore info
li_registerindex = of_GetRegistered( as_id )
if li_registerindex > 0 then
	li_itemcount = inv_register[li_registerindex].ii_itemcount
	return -1
end if

// filter out non id data
of_Filter("s_id='" + as_id + "'")
of_Sort("n_identity D")

// get the menu info for what we want to compare
ls_menuitem = is_menuitemstring + "1"
li_rc = lnv_menu.of_GetMenuReference(aw_window.menuid, ls_menuitem, lm_menu)
if li_rc < 1 then return -1

// check for changed items.  if row 1 in datastore and first mru item don't match (rc <> 1) 
// then restore the mru items
li_rc = of_FindItem(lm_menu.text, 0)
if li_rc = 1 then
	//	restore datastore	(unfilter and sort)
	of_Sort("n_identity D")
	return li_rc
end if

// add items to menu -- setredraw function does not work on a menu
// loop until out of ds rows or all item spaces have been added to menu
li_rc = 0
li_index = 0
li_itemnumber = 0
li_rowcount = ids_mrukeys.rowcount()
Do Until (li_index >= li_rowcount) or (li_itemnumber >= li_itemcount)
	of_GetItem(li_index, lnv_mruattrib)

	ls_menuitemtext = "&" + String(li_itemnumber) + "  " + lnv_mruattrib.is_menuitemname
	li_rc = of_UpdateVisuals(aw_window, ls_menuitemtext, li_itemnumber)
	if li_rc < 1 then exit

// add the menu divider bar if we have items on the menu
if (li_rc > 0) and (li_itemnumber > 0) then
end if

//	restore datastore	(unfilter and sort)
of_Sort("n_identity D")

return li_rc

end function

Name Owner
w_frame_mdi.pfc_mrurestore w_frame_mdi
w_sheet_sales_order.pfc_mrurestore w_sheet_sales_order
w_sheet_employee.pfc_mrurestore w_sheet_employee
w_frame_mdi.pfc_mrurestore w_frame_mdi

Name Owner
datastore.rowcount datastore
systemfunctions.isnull systemfunctions
systemfunctions.isvalid systemfunctions
systemfunctions.lower systemfunctions
systemfunctions.string systemfunctions
systemfunctions.trim systemfunctions
pfc_n_cst_mru.of_addmenubarline pfc_n_cst_mru
pfc_n_cst_mru.of_filter pfc_n_cst_mru
pfc_n_cst_mru.of_getregistered pfc_n_cst_mru
pfc_n_cst_mru.of_sort pfc_n_cst_mru
pfc_n_cst_mru.of_getitem pfc_n_cst_mru
pfc_n_cst_mru.of_finditem pfc_n_cst_mru
pfc_n_cst_mru.of_updatevisuals pfc_n_cst_mru
pfc_n_cst_menu.of_getmenureference pfc_n_cst_menu

Full name
No Data

Name Scope
No Data