
pfcapsrv.pbl   >   pfc_n_cst_security   >   of_gettype   

Full name pfc_n_cst_security.of_gettype
Access public
Extend of string
Return value string
Prototype public function string of_gettype(windowobject,ref string)

Name Datatype
No Data

Name Datatype
l_cb commandbutton
l_cbx checkbox
l_ddlb dropdownlistbox
l_ddplb dropdownpicturelistbox
l_dw datawindow
l_em editmask
l_gb groupbox
l_graph graph
l_mle multilineedit
l_ocx olecustomcontrol
l_ole olecontrol
l_pb picturebutton
l_pic picture
l_rb radiobutton
l_sle singlelineedit
l_st statictext
l_uo userobject

public function string of_gettype (windowobject a_object, ref string as_desc);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//	Function:  of_GetType
//	Access:  public
//	Arguments:
//	a_object : windowobject ; Object that we want to determine the type of
//	Returns:  String
//	Name of the object type
//	Description:  Provide ASCII format of typeof() function return
//	Revision History
//	Version
//	5.0   Initial version
// 6.0 	Marked obsolete
//	Copyright © 1996-1997 Sybase, Inc. and its subsidiaries.  All rights reserved.
//	Any distribution of the PowerBuilder Foundation Classes (PFC)
//	source code by other than Sybase, Inc. and its subsidiaries is prohibited.

choose case typeof(a_object) 
	case commandbutton!
		commandbutton l_cb
		l_cb = a_object
		as_desc = l_cb.text
		if as_desc = '' then as_desc = of_GetTag(l_cb.tag)
		return 'CommandButton'
	case checkbox!
		checkbox l_cbx
		l_cbx = a_object
		as_desc = l_cbx.text
		if as_desc = '' then as_desc = of_GetTag(l_cbx.tag)
		return 'CheckBox'
	case radiobutton!
		radiobutton l_rb
		l_rb = a_object
		as_desc = l_rb.text
		if as_desc = '' then as_desc = of_GetTag(l_rb.tag)
		return 'RadioButton'
	case datawindow!
		datawindow l_dw
		l_dw = a_object
		as_desc = l_dw.title
		if as_desc = '' then as_desc = of_GetTag(l_dw.tag)
		return 'DataWindow'
	case userobject!
		userobject l_uo
		l_uo = a_object
		as_desc = l_uo.text
		if as_desc = '' then as_desc = of_GetTag(l_uo.tag)
		return 'UserObject'
	case tab!
		as_desc = of_GetTag(a_object.tag)
		return 'Tab'
	case listbox!
		as_desc = of_GetTag(a_object.tag)
		return 'ListBox'
	case dropdownlistbox!
		dropdownlistbox l_ddlb
		l_ddlb = a_object
		as_desc = l_ddlb.text
		if as_desc = '' then as_desc = of_GetTag(l_ddlb.tag)
		return 'DropDownListBox'
	case dropdownpicturelistbox!
		dropdownpicturelistbox l_ddplb
		l_ddplb = a_object
		as_desc = l_ddplb.text
		if as_desc = '' then as_desc = of_GetTag(l_ddplb.tag)
		return 'DropDownPictureListBox'
	case singlelineedit!
		singlelineedit l_sle
		l_sle = a_object
		as_desc = l_sle.text
		if as_desc = '' then as_desc = of_GetTag(l_sle.tag)
		return 'SingleLineEdit'
	case multilineedit!
		multilineedit l_mle
		l_mle = a_object
		as_desc = l_mle.text
		if as_desc = '' then as_desc = of_GetTag(l_mle.tag)
		return 'MultiLineEdit'
	case  editmask!
		editmask l_em
		l_em = a_object
		as_desc = l_em.text
		if as_desc = '' then as_desc = of_GetTag(l_em.tag)
		return 'EditMask'
	case picturelistbox!
		as_desc = of_GetTag(a_object.tag)
		return 'PictureListBox'
	case richtextedit!
		as_desc = of_GetTag(a_object.tag)
		return 'RichTextEdit'
	case statictext!
		statictext l_st
		l_st = a_object
		as_desc = l_st.text
		if as_desc = '' then as_desc = of_GetTag(l_st.tag)
		return 'StaticText'
	case groupbox!
		groupbox l_gb
		l_gb = a_object
		as_desc = l_gb.text
		if as_desc = '' then as_desc = of_GetTag(l_gb.tag)
		return 'GroupBox'
	case treeview!
		as_desc = of_GetTag(a_object.tag)
		return 'TreeView'
	case listview!
		as_desc = of_GetTag(a_object.tag)
		return 'ListView'
	case olecontrol!
		as_desc = of_GetTag(a_object.tag)
		if as_desc = '' then
			olecontrol l_ole
			l_ole = a_object
//			as_desc = l_ole.classshortname
		end if
		return 'OLE Control'
	case olecustomcontrol!
		as_desc = of_GetTag(a_object.tag)
		if as_desc = '' then
			olecustomcontrol l_ocx
			l_ocx = a_object
//			as_desc = l_ocx.classshortname
		end if
		return 'OCX'
	case picturebutton!
		picturebutton l_pb
		l_pb = a_object
		as_desc = l_pb.text
		if as_desc = '' then as_desc = of_GetTag(l_pb.tag)
		return 'PictureButton'
	case graph!
		graph l_graph
		l_graph = a_object
		as_desc = l_graph.title
		if as_desc = '' then as_desc = of_GetTag(l_graph.tag)
		return 'Graph'
	case vscrollbar!
		as_desc = of_GetTag(a_object.tag)
		return 'VScrollBar'
	case hscrollbar!
		as_desc = of_GetTag(a_object.tag)
		return 'HScrollBar'
	case picture!
		picture l_pic
		l_pic = a_object
		as_desc = l_pic.picturename
		if as_desc = '' then as_desc = of_GetTag(l_pic.tag)
		return 'Picture'
	case line!
		as_desc = of_GetTag(a_object.tag)
		return 'Line'
	case rectangle!
		as_desc = of_GetTag(a_object.tag)
		return 'Rectangle'
	case oval!
		as_desc = of_GetTag(a_object.tag)
		return 'Oval'
	case Roundrectangle!
		as_desc = of_GetTag(a_object.tag)
		return 'RoundRectangle'
	case else
		as_desc = 'Unknown : '+classname(a_object)
		return 'Unknown'
end choose

end function

Name Owner
pfc_n_cst_security.of_scancontrolarray pfc_n_cst_security

Name Owner
powerobject.typeof powerobject
systemfunctions.classname systemfunctions
pfc_n_cst_security.of_gettag pfc_n_cst_security

Full name
No Data

Name Scope
No Data