
pfcapsrv.pbl   >   pfc_n_cst_security   >   of_setdatawindowcolumns   

Full name pfc_n_cst_security.of_setdatawindowcolumns
Access protected
Extend of integer
Return value integer
Prototype protected function integer of_setdatawindowcolumns(datawindow)

Name Datatype
No Data

Name Datatype
li_count integer
li_idx integer
li_posi integer
li_rc integer
ls_column string
ls_currentstatus string
ls_modstring string
ls_result string

protected function integer of_setdatawindowcolumns (datawindow adw_obj);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//	Function:	of_SetDataWindowColumns
//	Access:		protected
//	Arguments:
//	adw_obj		datawindow
//	Returns:		integer
//				the number of columns set
//				-1 = error occured
//	Description:	Sets the columns on the passed datawindow control based on the current 
//		contents of the ids_items datastore. 
//	Note: The ids_items datastore must have already been filtered appropriately
//	before calling this function.
//	Revision History
//	Version
//	6.0   Initial version
//	Copyright © 1996-1997 Sybase, Inc. and its subsidiaries.  All rights reserved.
//	Any distribution of the PowerBuilder Foundation Classes (PFC)
//	source code by other than Sybase, Inc. and its subsidiaries is prohibited.
integer	li_idx, li_posi, li_rc, li_count
string	ls_currentstatus, ls_column, ls_modstring, ls_result

// resort in case the filter reordered things

il_numberofrows = ids_items.RowCount() 
If il_numberofrows > 0 Then 
	For li_idx = 1 To il_numberofrows
		ls_modstring = ""
		ls_currentstatus  = ids_items.GetItemString (li_idx, "status")
		ls_column = ids_items.GetItemString (li_idx, "control")
		// get the column name. There may be control names before it.
		li_posi = pos(ls_column,".")
		Do While li_posi > 0
			ls_column = mid(ls_column, li_posi + 1)
			li_posi = pos(ls_column,".")
		// column/object to secure must be in the datawindow
		ls_result = adw_obj.Describe(ls_column+'.name') 
		If ls_result = "!" Then Continue

		// If column becomes disabled or invisible, disable the column by protecting it
		If ls_currentstatus = "D" or ls_currentstatus = "I" Then
			ls_modstring = ls_column + ".border=~""+is_disabledborder+"~" " + &
								 ls_column + ".protect=~"1~" "
		end if
		// if column becomes enabled then enable by unprotecting the column and make it visible
		If ls_currentstatus = "E" Then
			ls_modstring = ls_column + ".protect=~"0~" "+ ls_column + ".visible=~"1~" "
		end if
		// If column becomes invisible then make it invisible
		If ls_currentstatus = "I" Then 
			ls_modstring += ls_column + ".visible=~"0~" "
		End If
		ls_result = adw_obj.Modify(ls_modstring)
		If ls_result <> "" Then
			of_messagebox('pfcsecurity_setdatawindowcolumns', 'Modify failed '+ls_result, ls_modstring, &
					Information!, OK!, 1)
			Return -1
		End If
End If

return li_count
end function

Name Owner
pfc_n_cst_security.of_setsecurity pfc_n_cst_security
pfc_n_cst_security.of_setcontrolstatus pfc_n_cst_security

Name Owner
datawindow.describe datawindow
datawindow.modify datawindow
datastore.getitemstring datastore
datastore.rowcount datastore
datastore.sort datastore
systemfunctions.mid systemfunctions
systemfunctions.pos systemfunctions
pfc_n_base.of_messagebox pfc_n_base

Full name
No Data

Name Scope
No Data