
pfcapsrv.pbl   >   pfc_n_cst_datetime   >   of_lastdayofmonth   

Full name pfc_n_cst_datetime.of_lastdayofmonth
Access public
Extend of date
Return value date
Prototype public function date of_lastdayofmonth(date)

Name Datatype
No Data

Name Datatype
ldt_null date
li_day integer
li_month integer
li_year integer

public function date of_lastdayofmonth (date ad_source);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//	Function:  		of_LastDayOfMonth
//	Access:  		public
//	Arguments: 
//	ad_source 		Date to test.
//	Returns:  		date
//						The last date of the month passed.
//						If any argument's value is NULL, function returns NULL.
//						If any argument's value is Invalid, function returns 1900-01-01.
//	Description:  	Given a date, will determine the last day of the month.
//	Revision History
//	Version
//	5.0   Initial version
//	5.0.03	Fixed - function would fail under some international date sets
// 7.0	Removed a loop which relied on an invalid date.  
//	Copyright © 1996-1997 Sybase, Inc. and its subsidiaries.  All rights reserved.
//	Any distribution of the PowerBuilder Foundation Classes (PFC)
//	source code by other than Sybase, Inc. and its subsidiaries is prohibited.

integer li_year, li_month, li_day

//Check parameters
If IsNull(ad_source) Then
	date ldt_null
	Return ldt_null
End If

//Check for invalid date
If Not of_IsValid(ad_source) Then
	Return ad_source
End If

li_year = Year(ad_source)
li_month = Month(ad_source)

If li_month = 2 and of_isleapyear(date(li_year, 01, 01)) Then
	li_day = 29
	li_day = ii_daysinmonth[li_month]
end If

Return (Date(li_year, li_month, li_day))

end function

Name Owner
No Data

Name Owner
systemfunctions.date systemfunctions
systemfunctions.isnull systemfunctions
systemfunctions.month systemfunctions
systemfunctions.setnull systemfunctions
systemfunctions.year systemfunctions
pfc_n_cst_datetime.of_isleapyear pfc_n_cst_datetime
pfc_n_cst_datetime.of_isvalid pfc_n_cst_datetime

Full name
No Data

Name Scope
No Data