
pfcapsrv.pbl   >   pfc_n_cst_dropdown   >   of_position   

Full name pfc_n_cst_dropdown.of_position
Access public
Extend of integer
Return value integer
Prototype public function integer of_position(dragobject,boolean)

Name Datatype
No Data

Name Datatype
ldw_object datawindow
li_bordercheck Integer
li_breakcnt Integer
li_colheight Integer
li_colx Integer
li_coly Integer
li_counter Integer
li_detailheight Integer
li_dwborder Integer
li_dwtitlebar Integer
li_dwtitleborder Integer
li_dwx Integer
li_dwy Integer
li_group Integer
li_groupbreakarray Integer[]
li_groupcnt Integer
li_groupheaderheight Integer
li_groupheaderheightarray Integer[]
li_grouptrailerheight Integer
li_grouptrailerheightarray Integer[]
li_headerheight Integer
li_hpos Integer
li_hpos1 Integer
li_hpos2 Integer
li_hsplit Integer
li_idx Integer
li_objheight Integer
li_parentx Integer
li_parenty Integer
li_pointerx Integer
li_pointery Integer
li_rc integer
li_x Integer
li_y Integer
ll_currrow Long
ll_firstrowonpage Long
ll_groupchange Long
ll_lastrowonpage Long
ll_rowsafterfirst Long
ll_testrow Long
ls_colname String
ls_headerheight String
ls_trailerheight String
lw_parent window

public function integer of_position (dragobject adrg_object, boolean ab_makevisible);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//	Function:  of_Position
//	Access:    Public
//	Arguments:	
//		adrg_object 	The object that is used to calculate the new position.
//		ab_makevisible If true then the DropDown object will be made visible
//				after a valid position is calculated.
//	Returns:  Integer
//		1 if it succeeds.
//		-1 if an error occurs.
//		-2 if the requested functionality is not supported.
//		-3 if a valid position could not be calculated.
//	Description:
//		Updates the position of the requestor object based on the 
//		current location of the adrg_object.  The adrg_object is the object
// 	to which the "actual dropdown object" is associated. 
//		If adrg_object is a datawindow, it is based on the current column/row
//		within the datawindow.
// Note:
// Title Bar on datawindows are not supported.
//	Revision History
//	Version
//	6.0   Initial version
// 6.0.01 Improve calculations for Group Header and Trailer Attributes.
// 7.0 	Changed the li_rowsafterfirst to long
//	Copyright © 1996-1997 Sybase, Inc. and its subsidiaries.  All rights reserved.
//	Any distribution of the PowerBuilder Foundation Classes (PFC)
//	source code by other than Sybase, Inc. and its subsidiaries is prohibited.

Integer	li_x, li_y
Integer	li_idx
Integer	li_objheight
Integer	li_parentx, li_parenty
integer	li_rc
Integer	li_colx, li_coly, li_colheight
Integer	li_detailheight
Integer	li_dwx, li_dwy, li_dwborder, li_dwtitlebar, li_dwtitleborder
Integer	li_headerheight
Integer	li_groupheaderheight, li_grouptrailerheight
Integer	li_groupheaderheightarray[], li_grouptrailerheightarray[]
Integer	li_groupbreakarray[]
Long		ll_groupchange
Long		ll_testrow
Integer	li_group, li_groupcnt, li_breakcnt
String	ls_colname
String	ls_headerheight, ls_trailerheight
Long		ll_rowsafterfirst	
Integer	li_counter
Integer	li_hsplit, li_hpos, li_hpos1, li_hpos2
Integer	li_pointerx, li_pointery
Integer	li_bordercheck
Long		ll_firstrowonpage
Long		ll_lastrowonpage
Long		ll_currrow
window	lw_parent
datawindow ldw_object

// Validate the references.
If IsNull(adrg_object) or Not IsValid(adrg_object) Or &
	IsNull(iu_requestor) or Not IsValid(iu_requestor) Then
	Return -1
End If

// Get the parent window.
of_GetParentWindow(adrg_object, lw_parent)
If IsNull(lw_parent) or Not IsValid(lw_parent) Then
	Return -1
End If

// Get the X/Y coordinates for the parent object holding this datawindow.
of_GetParentPosition(adrg_object, li_parentx, li_parenty)

// Determine which type of processing is needed.
If adrg_object.TypeOf() = DataWindow! Then
	// Cast to the appropriate variable type.
	ldw_object = adrg_object

	// Determine if this positioning is not supported.
	If ldw_object.Titlebar Then
		// Not supported.
		iu_requestor.Visible = False
		Return -2
		// Calculate Title Bar attributes.
		//li_dwtitlebar = ?
		//li_dwtitleborder = ?
	End If

	// Get the column name.
	ls_colname = ldw_object.GetColumnName()

	// Get exact pointers.
	li_pointerx = ldw_object.PointerX()
	li_pointery = ldw_object.PointerY()

	// Get the row values.
	ll_firstrowonpage = Long(ldw_object.Describe("DataWindow.FirstRowOnPage"))
	ll_lastrowonpage = Long(ldw_object.Describe("DataWindow.LastRowOnPage"))
	ll_currrow	= ldw_object.GetRow()

	// Get the DataWindow X/Y coordinates, Border width, and Title width. 
	li_dwx = ldw_object.X
	li_dwy = ldw_object.Y
	If ldw_object.Border Then
		CHOOSE CASE ldw_object.BorderStyle
			CASE StyleBox!
				If Not ldw_object.Titlebar Then
					li_dwborder = of_GetSystemSetting(DWSTYLE_BOX)
				End If
			CASE StyleShadowBox!
				If Not ldw_object.Titlebar Then
					li_dwborder = of_GetSystemSetting(DWSTYLE_SHADOWBOX)
				End If
			CASE StyleLowered!
				li_dwborder = of_GetSystemSetting(DWSTYLE_LOWERED)
			CASE StyleRaised!		
				li_dwborder = of_GetSystemSetting(DWSTYLE_RAISED)
	End If

	// Get the X/Y point of the Left/Upper location for this column.
	li_colx = Integer(ldw_object.Describe(ls_colname+".X"))
	li_coly = Integer(ldw_object.Describe(ls_colname+".Y"))

	// Get the Height for this column and for the the Detail portion.
	li_colheight = Integer(ldw_object.Describe(ls_colname+".Height"))
	li_detailheight = Integer(ldw_object.Describe("DataWindow.Detail.Height")) + &

	// Get the height of the header band.
	ls_headerheight = ldw_object.Describe("DataWindow.Header.Height")
	If IsNumber(ls_headerheight) Then 
		li_headerheight += Integer(ls_headerheight)		
	End If
	// Get the band height(s) for group headers and trailers.
	li_idx = 0
		li_idx ++
		ls_headerheight =ldw_object.Describe("DataWindow.Header."+string(li_idx)+".Height")
		ls_trailerheight =ldw_object.Describe("DataWindow.Trailer."+string(li_idx)+".Height")
		If Pos(ls_headerheight, "!") = 0 Then
			li_groupheaderheightarray[li_idx] = Integer(ls_headerheight)
			li_grouptrailerheightarray[li_idx] = Integer(ls_trailerheight)
		End If	
	LOOP UNTIL Pos(ls_headerheight, "!") > 0

	// Attempt to determine the number of group breaks visible prior to 
	// the clicked row.
	li_groupcnt = UpperBound(li_groupheaderheightarray)
	For li_group = 1 to li_groupcnt
		ll_testrow = ll_firstrowonpage
		li_breakcnt = 0
		// Catch the "gap".
		ll_groupchange = ldw_object.FindGroupChange(ll_firstrowonpage, li_group)
		If ll_firstrowonpage <> ll_groupchange Then li_breakcnt ++
		DO WHILE ll_testrow >= 0 and ll_testrow <= ll_currrow
			ll_testrow = ldw_object.FindGroupChange(ll_testrow, li_group)
			If ll_testrow > 0 Then
				If ll_testrow <= ll_currrow Then li_breakcnt ++
			End If
			ll_testrow ++
		li_groupbreakarray[li_group] = li_breakcnt

//	// Debugging - display the group header/trailer/breaks arrays.
//	string ls_temp
//	ls_temp = 'HeightArray = ' 
//	For li_idx = 1 to UpperBound(li_groupheaderheightarray)
//		ls_temp += '  ' +String(li_groupheaderheightarray[li_idx])
//	Next
//	ls_temp += '   TrailerArray = '
//	For li_idx = 1 to UpperBound(li_grouptrailerheightarray)
//		ls_temp += '  ' +String(li_grouptrailerheightarray[li_idx])
//	Next	
//	ls_temp += '   BreakArray = '
//	For li_idx = 1 to UpperBound(li_groupbreakarray)
//		ls_temp += '  ' +String(li_groupbreakarray[li_idx])
//	Next	
//	gnv_app.of_debug (ls_temp)	

	// Calculate the total Height for each Header/Trailer.
	For li_idx = 1 to UpperBound(li_groupheaderheightarray)
		li_groupheaderheight += li_groupheaderheightarray[li_idx] * li_groupbreakarray[li_idx]
		If li_groupbreakarray[li_idx] > 1 Then
			li_grouptrailerheight += li_grouptrailerheightarray[li_idx] * (li_groupbreakarray[li_idx] - 1)
		End If

	// Determine the on-screen row.
	ll_rowsafterfirst = ll_currrow - ll_firstrowonpage
	If ll_rowsafterfirst < 0 Then
		// Hide the object since the row is not visible on the screen.
		iu_requestor.Visible = False
		Return -3
	End If

	// Get Horizontal Scrollbar and Horizontal Split Scrolling variables.
	li_hsplit = Integer (ldw_object.Describe("DataWindow.HorizontalScrollSplit"))
	li_hpos1 = Integer (ldw_object.Describe("DataWindow.HorizontalScrollPosition"))
	li_hpos2 = Integer (ldw_object.Describe("DataWindow.HorizontalScrollPosition2"))
	If ldw_object.hsplitscroll Then
		If li_hsplit > 4 and li_pointerx > li_hsplit Then
			li_hpos = li_hpos2 - li_hsplit - of_GetSystemSetting(DW_HSPLITBAR_WIDTH)
			li_hpos = li_hpos1
		End If
		li_hpos = li_hpos1
	End If

	// Determine the Height of the column holding the dropdown.
	li_objheight = li_colheight
	// Calculate the X and Y Coordinates (check that it does not go past borders).
	li_x = li_parentx + li_dwx + li_dwborder + li_dwtitleborder + &
		li_colx - li_hpos + of_GetSystemSetting(DWMISC_XPOSITION)
	li_y = li_parenty + li_dwy + li_dwborder + li_dwtitleborder + li_dwtitlebar + &
		li_coly + li_headerheight +  &
		li_groupheaderheight + li_grouptrailerheight + &
		(li_detailheight * ll_rowsafterfirst ) + &
		li_colheight + of_GetSystemSetting(DWMISC_YPOSITION)
//	gnv_app.of_debug ('1Final values li_y='+string(li_y)+ &
//		' li_parenty='+string(li_parenty)+' li_dwy='+string(li_dwy)+ &
//		' li_dwborder='+string(li_dwborder)+' li_dwtitleborder='+string(li_dwtitleborder))
//	gnv_app.of_debug ('2Final values li_coly='+string(li_coly)+  &
//		' li_headerheight='+string(li_headerheight)+' li_groupheaderheight='+string(li_groupheaderheight)+&
//		' li_grouptrailerheight='+string(li_grouptrailerheight)+ &
//		' li_detailheight='+string((li_detailheight * li_rowsafterfirst )))
//	gnv_app.of_debug ('3Final values li_colheight='+string(li_colheight))
//	gnv_app.of_debug ('4Other values li_pointery='+string(li_pointery))
	// Determine the Object Height of the control holding the dropdown.
	li_objheight = adrg_object.Height
	// Calculate the preffered X and Y Coordinates.
	li_x = li_parentx + adrg_object.X + of_GetSystemSetting(MISC_XPOSITION)
	li_y = li_parenty + adrg_object.Y + li_objheight + of_GetSystemSetting(MISC_YPOSITION)
End If

// Get the border check value.
li_bordercheck = of_GetSystemSetting(BORDER_CHECK)

// Make sure the coordinates will not force the calendar past the Right border.
If (lw_parent.WorkSpaceWidth() - iu_requestor.Width - li_bordercheck) > 0 Then
	If (li_x + iu_requestor.Width +li_bordercheck  > lw_parent.WorkSpaceWidth()) Then
		// Position it at the extreme right without going past border.
		li_x = lw_parent.WorkSpaceWidth() - iu_requestor.Width - li_bordercheck
	End If
End If

// Make sure this coordinates will not force the calendar past the Bottom border.
If (li_y - li_objheight - iu_requestor.Height) > 0 Then
	If (li_y + iu_requestor.Height +li_bordercheck > lw_parent.WorkSpaceHeight()) Then
		// Position on top of the field.
		li_y = li_y - li_objheight - iu_requestor.Height
	End If
End If

// Position the requestor object to the calculated coordinates.
iu_requestor.Move (li_x, li_y)

// If requested, make the dropdown object visible.
If ab_makevisible Then
	iu_requestor.Visible = True
End If
Return 1

end function

Name Owner
pfc_u_calendar.of_dropdown pfc_u_calendar
pfc_u_calculator.of_dropdown pfc_u_calculator

Name Owner
powerobject.typeof powerobject
window.workspaceheight window
window.workspacewidth window
windowobject.move windowobject
dragobject.pointerx dragobject
dragobject.pointery dragobject
datawindow.describe datawindow
datawindow.findgroupchange datawindow
datawindow.getcolumnname datawindow
datawindow.getrow datawindow
systemfunctions.integer systemfunctions
systemfunctions.isnull systemfunctions
systemfunctions.isnumber systemfunctions
systemfunctions.isvalid systemfunctions
systemfunctions.long systemfunctions
systemfunctions.pos systemfunctions
systemfunctions.string systemfunctions
systemfunctions.upperbound systemfunctions
pfc_n_cst_dropdown.of_getparentwindow pfc_n_cst_dropdown
pfc_n_cst_dropdown.of_getsystemsetting pfc_n_cst_dropdown
pfc_n_cst_dropdown.of_getparentposition pfc_n_cst_dropdown

Full name
No Data

Name Scope
No Data