
pfcapsrv.pbl   >   pfc_n_cst_error   >   of_processmessagesubstitution   

Full name pfc_n_cst_error.of_processmessagesubstitution
Access protected
Extend of integer
Return value integer
Prototype protected function integer of_processmessagesubstitution(string[])

Name Datatype
No Data

Name Datatype
li_counter Integer
li_parmscount Integer
li_replacearraybound Integer
li_replacecount Integer
ls_errtext String
ls_newerrtext String
ls_parms String[]
ls_replacearray String[]
ls_stringparms String

protected function integer of_processmessagesubstitution (string as_parms[]);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//	Function:  		of_ProcessMessageSubstitution
//	Access:  		protected
//	Arguments:
//		as_parms[] 	Array of parms.
//	Returns: 		integer 	
//						 1 if it succeeds
//						 0 could not correctly convert.
//						-1 fatal error.
//	Description: 	Replace %s in the error text in the instance structure
//						with passed in parms.
//	Revision History
//	Version
//	5.0   Initial version
// 5.0.03 Prevent duplication of single argument messages.
// 5.1 	Changed the way arguments get displayed, when the number of expected
//		arguments does not match the passed in arguments. (debugging assistance)
//	Copyright © 1996-1997 Sybase, Inc. and its subsidiaries.  All rights reserved.
//	Any distribution of the PowerBuilder Foundation Classes (PFC)
//	source code by other than Sybase, Inc. and its subsidiaries is prohibited.

String	ls_parms[]
String	ls_replacearray[]
String 	ls_errtext
String	ls_newerrtext
String	ls_stringparms
Integer	li_counter
Integer	li_replacecount
Integer 	li_parmscount
Integer	li_replacearraybound

// Get local copy of error text.
ls_errtext = inv_errorpass.is_text

// Make local copy of parms and get count.
ls_parms = as_parms
li_parmscount = upperbound(ls_parms)
// Get number of parms in error message that need to be replaced.
li_replacecount = inv_string.of_countoccurrences(ls_errtext, "%s")

// Check if there is anything to replace.
If li_parmscount=0 And li_replacecount=0 Then
	// Nothing to replace.
	Return 1
End If

// Stop function if number of parms don't equal.
If li_replacecount <> li_parmscount Then
	// Display the parms on the Message window.
	// Note: This is provided as a debugging assistance.
	ls_stringparms = '~r~n ~r~n' + 'Message Arguments:'
	For li_counter= 1 to li_parmscount
		ls_stringparms =  ls_stringparms + '~r~n' + &
								string(li_counter)+ ') '+ ls_parms[li_counter]
	// Add the display parms to the text for the message window.
	inv_errorpass.is_text = inv_errorpass.is_text + ls_stringparms
	Return 0
End If

// Call function to break up error text string into an array of strings.
// Note: The function strips out all of the '%s'.
If inv_string.of_parsetoarray (ls_errtext, "%s", ls_replacearray) <= 0 Then
	Return 0
End If

// Add the passed in parms to the end using the strings in the two arrays.
For li_counter = 1 to li_replacecount
	ls_replacearray[li_counter] = ls_replacearray[li_counter] + ls_parms[li_counter]

// Rebuild error text using the array.
li_replacearraybound = upperbound(ls_replacearray)
For li_counter = 1 to li_replacearraybound
	ls_newerrtext = ls_newerrtext + ls_replacearray[li_counter]

// Set error text in instance structure.
inv_errorpass.is_text = ls_newerrtext

Return 1
end function

Name Owner
pfc_n_cst_error.of_message pfc_n_cst_error

Name Owner
systemfunctions.string systemfunctions
systemfunctions.upperbound systemfunctions
pfc_n_cst_string.of_parsetoarray pfc_n_cst_string
pfc_n_cst_string.of_countoccurrences pfc_n_cst_string

Full name
No Data

Name Scope
No Data