
pfcapsrv.pbl   >   d_dirattrib   

Last Update 13/03/2008 09:54:48
Size 15 630 bytes
No Data
 - List of objects belonging to this band 
 altfilename of type field 
 archive of type field 
 creationdate of type field 
 creationtime of type field 
 drive of type field 
 extension of type field 
 filegroup of type field 
 filename of type field 
 filesize of type field 
 hidden of type field 
 lastaccessdate of type field 
 lastwritedate of type field 
 lastwritetime of type field 
 readonly of type field 
 sortfilename of type field 
 subdirectory of type field 
 system of type field 
 - Field associated with column "altfilename"
 - A maximum of 0 characters can be entered.
 - Required field.
 - Left aligned field.
 - Field associated with column "archive"
 - A maximum of 0 characters can be entered.
 - Required field.
 - Left aligned field.
 - Field associated with column "creationdate"
 - A maximum of 0 characters can be entered.
 - Required field.
 - Left aligned field.
 - Field associated with column "creationtime"
 - A maximum of 0 characters can be entered.
 - Required field.
 - Left aligned field.
 - Field associated with column "drive"
 - A maximum of 0 characters can be entered.
 - Required field.
 - Left aligned field.
 - Field associated with column "extension"
 - A maximum of 0 characters can be entered.
 - Required field.
 - Left aligned field.
 - Field associated with column "filegroup"
 - Required field.
 - Left aligned field.
 - Field associated with column "filename"
 - A maximum of 0 characters can be entered.
 - Required field.
 - Left aligned field.
 - Field associated with column "filesize"
 - A maximum of 0 characters can be entered.
 - Required field.
 - Left aligned field.
 - Field associated with column "hidden"
 - A maximum of 0 characters can be entered.
 - Required field.
 - Left aligned field.
 - Field associated with column "lastaccessdate"
 - A maximum of 0 characters can be entered.
 - Required field.
 - Left aligned field.
 - Field associated with column "lastwritedate"
 - A maximum of 0 characters can be entered.
 - Required field.
 - Left aligned field.
 - Field associated with column "lastwritetime"
 - A maximum of 0 characters can be entered.
 - Required field.
 - Left aligned field.
 - Field associated with column "readonly"
 - A maximum of 0 characters can be entered.
 - Required field.
 - Left aligned field.
 - Field associated with column "sortfilename"
 - A maximum of 0 characters can be entered.
 - Required field.
 - Left aligned field.
 - Field associated with column "subdirectory"
 - A maximum of 0 characters can be entered.
 - Required field.
 - Left aligned field.
 - Field associated with column "system"
 - A maximum of 0 characters can be entered.
 - Required field.
 - Left aligned field.

release 5;
datawindow(units=0 timer_interval=0 color=16777215 processing=0 print.documentname="" print.orientation = 0 print.margin.left = 107 print.margin.right = 107 print.margin.top = 97 print.margin.bottom = 97 print.paper.source = 0 print.paper.size = 0 print.prompt=no )
header(height=1 color="536870912" )
summary(height=4 color="536870912" )
footer(height=1 color="536870912" )
detail(height=81 color="536870912" )
table(column=(type=char(260) updatewhereclause=no name=filename dbname="filename" )
 column=(type=date updatewhereclause=no name=lastwritedate dbname="lastwritedate" )
 column=(type=time updatewhereclause=no name=lastwritetime dbname="lastwritetime" )
 column=(type=number updatewhereclause=no name=filesize dbname="filesize" )
 column=(type=number updatewhereclause=no name=readonly dbname="readonly" )
 column=(type=number updatewhereclause=no name=hidden dbname="hidden" )
 column=(type=number updatewhereclause=no name=system dbname="system" )
 column=(type=number updatewhereclause=no name=subdirectory dbname="subdirectory" )
 column=(type=number updatewhereclause=no name=archive dbname="archive" )
 column=(type=number updatewhereclause=no name=drive dbname="drive" )
 column=(type=char(12) updatewhereclause=no name=altfilename dbname="altfilename" )
 column=(type=date updatewhereclause=no name=creationdate dbname="creationdate" )
 column=(type=time updatewhereclause=no name=creationtime dbname="creationtime" )
 column=(type=date updatewhereclause=no name=lastaccessdate dbname="lastaccessdate" )
 column=(type=char(3) updatewhereclause=no name=extension dbname="extension" )
 column=(type=char(260) updatewhereclause=no name=sortfilename dbname="sortfilename" )
 column=(type=number updatewhereclause=no name=filegroup dbname="filegroup" )
column(band=detail id=1 alignment="0" tabsequence=10 border="0" color="0" x="4" y="3" height="74" width="2728" format="[general]"  name=filename edit.limit=0 edit.case=any edit.autoselect=yes edit.autohscroll=yes  font.face="Arial" font.height="-12" font.weight="400"  font.family="2" font.pitch="2" font.charset="0" background.mode="1" background.color="536870912" )
column(band=detail id=2 alignment="0" tabsequence=32766 border="0" color="0" x="2731" y="0" height="77" width="264" format="[general]"  name=lastwritedate edit.limit=0 edit.case=any edit.autoselect=yes  font.face="Arial" font.height="-12" font.weight="400"  font.family="2" font.pitch="2" font.charset="0" background.mode="2" background.color="16777215" )
column(band=detail id=3 alignment="0" tabsequence=32766 border="0" color="0" x="2994" y="0" height="77" width="264" format="[time]"  name=lastwritetime edit.limit=0 edit.case=any edit.autoselect=yes  font.face="Arial" font.height="-12" font.weight="400"  font.family="2" font.pitch="2" font.charset="0" background.mode="2" background.color="16777215" )
column(band=detail id=4 alignment="0" tabsequence=32766 border="0" color="0" x="3257" y="0" height="77" width="264" format="[general]"  name=filesize edit.limit=0 edit.case=any edit.autoselect=yes  font.face="Arial" font.height="-12" font.weight="400"  font.family="2" font.pitch="2" font.charset="0" background.mode="2" background.color="16777215" )
column(band=detail id=5 alignment="0" tabsequence=32766 border="0" color="0" x="3521" y="0" height="77" width="264" format="[general]"  name=readonly edit.limit=0 edit.case=any edit.autoselect=yes  font.face="Arial" font.height="-12" font.weight="400"  font.family="2" font.pitch="2" font.charset="0" background.mode="2" background.color="16777215" )
column(band=detail id=6 alignment="0" tabsequence=32766 border="0" color="0" x="3784" y="0" height="77" width="267" format="[general]"  name=hidden edit.limit=0 edit.case=any edit.autoselect=yes  font.face="Arial" font.height="-12" font.weight="400"  font.family="2" font.pitch="2" font.charset="0" background.mode="2" background.color="16777215" )
column(band=detail id=7 alignment="0" tabsequence=32766 border="0" color="0" x="4050" y="0" height="77" width="264" format="[general]"  name=system edit.limit=0 edit.case=any edit.autoselect=yes  font.face="Arial" font.height="-12" font.weight="400"  font.family="2" font.pitch="2" font.charset="0" background.mode="2" background.color="16777215" )
column(band=detail id=8 alignment="0" tabsequence=32766 border="0" color="0" x="4313" y="0" height="77" width="264" format="[general]"  name=subdirectory edit.limit=0 edit.case=any edit.autoselect=yes  font.face="Arial" font.height="-12" font.weight="400"  font.family="2" font.pitch="2" font.charset="0" background.mode="2" background.color="16777215" )
column(band=detail id=9 alignment="0" tabsequence=32766 border="0" color="0" x="4577" y="0" height="77" width="264" format="[general]"  name=archive edit.limit=0 edit.case=any edit.autoselect=yes  font.face="Arial" font.height="-12" font.weight="400"  font.family="2" font.pitch="2" font.charset="0" background.mode="2" background.color="16777215" )
column(band=detail id=10 alignment="0" tabsequence=32766 border="0" color="0" x="4840" y="0" height="77" width="267" format="[general]"  name=drive edit.limit=0 edit.case=any edit.autoselect=yes  font.face="Arial" font.height="-12" font.weight="400"  font.family="2" font.pitch="2" font.charset="0" background.mode="2" background.color="16777215" )
column(band=detail id=11 alignment="0" tabsequence=32766 border="0" color="0" x="5106" y="0" height="77" width="399" format="[general]"  name=altfilename edit.limit=0 edit.case=any edit.autoselect=yes  font.face="Arial" font.height="-12" font.weight="400"  font.family="2" font.pitch="2" font.charset="0" background.mode="2" background.color="16777215" )
column(band=detail id=12 alignment="0" tabsequence=32766 border="0" color="0" x="5505" y="0" height="77" width="264" format="[general]"  name=creationdate edit.limit=0 edit.case=any edit.autoselect=yes  font.face="Arial" font.height="-12" font.weight="400"  font.family="2" font.pitch="2" font.charset="0" background.mode="2" background.color="16777215" )
column(band=detail id=13 alignment="0" tabsequence=32766 border="0" color="0" x="5768" y="0" height="77" width="267" format="[time]"  name=creationtime edit.limit=0 edit.case=any edit.autoselect=yes  font.face="Arial" font.height="-12" font.weight="400"  font.family="2" font.pitch="2" font.charset="0" background.mode="2" background.color="16777215" )
column(band=detail id=14 alignment="0" tabsequence=32766 border="0" color="0" x="6034" y="0" height="77" width="264" format="[general]"  name=lastaccessdate edit.limit=0 edit.case=any edit.autoselect=yes  font.face="Arial" font.height="-12" font.weight="400"  font.family="2" font.pitch="2" font.charset="0" background.mode="2" background.color="16777215" )
column(band=detail id=15 alignment="0" tabsequence=32766 border="0" color="0" x="6297" y="0" height="77" width="100" format="[general]"  name=extension edit.limit=0 edit.case=any edit.autoselect=yes  font.face="Arial" font.height="-12" font.weight="400"  font.family="2" font.pitch="2" font.charset="0" background.mode="2" background.color="16777215" )
column(band=detail id=16 alignment="0" tabsequence=32766 border="0" color="0" x="6397" y="0" height="77" width="2731" format="[general]"  name=sortfilename edit.limit=0 edit.case=any edit.autoselect=yes  font.face="Arial" font.height="-12" font.weight="400"  font.family="2" font.pitch="2" font.charset="0" background.mode="2" background.color="16777215" )
column(band=detail id=17 alignment="0" tabsequence=0 border="0" color="0" x="9128" y="0" height="77" width="264"  name=filegroup  font.face="Arial" font.height="-12" font.weight="400"  font.family="2" font.pitch="2" font.charset="0" background.mode="2" background.color="16777215" )