
pfcapsrv.pbl   >   pfc_n_cst_filesrvhpux   >   of_dirlist   

Full name pfc_n_cst_filesrvhpux.of_dirlist
Access public
Extend of long
Return value long
Prototype public function long of_dirlist(string,long,ref n_cst_dirattrib[])

Name Datatype
No Data

Name Datatype
lb_Found boolean
lc_Drive char
ll_Cnt long
ll_Entries long
lnv_Empty n_cst_dirattrib[]
lnv_Numeric n_cst_numerical
lstr_FindData os_finddata
lt_Time time
lul_handle ulong

public function long of_dirlist (string as_filespec, long al_filetype, ref n_cst_dirattrib anv_dirlist[]);//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//	Public Function:  of_DirList
//	Arguments:		as_FileSpec		The file spec. to list (including wildcards); an
//											absolute path may be specified or it will
//											be relative to the current working directory
//						al_FileType		A number representing one or more types of files
//											to include in the list, see PowerBuilder Help on
//											the DirList listbox function for an explanation.
//						anv_DirList[]	An array of n_cst_dirattrib structure whichl will contain
//											the results, passed by reference.
//	Returns:			Integer
//						The number of elements in anv_DirList if successful, -1 if an error occurrs.
//	Description:	List the contents of a directory (Name, Date, Time, and Size).
//	Rev. History:	Version
//						6.0   Initial version
//						7.0	Changed return datatype from int to long
//								Changed li_Cnt, li_Entries from int to long
//	Copyright © 1996-1999 Sybase, Inc. and its subsidiaries.  All rights reserved.  Any distribution of the 
// PowerBuilder Foundation Classes (PFC) source code by other than Sybase, Inc. and its subsidiaries is prohibited.
boolean lb_Found
char lc_Drive
long ll_Cnt, ll_Entries
ulong lul_handle
time lt_Time
os_finddata lstr_FindData
n_cst_dirattrib lnv_Empty[]
n_cst_numerical lnv_Numeric

// Empty the result array
anv_DirList = lnv_Empty

// List the entries in the directory
lul_handle = FindFirstFileA(as_FileSpec, lstr_FindData)
If lul_handle <= 0 Then Return -1
	// Determine if this file should be included.
	If of_IncludeFile(String(lstr_FindData.ch_filename), al_FileType, lstr_FindData.ul_FileAttributes) Then
		// Add it to the array
		ll_Entries ++
		anv_DirList[ll_Entries].is_FileName = lstr_FindData.ch_filename
		anv_DirList[ll_Entries].is_AltFileName = lstr_FindData.ch_alternatefilename
		If Trim(anv_DirList[ll_Entries].is_AltFileName) = "" Then
			anv_DirList[ll_Entries].is_AltFileName = anv_DirList[ll_Entries].is_FileName
		End If
		// Set date and time
		of_ConvertFileDatetimeToPB(lstr_FindData.str_CreationTime, anv_DirList[ll_Entries].id_CreationDate, &
		of_ConvertFileDatetimeToPB(lstr_FindData.str_LastAccessTime, anv_DirList[ll_Entries].id_LastAccessDate, lt_Time)
		of_ConvertFileDatetimeToPB(lstr_FindData.str_LastWriteTime, anv_DirList[ll_Entries].id_LastWriteDate, &

		// Calculate file size
		anv_DirList[ll_Entries].idb_FileSize = (lstr_FindData.ul_FileSizeHigh * (2.0 ^ 32))  + lstr_FindData.ul_FileSizeLow
		// Set file attributes
		anv_DirList[ll_Entries].ib_ReadOnly = lnv_Numeric.of_getbit(lstr_FindData.ul_FileAttributes, 1)
		anv_DirList[ll_Entries].ib_Hidden = lnv_Numeric.of_getbit(lstr_FindData.ul_FileAttributes, 2)
		anv_DirList[ll_Entries].ib_System = lnv_Numeric.of_getbit(lstr_FindData.ul_FileAttributes, 3)
		anv_DirList[ll_Entries].ib_SubDirectory = lnv_Numeric.of_getbit(lstr_FindData.ul_FileAttributes, 5)
		anv_DirList[ll_Entries].ib_Archive = lnv_Numeric.of_getbit(lstr_FindData.ul_FileAttributes, 6)
		anv_DirList[ll_Entries].ib_Drive = False
		// Put brackets around subdirectories
		If anv_DirList[ll_Entries].ib_SubDirectory Then
			anv_DirList[ll_Entries].is_FileName = "[" + anv_DirList[ll_Entries].is_FileName + "]"
			anv_DirList[ll_Entries].is_AltFileName = "[" + anv_DirList[ll_Entries].is_AltFileName + "]"
		End If
	End If
	lb_Found = FindNextFileA(lul_handle, lstr_FindData)
Loop Until Not lb_Found


// Add the drives if desired.
// If the type is > 32768 this was to prevent read-write files from being included.
If al_FileType >=32768 Then al_FileType = al_FileType - 32768

// If the type is > 16384, then a list of drives should be included
If al_FileType >= 16384 Then
	For ll_Cnt = 0 To 25
		lc_Drive = Char(ll_Cnt + 97)
		If of_GetDriveType(lc_Drive) > 1 Then
			ll_Entries ++
			anv_DirList[ll_Entries].is_FileName = "[-" + lc_Drive + "-]"
			anv_DirList[ll_Entries].is_AltFileName = anv_DirList[ll_Entries].is_FileName
			anv_DirList[ll_Entries].ib_ReadOnly = False
			anv_DirList[ll_Entries].ib_Hidden = False
			anv_DirList[ll_Entries].ib_System = False
			anv_DirList[ll_Entries].ib_SubDirectory = False
			anv_DirList[ll_Entries].ib_Archive = False
			anv_DirList[ll_Entries].ib_Drive = True
		End if
End if

Return ll_Entries
end function

Name Owner
No Data

Name Owner
systemfunctions.char systemfunctions
systemfunctions.string systemfunctions
systemfunctions.trim systemfunctions
pfc_n_cst_numerical.of_getbit pfc_n_cst_numerical
pfc_n_cst_filesrvhpux.FindFirstFileA pfc_n_cst_filesrvhpux
pfc_n_cst_filesrvhpux.FindNextFileA pfc_n_cst_filesrvhpux
pfc_n_cst_filesrvhpux.FindClose pfc_n_cst_filesrvhpux
pfc_n_cst_filesrvhpux.of_ConvertFileDatetimeToPB pfc_n_cst_filesrvhpux
pfc_n_cst_filesrvhpux.of_getdrivetype pfc_n_cst_filesrvhpux
pfc_n_cst_filesrv.of_includefile pfc_n_cst_filesrv

Full name

Name Scope
No Data