
demopfc.pbl   >   n_cst_demopfc   >   of_logondlg   

Full name n_cst_demopfc.of_logondlg
Access public
Extend of integer
Return value integer
Prototype public function integer of_logondlg()

Name Datatype
No Data

Name Datatype
lnv_logonattrib n_cst_logonattrib

public function integer of_logondlg ();//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//	Function:  of_LogonDlg
//	Access:  public
//	Arguments:  none
//	Returns:  integer
//	 1 = successful logon
//	 0 = User cancelled from the logon dialog
//	-1 = an error occurred opening the logon window
//	Description:  Obtain a User ID and password from the user
//	Revision History
//	Version
//	1.0.00   Initial version
//	Copyright © NOVALYS

n_cst_logonattrib	lnv_logonattrib

// Load logon object values
this.event pfc_prelogondlg (lnv_logonattrib)

// Open logon window
if OpenWithParm (w_logon_demo, lnv_logonattrib) < 0 then
	return -1
end if

// Get return logon object
lnv_logonattrib = message.powerobjectparm

// Store user id
if Len (lnv_logonattrib.is_userid) > 0 then
	if of_IsRegistryAvailable() then
		RegistrySet (is_userkey + "\logon", "userid", lnv_logonattrib.is_userid)
		SetProfileString (is_userinifile, "logon", "userid", lnv_logonattrib.is_userid)
	end if

	of_SetUserID (lnv_logonattrib.is_userid)
end if

return lnv_logonattrib.ii_rc

end function

Name Owner
n_cst_demopfc.pfc_open n_cst_demopfc

Name Owner
systemfunctions.len systemfunctions
systemfunctions.openwithparm systemfunctions
systemfunctions.registryset systemfunctions
systemfunctions.setprofilestring systemfunctions
n_cst_demopfc.of_isregistryavailable n_cst_demopfc
pfc_n_cst_appmanager.of_setuserid pfc_n_cst_appmanager
n_cst_demopfc.pfc_prelogondlg n_cst_demopfc

Full name

Name Scope
No Data