Novalys PowerBuilder Newsletter - May 2009
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Featured in our May issue

PowerBuilder Companion Tools News
Novalys PowerBuilder Survey: 2008 Results available
Website of the month
PowerBuilder Tips from developers like you
PowerBuilder articles
PowerBuilder & .NET articles
PowerBuilder & Oracle articles
Sybase Documents

NEW! Protect your PB application against decompilers

Did you know that any end-user with access to your executable can alter your application and perform unauthorized operations? They could crack license protection, perform illegal transactions or spread unprotected copies of your application.
Both in-house and commercial applications are at risk!

PBProtect defends your code from reverse engineering by making decompiled code virtually impossible to understand.
With no effect on execution time or maintenance, PBProtect’s one-click process is simple and effective.

Check out PBProtect at,

Novalys announces Visual Expert 6.0!

The final release will be available in June 2009. We would like to thank all the participants of the beta program for their many contributions. They were critical to finalize this version.

This new version comes with a new GUI to improve Impact Analysis and Code Exploration features:
- Visual Expert now shows Impact Analysis results at instruction-level (previously at component-level):
The Code View automatically scrolls down and highlights each reference found – very useful to help you maintain large scripts or procedures!
- New Macros for PowerBuilder, Sybase ASE, Oracle and SQLServer developers
- New Code view with new search feature and detailed tooltips available on referenced items
- More parameters available to customize each macro
- New features to explore references and dependencies in the code (PB, Stored Procedures, DBMS)

Example of how a result is displayed with the new Search feature

Try Version 6 new features on your application

Make your web applications multilingual with Enable!

Many companies have already found that Enable Enterprise is a cost-effective way to extend the international reach of their software. By using Enable developers can usually upgrade a monolingual PowerBuilder program with just a few changes to the original code in a matter of hours.

And now, you can also make your web applications multilingual.

A special version of Enable Engine is now available in the form of obfuscated source code. The new Engine, already fully tested on live applications, allows registered users to deploy their multilingual applications with Appeon and PB.NET (both WinForms and WebForms).

Learn more about Enable and get a trial version to see for yourself how easy it is to make your applications multilingual.

How to Control Access to PB apps with your Windows Accounts

Visual Guard allows PowerBuilder applications to authenticate users with their Windows Account.
When this feature is activated, end users do not provide their credentials any more – they just launch the application! Visual Guard automatically verifies that the current Windows account has access to the application, loads the user permissions and secures the application accordingly.

User account and permissions administration is done by an administrator and no longer by the development team. Single Sign-on is automatically implemented. The administrator can manage security for several applications in a single user interface.

Visual Guard streamlines Access Control while combining the essentials of access security into a single solution: Authentication, Permissions, Reporting, Identity Management andwith full integration with Active Directory …

VG also provides extensive authorization features:
- Maintain a single user list across several systems - Grant Windows Accounts or Windows Groups with high granularity application-level permissions - Create permissions outside of the custom code of applications - Maintain permissions without recompiling and deploying the applications - And much more…

Visual Guard will help you to drastically reduce Access Control and maintenance costs

Learn more about Visual Guard and Get an evaluation version

Novalys PowerBuilder Worldwide Survey: 2008 results available!

As every year, many of you replied in 2008 to our wide survey of PowerBuilder users.

The thousands of responses we received clearly demonstrate that PowerBuilder projects are increasingly embracing Microsoft technology.
Help us monitor these changes by completing our 2009 survey.
You will then be able to access full 2008 results

You’ll discover:
- How PowerBuilder projects have developed between 2001 and 2008
- How large PowerBuilder projects differ from small ones in terms of architecture
- How the test of strength is going between Java and DotNET
- How many PB projects used .NET in 2008

Answer the 2009 survey Now!

PowerBuilder Articles

Website of the month

John Strano is a Technology Evangelist for Sybase, Inc. specializing in the PowerBuilder family of products. This blog is meant to be a resource for product information, news and technical content.

PowerBuilder Tips from developers like you

Dynamically Creating DataWindow Objects
Objects can be added to your DataWindow programmatically via a Modify statement. In my opinion, the dynamic creation of objects within a DataWindow has been a highly underused feature.
Guru PowerBuilder blog

Using UML in PowerBuilder Projects
Nowadays, the UML has become the de facto standard graphical notation for software projects. {...} On the other hand, UML is a huge language. Because of this, or for other reasons, it seems that it's not widely used in PowerBuilder projects. However, there's a way to use UML despite its complexity for the benefit of those who are involved in your PowerBuilder projects..
PBDJ article - By Konstantin Goldobin


Sybase Success Story: Kowloon Motor Bus Company
The largest bus operator in Hong Kong, the Kowloon Motor Bus Company (KMB), is responsible for carrying around 2.7 million passengers a day and coordinates the movement of 4,040 buses. By utilizing Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE), PowerBuilder, and PocketBuilder, KMB built two mission-critical systems {...} KMB can now better handle the company's resource allocation, improve the effectiveness of depot staff in their daily duties, and provide greater mobility to its workforce at the terminals.
PBDJ article – PowerBuilder Article

PowerBuilder & .NET

Legacy Isn't a Dirty Word
People always like the shiny and new, regardless of whether it's gadgets, clothes, cars, or technology. {...}
Hype about new software products is no different. Analysts and press typically don't want to talk about something solid, dependable, and old. Technology is always moving forward and they're paid to remain at the forefront of what's next and how it adds value.
DNDJ article – By Sue Dunnell

Supporting Events from .NET Visual Components in PowerBuilder
This article seems like it should be the fourth in a series of articles. The first two were on non-visual components in August 2006 and July of 2007. The last one was in August of 2007. In that one, we looked at using the Interop Forms Toolkit to provide a COM wrapper for Visual .NET components - essentially making them ActiveX controls - so that PowerBuilder could use them. That article focused primarily on getting the visual component to display within PowerBuilder and being able to invoke functions on it. What we didn't look at then was allowing PowerBuilder to respond to events on the visual component. That's what we'll look at in this article.
PBDJ article – By Bruce Armstrong

PowerBuilder & Oracle

Supporting Oracle Failover in PowerBuilder Applications
Oracle has provided support for failing over database connections and, through Transparent Application Failover (TAF), doing so in a way that allows connected applications to continue functioning relatively uninterrupted during and after the failover. The connected application has to work with the Oracle client layer to participate in the failover, rather than just erroring out when the original connection is lost..
CMS article – By Bruce Armstrong

Sybase Documents

DataWindow .NET™ 2.5 with Visual Studio 2008
While DataWindow .NET 2.5 is tested, certified and supported with Visual Studio 2005, it may be used with Visual Studio 2008. This document will introduce you to the idiosyncrasies associated with installing and working with DataWindow .NET 2.5 in Visual Studio 2008. As a baseline, let’s first recap what you experience installing DataWindow .NET 2.5 with Visual Studio 2005…
White Paper – By John Strano

Moving Your PowerBuilder Application to the Web
Today’s Internet-connected world virtually requires that all companies leverage the power of the Internet. There is a wide and sometimes bewildering array of techniques available to PowerBuilder programmers to move all or part of their PowerBuilder logic to the Internet. {…} This paper will present decision-frameworks for determining how much of the application should be moved to the Internet, as well as a present the tradeoffs between techniques, to help the audience decide which technique will prove most beneficial.
White Paper – By Donald D. Clayton

Coming soon...

More news about PowerBuilder 11.5, companion products and maybe something about PowerBuilder 12...
Do not miss the next issue of this newsletter
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